And the eternity (2/2)

Jun 01, 2008 16:23

Title: (Three  hours) And the eternity
Pairing: Frank/Gerard, mentioned Gerard/Lyn-Z and Frank/Jamia
Rating: NC-17
gee4president (thank you!)
Genre: Drama/Romance
POV: Frank's
Summary: Sometimes, a serious fight unchains affections that were locked away for too long
Disclaimer: We don't own any of these people, but we do own the plot, so if you don't want to face our evil superpowers, don't repost without permission
Warnings: Swearing, sex, some fluff
Authors' notes: This is still rp between the authors. 
citricpepper  is Gerard, 
xpaddiex  is Frankieboy. Also, I strongly recommend you to read the first part if you want to get any of this.

(first part here)

And the eternity

As soon as we got inside, I took off my backpack and put it on the couch in the living room. I didn’t do anything else, since it had been quite a while since I’d been there last, and it didn’t feel like home like I used to. So I looked at Gerard, like waiting for some instructions or something. I really didn’t know what to do.

He placed the keys on a counter and looked back at me, his lips quivering.

"Will you hold me?" He choked out, uncertainly.

I didn’t even answer. I just walked towards him and hugged him, wrapping my arms around his neck, hiding myself in the crook of it, peppering kisses across the skin there.

“I’m here...” I cooed on the shell of his ear, getting closer to him.

"Thank you," He whispered. "I need to sit down, or something," He then said with sudden urgency. "My knees are weak and not in the good way."

“I’m tired too... where do you wanna go?” I whispered in his ear, afraid of someone hearing us. What if that bitch was secretly spying on us somehow?

He gripped my arms and whimpered. "I'm serious, I need to sit down right now." He warned.

“Come here…” I said pulling away slightly, just to guide him to the couch and sit there with him. “Are you ok?... I’m sorry about your nose, it was an accident...”

"I need to..." He said, and buried his face in his palms for what felt like the tenth time that day. "I'm feeling dizzy." He explained, trembling.

“Relax, Gee... here, put your head on my lap so you can lay better...” I said, pulling him against me slightly to instruct him.

He lay down on his back, his eyes still closed as he rested his head on my thighs. I noticed he was really pale.

“Gee, you want me to bring you something?... I’m really worried...”

"It's okay... I'm getting better. Just don't leave me."

“I won’t, Gee. I won’t. Just relax.”

He took a deep breath and I started to stroke his hair. "I should get a band-aid"

“Want me to get one for you?”

"My wrists hurt," he told me, in a whiny tone, showing the sensitive skin he had scratched earlier. I examined the scratches and kissed them softly, running my lips across them.

“Don’t you ever do anything like this again.... please....”

"I won't. Tell me you love me?"

“I love you. More than anything.”

He curled up in a ball and rolled over on to his side, kissing my stomach through the fabric. "I feel like such a kid after all this."

“I know... but… Let’s just forget it, ok? We have to try and make things ok now. We need to put things in order.”

He nodded and then got up slowly, sitting up on my lap, and caressing the scratch he made just slightly. Then he leaned down and kissed it softly.

"I will never hurt you like this again," he whispered, his voice cracking again. "I still want to kiss every inch of you better. Will you let me?" I sighed against his skin, wrapping my arms around his neck again.

“Promise you’ll be gentle?...”

"I promise," he whispered. "Cross my heart and hope to die."

“It’s been ages since the last time...” I murmured

"I know," he whispered. He looked really fragile and breakable all of sudden, so different from the arrogant guy that had gotten to the airport that day. "Did you miss me?" He asked, and his eyes were watering one more time.

“Far too much for my liking. What about you? Did you miss me, Gerard?”

"You have no idea..." he uttered, brushing the very corner of my mouth with his lips. He giggled a little. "You know, this is gonna sound stupid, but in our kisses, our mouths fit? Like in a puzzle? I'm not making any sense, huh?"

I giggled slightly myself. I had to admit; he was right. I always thought so, at least.

“You’re not... but it’s true. It’s like... our lips were made for each others’” I whispered, brushing my lips back with his, so slightly, making both of us shiver.

"They were," he cooed before sucking my upper lip into his mouth, sliding his tongue over it ever so slowly, his hands holding the back of my neck. I let out a small whimper as my lips parted, allowing his lower lip to take it’s place in between them, sucking it slightly, copying the gentle movements of his tongue. I slid my arms to his waist, resting them on his sides, not daring to move any further. I needed to feel him, needed to feel the real Gerard and forget about the one who had tried to abuse me back in the airport, but it was getting a little harder than what I had thought. I opened my eyes for a brief moment, and saw him grimacing as he was experiencing an emotional rush. He just kept kissing me, very slowly, but it was still hard for me to loosen up; he had scared me back in the airport. A lot. I was trying to give in, trying to keep the pace of the kiss, our tongues playing and rubbing against each other so sloppily and softly, excitingly. It had been quite a few time since the last time we were together. Better said, since he was last with her, physically speaking, at least. It had been a long time since I actually was with the Gerard Way I wanted. I missed him a lot. I missed this a lot.

