[Action only] || Hunt 13 ||

Feb 11, 2011 19:51

[So... Dean's sat, absent-mindedly staring out into space, in the park, near where he and Willow had talked the other day. He had a half drunk bottle of beer in one hand, and plenty more close by ( Read more... )

[ou] dean winchester

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Comments 169

Action;; goddessofscooby February 11 2011, 19:55:18 UTC
[Willow was running back from the cafeteria. She'd gone over for a few bottles of water and something light to eat. Cause really? She wasn't ready for something full on.

She looked out over the park. And saw Dean. She stopped. He didn't look good. So she walked over the wet grass towards him.]

Stealing my schtick are we? [She said softly and warmly, sitting near him on the bench. Not too close, but close enough to show him she was there to be there for him.]


Re: Action;; 100deaths_a_day February 11 2011, 20:32:52 UTC
[He laughs gently. He doesn't look over at her.]

Hi, Willow. [and a hand runs through his hair. He sighs, before lifing the bottle and downing a good half of what's left in the bottle.]

Totally stealing it. [or not. after all, it wasn't exactly a dead girlfriend he was grieving over.

He'd hoped to just... sit alone for a few minutes, drinking beer until he passed out or felt happier.

Either was fine.]


Action;; goddessofscooby February 11 2011, 20:47:35 UTC
[She smiled at him, and didn't pressure him to talk. At least not yet. She started to play with the fastening on her jacket sleeve. What was it that Spike used to say? IT might be up Dean's ally. They were... in the realm of similar.]

You should pay me royalties for that one. [She said turning to him with a warming smile. If you wanted to pretend nothing was wrong, you can pretend. For now.]


Re: Action;; 100deaths_a_day February 11 2011, 20:57:12 UTC
[It makes him chuckle, shaking his head lightly.] Unfortunately, my cards are at home and I don't think S.A.M.M has the forms for new ones.


[action] to_rebel February 11 2011, 20:09:29 UTC
[He's been looking for you, Dean, and because he was an idiot and hid you from all angels' sight, it's taken him a day or so. (Which, in truth, might be because he didn't look all that hard.)

He comes to stand behind -- and just to the side -- of Dean and... says nothing.

You look as bad as he felt a few days ago.]


Re: [action] 100deaths_a_day February 11 2011, 20:28:14 UTC

Of course.

Yet another thing he'd screwed the pooch on.

When he spoke, it might be a little harsher than he intended.]

If you're here to chew me out, Cas, just go.


[action] to_rebel February 11 2011, 20:35:57 UTC
[Castiel snorts at that and comes around to sit beside Dean. That should be answer enough.]


Re: [action] 100deaths_a_day February 11 2011, 20:43:09 UTC
Ever the word smith. [He passes a beer to Cas as he said it.

What had happened to sitting alone with a cold one, thinking and drinking until he passed out, felt happier... or couldn't feel at all? though, he'd brough the wrong drink for the last option.

He drinks a good half of what's in the bottle, before sighing and running an errant hand though his hair.]

...I'm sorry for the other day. It wasn't fair of me to drop that on you.


flirtninja February 11 2011, 21:30:49 UTC

[So says the ninja leaning nearby, looking -- if not overtly miserable - at least irritated in the extreme with SAMM and his various displays. Especially those dressed-up robots.]


100deaths_a_day February 11 2011, 21:37:30 UTC
[He looks up at the stranger... Well, he says stranger. He'd seen his posts about, but never replied.

He holds up a beer to him] Drink?


flirtninja February 11 2011, 22:39:22 UTC
You're not a pretty girl, but why not?

[He accepts the beer, not hesitating to tug down the mask to take a swig. It kind of makes one wonder what the purpose of the mask is.]

[After a moment to appreciate, he jerks his head in the direction of a Cupidbot.]

Did they have this holiday, where you came from?


100deaths_a_day February 11 2011, 23:03:48 UTC
Valentine's day? Yeah. [His most memorable being the one with the cupids.

Oh... god... trauma.]

What about you?


eyeofazure February 11 2011, 21:41:52 UTC
[Guess who was out for a walk, well to be honest she was looking for Shizuo. She hasn't seen him in well...awhile.

She was suprised to see Dean here though, and looking kinda...off...]



100deaths_a_day February 11 2011, 21:54:35 UTC
...Noel. [Okay. Note to self: Park? Wrong place to think quietly. and alone.

He smiled at her, pushing those bad feelings into their box. With the help of beer, of course.] How can I help?


eyeofazure February 12 2011, 00:27:50 UTC
Well, I was actually hoping I could...help you...?

[She seemed so unsure when she said that, but she then quickly explains herself.]

I-I mean you just look upset and all.


100deaths_a_day February 12 2011, 08:37:53 UTC
[and his defences slam up.] I'm fine.

Just came out for a quiet beer, that's all.

Pull up a seat if you want, there's plenty here. [He smiled at her.]


ACTION; albinoidiot February 11 2011, 23:57:33 UTC
[After all that emotional roller-coaster with Wilow, he finally got to sniff out his neighbor. When he found him brooding at the park he heaved a sigh and hopped over the bench to land beside him.]

Cheer up, Emo kid. What's got you moody now?


Re: ACTION; 100deaths_a_day February 12 2011, 00:08:38 UTC
[A calming, deep breath, before he handed a beer to Dante. He shook his head] Nothing.


ACTION; albinoidiot February 12 2011, 00:13:48 UTC
[He snatched the beer away and popped it's cap before taking a swig and looking at him.]

Come on, man. You're a crappy liar so spill it.


Re: ACTION; 100deaths_a_day February 12 2011, 08:16:46 UTC
You're the only one with that opinion. [He commented offhandedly.]

It is nothing. I just got to thinking. [He lifted the bottle and drained half of what was left.] it happens occasionally.


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