Title: Ocean Rushing Into the Spaces (1/1)
Character: Meredith; Pairing: Meredith/Addison
Rating: PG-13
Word count: 100
Spoilers: (barely) for episode 7.02
drabble123: Meredith Grey,
Water, prompt #1 - Ocean
Summary: Meredith finds understanding in L.A. Season 7-ish imaginary explorations.
There was a gynecological exam, because Addison’s the best and Derek insisted (although he had to work, and you’re here alone). Somehow awkwardness over stirrups and a speculum turned into soul-searching comradeship over glasses of red wine, and now you’re here.
Weirdly predictable, maybe: there’s the parallel loss, and the shared blind faith in the healing power of sex thing. But an ocean breeze is blowing across the bed, her long fingers play along your thigh, and what you wouldn’t have predicted, in a million years, is the slow, suspended contentment; the fusion of sadness into warmth and fragile calm.