He broke apart and I looked at him puzzled. He brought one of his hands to the side of my cheek, and the other came to caress one of my eyebrows.

"You are beautiful. We are," he murmured, looking me right in the eyes, before leaning down and capturing my earlobe between his teeth, the fingers that were playing above my eye dropping down to my shoulder. I flinched slightly."We fit in every single thing. When we kiss, and your mouth completes mine, when you look at me, when we hold hands, when I feel your skin on mine, the way your tiny frame fits into my arms, when you hug me and I smell your scent, when I'm inside of you and I can feel every part of us connected..." At this point he paused, taking a sharp breath between his teeth, and squeezing my shoulders. "We both are thousands of tiny puzzle pieces and every little piece finds its match with the other. I'm not whole when I'm not with you," he said, breathing hotly into my ear. "You need to trust me, Frank."

“I’m not complete without you either, Gerard. We belong together, I learned that with time, and not having you with me makes me feel empty, like something’s missing. I’m missing all those little parts I need to feel complete” I sighed, feeling my eyes water, clinging to his shirt. “But from now on, the pieces will be together. I’ll give you all the pieces of me you need. But please... take care of them. I trust you.” At that moment, I couldn’t have felt better. I had him back now, and that was all that mattered.

"When I hate you... You need to understand, hate is not the opposite of love, it's just the most selfish face of it. I'm sorry for hating you at times, but I love you too much to not hate you. Because if I didn't, I'd be indifferent to you and I could never... Ever do that." He kissed just below my ear. "Let me make you mine. Please."

“I hate you too, Gerard… because you’re with her, and I want to be yours. I don’t like sharing. We won’t share anymore, with anybody... will we? please?” I whispered, taking a long breath, his tobacco scent filling my nostrils. I needed him.

"Shhh, I'm yours already…" he whispered, peppering wet little kisses all over my neck, his thumb sliding across my bottom lip a little hard. "Please, I just want to kiss you from head to toe."

He started to nibble on my skin. I let out a small moan, starting to feel my pants grow a little tighter.

“Take care of me, Gee... I need you...” I said, sliding my hands on his back, caressing him.

"I need you too, so... so much. Because I don't feel like you're safe in any other place in the world unless you're in my arms, unless you're under me, unless you have that pretty face on and unless you're whimpering my name, and making me insane with this need of providing you as much pleasure as a human being should be allowed to feel, this need of striking your spot so many times you'll see white, and it fucking hurts how good it is when you say my name, the way you say it," he whispered huskily, while trying to lie me down on the couch. I gave in to the act, his breath in my ear making me melt, my skin starting to burn in desire, my lips parted, breathing heavily, imagining all the things he was saying. I couldn’t even think straight.

“I fucking crave for you, Gerard. I need your touch, I need your kisses, I need your tongue, I need your body... I need to feel you, I need to taste you... I need you. Right now. Please…” I begged, my fingers running down his spine, going to the hem of his shirt, lifting it up a little bit to touch his skin, almost as hot as mine.

"Baby..." He breathed faintly, placing his body on top of mine. He began to unzip my hoodie and once it was off, he unbuttoned my shirt, getting it open without taking it off. "You're so, so gorgeous, Frankie..." He said, before kneeling and leaning down, running his fingertips onto the scratches he had made earlier. It hurt a little.

“I’m not…” I whispered, laying there for him to attend me, to take care of me. I was still a little afraid, but I was trying to give him the chance to show, to prove to me that the real Gerard was back. He was my Gerard, after all. Not the monster that had been with me earlier that day.

He started to kiss down the lines that were created on the surface of my skin, up and down. My hands wandered to his hair and he looked at me, smiling wide. Once he was done, he crawled up again pressing his hips down and took off his shirt. I sighed when our bare torsos connected, and he ran his palms over my sides.

"Do you feel that? The way the pieces fit?"

“Yeah…. They match perfectly,” I mumbled back, my fingers running through his hair and down his back, ‘till I reached the waistband of his jeans, resting my hands there. With a soft movement, I rolled us over so I was now over him, sitting on his hips, kissing and biting the soft skin of his neck hungrily, a little more secure about the situation. He was definitely my Gerard.

He ran his hands down my back and cupped my ass, squeezing it gently and pulling my hips down.

"I'll do anything you want..." He moaned.

“Anything?...” I mumbled, running my hands down his sides, scratching at his skin with my nails softly but firmly, biting his Adam’s apple, running my tongue along the vein of the side of his neck. I felt my insides burn as our groins met.

"Any-anything, just ask..."

I got closer to his ear and bit down on his earlobe.

