Awesome August Fic Recs

Aug 27, 2010 20:52

So, I’ve been bouncing around the popslash fandom for about a year and a half now-and it is the most awesome fandom I’ve ever been in! It’s also the only fandom I’ve ever been in, but anyway. Although it may have shrunk some from it’s heyday, there is still lots of great popslash being written, and I wanted to rec a few of the great stories that have been posted in the past year.

(Please note, however, that I am specifically not including SeSa recs because this list would be four times as long. If you want SeSa recs, um, just go read all of them. Really. Here’s a more formal list if you want.) Recs are in chronological order, not in the order they were posted but in the order I read them.

Honeybee (Lance/Nick) by marythefan
This is actually from the 2008 bittybang stories, it's amazing! This kind of story is the reason that I read popslash. It’s 46,000 words of Lance and Nick and the unfolding of their relationship, and their everyday interaction. It’s sweet and witty and endearing, and there’s cooking, and bantering, and a lot of really good sex. And I don’t think my blabbering about it can do it justice. lol It really is amazing.

They're going out to get dinner at a restaurant, because Nick is going to show Lance how dinner is done. At least, that's what the message on Lance's voicemail said when Nick left a time he'd be picking Lance up, along with instructions to dress like they were going to a decent restaurant, Bass, none of that crazy sparkly denim and velvet stuff that Fatone or Chasez seem to think is appropriate dinnerwear…

Sunrise Routine (Kevin/Nick) by neverglass
This was actually posted during last year’s Awesome August, coincidentally. The first word that comes to my mind to describe this is beautiful. It’s an AU with lawyer!Kevin and painter!Nick, and the characterizations are so spot on that if the Backstreet Boys hadn’t formed, I could see this happening. It’s poetic and poignant and figurative, and each word is so carefully chosen; the ending is unbelievably satisfying.

It's only that evening, standing at the counter with a box of Thai food from the place on Terrence Court, that he wonders what happened to the drunk trapeze artist who rappels every morning.

He frowns at the window again, like it will make a rope appear…

Bouquet (Lance/Adam Lambert) by pensnest
Normally I'm not a fan of crossovers (although I have to say this with tongue in cheek), but the AI kids seem to blend with popslashers ever so perfectly, and the combination is irresistible in the hands of a skilled writer-which Pen most certainly is! Lance and Adam cross paths at an industry function, and while recording a song together their relationship, uh, blossoms! There's great dialogue, and great Lance, and such an adorable Kris Allen! And flowers that add an extra special touch.

Lance considered. This was bizarre beyond words. Obviously it would be completely impossible for him to record something with Adam Lambert. Adam's record company would never allow it. And even if they did, which they wouldn't, Flower? No way. Absolutely no way.

But, if Adam Lambert wanted to try to persuade him, what the hell, why not?

Meddling (JC) by chalcopyrite
Written for the 2010 Dragon Challenge, and it’s one of those fics that grows on me with successive readings. This has that dreamy, surreal quality to it which I love-I find it very engaging as a reader having to question the narrator’s perception-and it’s so very, very JC. Apparently he decides to hire some landscapers, but is rather perplexed by the results. Luckily Joey is around to help smooth things over. Some really snappy dialogue and cute group interaction.

JC cocked his head. "Should I be worried that my landscapers disappeared?" he said. "... On foot?"

"They sounded like a pretty crafty bunch," Joey said. "You hadn't paid them or anything, right?" JC shook his head. "Then I wouldn't worry about it."

"It's just.... kind of weird," JC said.

Joey scritched his nails gently over JC's shoulders. "Let it go. Hey, I bet we can find you some landscapers that don't try to dig mines in your back yard…"

Reasons and Justifications (Kevin/JC) by justpopngo
First off, Kevin/JC is a pairing you don’t see very often; seems like Kevin has been popping up in some unusual pairings lately, which is a trend I can very much enjoy. Kevin and JC hook up for a one night stand, but Kevin’s flippant attitude makes JC determined to get the upper hand. Kevin is enigmatic, and blunt, and so very Kevin; JC is endearing and easily manipulated, and rather creative. There’s some very amusing intergroup tension, and all of the interaction here strikes just the right chord.

The ride was mostly silent, mainly because JC was busy with himself. …And there was no better way to put it.

“Kevin,” JC moaned ten minutes later, still spread out on his back. Hand down his pants, he continued to stroke himself through his underwear, keeping himself on that edge and backing off right when he was about to fall. “…if you were going to have sex all night long, what would you drink?”

Kevin stared ahead and kept his eyes on the road. “You usually carry on conversations while you get off?” His tone was humorous…

The One with Gorgeous Ed (Justin/JC) by foxmonkey
This is another "why I read popslash" story; it's a simple scenario, but so adorable. JC's new relationship sends ripple effects through the group. There's protective Justin and strangely vulnerable JC, amusing group scenes and such wonderful emotion. Just a really, really good read.

Now that they're the biggest thing in music and all their hard work is finally paying off; they can relax a little. They still work hard, no doubt about it, so if JC wants to wear pink shirts, sparkles and capri pants, who can tell him otherwise?

recommendations, awesome august

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