The Eonftft Awesomesauce Challenge 3.0

Feb 04, 2012 19:57

And the results of the heir poll are...

that Friday's our heir! Thank you to everybody that voted!

But on with the actual update.

Parade: Will you marry me, Jolene?
Jolene: YES YES YES!

Despite the fact that Parade has been tossed into the world of sparedom, he still gets a spouse. I have plans. You'll see. Also, yes, I screwed around with the pictures, but I didn't really like what I'd been doing for the past two gens, so hopefully I'll stick with this. I have a strangely sized monitor that puts out strange screen shots proportions, and when I tried to make them more square, my sims looked ... off. But now, they look like they do in-game! Woo!

They get married quickly & smelly, since spares don't get wedding parties.

Still cute though.

Friday had also invited over her graduation robes-clad significant other after graduation.

And since she's clumsy, she dropped the box!

Friday: Come on, Friday, don't mess this up...

Friday: Ervin, I love you. I know I'm a loser. I know I'm not the prettiest girl out there. I know that I sort of suck at everything I do and I wear too much make-up. But I love you and I want to marry you. Please say yes. Oh sim!god, I can't look, I can't look.
Ervin: What are you even talking about? Of course I'll marry you, I love you. I don't care about all that other stuff.

And so Friday pulled out her cell phone and set the time / attire and called up some guests.

Orange Spider came for this occasion! Remember her? Buddy also came, but they both bailed out before the actual wedding. However, Orange Spider and Orange Skies did catch up in the black gen bathroom for a bit, which I thought was sweet.

Friday: Will you marry me yet?
Ervin: No.
Friday: Now?
Ervin: No.
Friday: Please?
Ervin: No.

He kept denying her over and over again until all the guests left. What.

Ervin: Oh, my! What a scandalous activity to partake in!

I would pass out, too, if my fiance refused to marry me. Several times. At our wedding party.

After a few hours of fooling around, though, he finally buckled in. So, I now present to you: wedding spam!


AND T HEN WE MOVED TO REDWOOD HARBOR! Which is why I hadn't ditched Parade yet.

Story behind the move: Bridgeport is sort of the worst world to play a legacy in, ever. Also, I've adjusted my graphics spec so everything runs on high, and in Bridgeport, it took forever for textures of everything to arrive--I guess it's because of how big the world was. This world is smaller, cozier, full of residential housing, and has a very small, cute in-town area, which is exactly what I like in a world.

Also, I did not build that house, just so you know. That came with the world. I am a terrible architect. I did, however, furnish it.

But, alas, since we were in the new world, it was time for Parade and Jolene to leave. I will miss you, bbs! Well, mostly I'll miss Parade, since I never built up an attachment to Jolene. Come back and visit!

With more room in the house...

It was time to get making some pretty babies.

Jingles were heard!

Now seems like a good time to give you Ervin's stats, so I'll do that now.

Ervin Eonftft is a flirty, over-emotional, family-oriented kleptomaniac who is a bit of a vehicle enthusiast. He enjoys pop music, falafel,and the color green. His astrological sign is a Scorpio, and he wants to be a Master Thief.

So I promptly enrolled him in the law enforcement career, as the black gen requires. I really don't intend on getting Friday a job, so Ervin can be her substitute for that part of the challenge.

This world is so gorgeous, omg. The rabbitholes are all underground to preserve the look it's going for and it just works so well.

Ervin sticks around in town to work on his logic skill. I still don't understand why that's the first skill you have to learn to be a police officer. Wouldn't athletic be more relevant, or even charisma...? I understand its use for a detective, but a "Snitch" surely doesn't need logic more than something like athletic.

Also, his partner is Parade, which makes me so happy. Though I don't understand what Parade's doing in the law enforcement career. He wants to be in the medical track.

Friday gets sent out to explore the world / kill some time before heading to the graveyard, but decides chatting Jolene up on the phone is more important.

Friday: Wassup girl? Will you say hello to Parade to me? You know, my husband and my brother work together. Pretty funny, huh?

Sun Young: I don't really like this new place. This is the third time in my life I've moved neighborhoods.
Orange Skies: I LOVE IT.

Skies: LOVE

Skies: IT.

Skies, y so creepy?

Then they sparred. I haven't forgotten about Sim Fu! I'm just 99% sure it will be the challenge of  the orange gen I will not be able to complete.


Indeed! Baby #1 is making itself known to the public.

Sun Young: I can't get to the person I wanted to flirt with!

Thank goodness the chair was in the way, since Sun Young was about to autonomously flirt with Ervin, which upset Skies somehow. I also had to reset Ervin because I did not realize sims could get out on the side of the chair that is boxed in.

Ervin: Dayuuum, we have a nice view.

I agree!

Ervin: I knew it was that sim playing that guy. Friday said it was the other guy, but I knew who it was. Ha!

Ervin is a bit of a dork. But I love him all the same.

Popping it like it's hot, I see, Friday. Those are not clothes I would expect you to wear.

However, I appreciate the generationally appropriate athletic wear. Friday can't keep weight off of her, so she has to work out regularly. I still have no idea why she's destined to be fat. Nobody else in the family is/was.

This is where the game placed Parade and Jolene, by the way. It's all very cute. But that's not why Skies is there.

This is! The game also decided that Parade and Jolene should become the neighborhood pet agency. IIRC, one of Jolene's traits is Animal Lover, so that explains that. Jolene called them up and said that her cat had just given birth, so...

Meet Ferdinand, whose name was too great for me to change. He's a clueless and proud kitty with one green eye and one yellow eye. He will also gain the Neat and Non-destructive traits over the course of this update because he is one BAMF.

I hate cats in real life, for the record. I'm definitely a dog person. But I like cats better in the game. I have no idea why.

Friday and Ervin spend a lot of time autonomously flirting, which I think is so cute! A lot of my sim!couples don't autonomously interact, which makes me sad.

I also figured this would be a great time for Friday to announce her pregnancy.

Friday: So, um, hey. I think I'm pregnant.

Ervin: Oh my sim!god, that's so great! I'm so excited! What are we going to name it how are we going to decorate their room are you excited I'm excited did I already say that sorry I'm just really excietd.

Everybody loves Ferdinand. They're all acting autonomously with him and filling his food bowl, in comparison to the way they treated their last four pets, so I have hope for him yet. Friday in particular gets along very well with him, but that's because Ferdinand is clueless and likes easily-impressed sims such as Friday.

Friday stole some headstones from the cemeteries in hopes of the two-ghostie friends things. Unfortunately, they haven't yielded any ghosties yet.

These are Friday's pregnancy pajamas. Not even A for effort. SMH.


Skies's current focus is to learn all compositions for the piano. So he plays the piano a lot, which means the cat hates him and everybody drops what they're doing to watch him.

Ervin, meanwhile, skills his logic up. I sort of derped out with the telescope and placed it facing the giant mountain in front of their house, instead of the more sensible overseas view, but this doesn't seem to bother Ervin.

Friday: Dad, too?

I know, Friday, I'm sick of everybody growing up facing an inanimate object as much as you are.

Orange Skies: We've had some good times, haven't we, piano friend?

He's a cute old man. Fun fact: I have no custom content for elder males at all.

Sun Young follows steals the spotlight away from Orange Skies for a second, since they're the same age and all.

The family ghosties got transported from Bridgeport, too. I'm keeping their remains up in the little square part of the house that's technically on the third floor but is inaccessible, and makes a very nice place to keep remains.


Friday: This is not fun.

Yeah, it's baby time.

Aaand it's a girl! Lalena Eonftft, who is friendly and brave. She's a Taurus who enjoys latin music, hot dogs, and the color yellow.

I can't blame ya, oh Laleeeeeeena~

Friday is a really good mother for some reason. Lalena has a pretty fail-free babyhood, really. Also, I get to finally use the other two rooms on the second floor!

Baby #2 gets to baking.

But there were no jingles, so they get sent to the shower for some more...and Friday and Ervin promptly meld into one sim. A surprisingly attractive sim, actually, which gives me hope for their children.

There were jingles this time.

This looks really familiar.

Friday is slightly more civilized with her baby-induced cookie tossing the second time around.

No matter how hard I try to go without a maid, my sims are always disgusting, so a maid it is. She's bitching about the ghosts because the ghosts never left. I don't know why, maybe it's because of where I put their remains, but Ace and Calling You would stay wandering around, possessing things, and freaking people out even when it was daylight. I reset them after a while because it got on my nerves. They haven't been back since.

Maybe they're mad at me.

Pop goes the baby!

Friday: And these, Lalena, are the joys of being a couch potato.

Friday: Can you just please move the baby?
Orange Skies: ...WHICH ONE?


A hospital birth this time. Out came Henry, a heavy sleeper that hates the outdoors. He also likes classical music, fish 'n' chips, and orange. Boo, I dislike your traits, Henry. And the fact that you're a boy. I was hoping for a one-gendered generation for once. Incidentally, I named him after this song, which I apparently misread, but then I discovered the other song. He's still named after the Mike Posner song in my heart.

Back at the homestead, Lalena ages up.

Remember when Ace died and I said I'd probably be cursing his genes for generations to comes?

This is me. Cursing his genes.

Those eyes. I hate those eyes. I hate those murky, annoying green eyes that every single child born into this legacy has ever had and will ever have apparently.

Also, Lalena looks angry all the time, a lot like her mother. I have no idea where her eyebrows came from.

Yeah, she has a lot of her mother in her. Look at that expert bitchfacing!

Here is a picture of Lalena being a spoiled purple generation child. Since the Eonftfts finally have money (thanks to Sun Young's level 9 painting career), they can afford proper toys for their children. In generation four.

Sun Young gets assigned the grandmotherly duty of potty training, but even with her bladder bar almost empty (...full?) Lalena refused to use the potty. WTF, girl?

Friday: Oooh...mail! Is it for me? No? Okay...

Henry got an IF. Her name is Cuddles. I like her colors. Whether or not I like an IF's colors is pretty much my deciding factor on whether or not to keep them.

Calling You returns after a couple of days, only to stay outside in the daytime. I reset her and decided that I really hate ghosts. Calling You was a great sim, but my hatred for ghosts know no bounds.

Friday wanted to teach Lalena to talk and Ervin wanted to teach her to walk, so here we are. I can't decide if Lalena is a cutie, or if I just really like her hair.

Also, Ferdinand aged up! He's still a BAMF, now he's just bigger and fluffier. I keep checking the adoption agency for a cute lady cat with nice traits, but so far, there are none.

Orange Skies maxed his piano skill, and subsequently learned all the compositions! (He had previously bought the other ones from the bookstore, but that is a boring thing to photograph.) Only one challenge left: Be a Sim Fu Master.

Ervin is adorable in his little cop uniform, even if he probably hates it to death.

Ervin: Every day I arrest the people I yearn to be. You don't know what it's like to be me.

They've still got it.

...And then I sent Orange Skies (and yes, just Orange Skies) to China to work on the final challenge for the orange generation.

Orange Skies: Ah, I love this place.

So, he called upon his first challenger.

Orange Skies: You gonna come fight me boy, or are you chicken?


Skies kind of lost. Badly.

Before challenging his opponent again, Orange Skies decided to train. Meditation is cool as fuck.

Orange Skies: We meet again, my opponent.

This time, Skies won! Good job, bb.

Now, have a montage of all the other matches Skies won.

He left with a rank of 2, a skill of 7, a practice dummy, and a board breaker. I left there with hope that maybe I will be able to complete all of the orange generation's challenges.


Next time, you can expect sims and cats and birthdays and ghosts that get on my nerves and more lilac hair. As always, thanks for reading, and I hope you enjoyed it!

eonftft, the eonftft awesomesauce chalenge, awesomesauce

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