“Do you love me?” I asked, the fingers of my right hand playing with one of his nipples while the other hand rested on his belt.

He whimpered with want.

"I love you. More than anything, I swear..."

“More than anyone?...” I murmured, rocking my hips slightly against his, feeling how hard he was inside his jeans.

"Y-yes..." he whispered, so low I could barely hear.

“I didn’t hear that...” I played, starting to so-slowly undo the buckle of his belt.

"I love you more than anyone else," he confessed. "I promise." I grinned at his words, the image of Lindsey on my mind for a brief second. ’Take that, bitch...’

“Do you like me, Gee?...” I continued, finally undoing his belt and sliding it out from the jean loops really slowly.

He gasped and opened his eyes.

"God... Wait, wait..." He whimpered, grabbing my hands to keep them still. I opened my eyes as well and looked at him, perplexed.

“Is there something wrong?” I asked, worried. What had happened?

He sighed deeply before looking at me, pulling my hands to his chest.

"You need to give me a minute," he choked out. "Because it's been too long since we've been together and I'm really worked up and... You just get me so wild... And I promised I'd be gentle."

I couldn’t help but smile and got closer to his lips, kissing him slowly and sweetly.

“You’re definitely the Gerard I love... it’s ok, baby, we’ll do things at your own pace. I just wanted to ask you one more thing...” I whispered, running my hands on his chest.


“Do you like me, Gee?”

He smiled at me. "Of course I like you."

“How much?”

"You can feel it between my lungs and between my legs. Your choice."

I smiled

“Both. I love you.”

His smile got bigger and he traced one of his hands up my back, then both on my chest so he could slide the previously unbuttoned shirt over my shoulders and throw it on the carpet. How cliché, really. He scanned my bared torso, splaying his palms all over my chest and sitting up on the couch, so I was caught straddling his lap. He looked at my body all time, his hands roaming on my front and eventually his fingertips got the buckle of my belt. I just looked at him, sighing at the contact, my arms wrapping around his neck, my forehead against his, looking at his hands moving. I smiled to myself.

“Missed me, Gee?” I said in a low voice, my moistened lips brushing his own.

"You have no idea," he murmured, before unbuckling it. His fingers were so shaky it took him a little while, and then he finally got me rid of the belt. Then his hands ran up my back pressing the skin down, then squeezing softly at the back of my neck and pulling me down for another deep kiss. While he was kissing me, he started to push us down so I was lying on my back again, this time on the opposite end of the couch. He didn't take his mouth off of mine, not even when he roughly pulled my legs up, forcing them to hook around his hips. He pressed his weight down to mine, our crotches touching, in the perfect position, just right fucking there. I whimpered into his mouth.

"The perfect fitting," he breathed against my lips. "Here." To make his point, he rolled his hips onto mine. I could feel he was really hard inside his jeans, and that against my own erection made little stars explode before my eyes. "Can you feel it?"

“Y-yeah…” I gasped, a moan escaping my lips at the friction, scraping the back of his neck with my nails. It was indeed a perfect fitting. Better than any other in the world. And he was so right; I didn’t feel safer in any other place but in his arms. “Gee... I need you...” I said, sliding one of my hands down his torso, caressing his skin ‘till I got to his jeans, cupping him through the denim, squeezing slightly. He moaned and gasped into my ear, one of his hands getting on top of mine with urgency pressing it down harder. He started to kiss down my torso again, whimpering as our hands slid off his crotch. Then he got to the front of my jeans. He looked up to me with an evil smirk before sliding the zipper down with his fucking teeth.

“Ah...” I moaned slightly at the sight, looking at his every move, feeling every inch of my body burn with desire.

Once the jeans were open, he worked to get them down, which was kind of hard because they were tight. Then, when he tried to get them off he laughed, we both still had shoes on. He smiled and carefully untied my converses, taking them and my socks off.

"It's so funny to fuck with socks on, isn't it?" He commented cheerfully before removing my jeans and leaving me with only my boxers on. I giggled at his comment, feeling relieved at the considerable loosening around my crotch. Not fully, but it wasn’t that unbearable anymore.

“It would be really bizarre...” I said, rolling us over again. “Want me to take off your jeans, baby?...” I asked, a playful innocent grin on my face.

"Y-yeah, I do..." He answered. I smiled at him and unbuttoned them, unzipping them really slowly, taking my time to take off his boots and socks too. Once I finished, I sat on his hips, rocking mine slightly, enjoying both the soft friction of our bodies and staring down at his face.

"What do you want me to do now, my love?" he asked.

“Ungh... whatever you want, Gee...”

"That's a dangerous request baby," he chuckled, before sitting up and kissing down my neck again, but just briefly. His tongue caressed every trace of my tattoos, past my chest and stomach, until my boxers. Then he kissed me, over the fabric. Very hot and very wet. I moaned, this time a little more loudly than the previously, surrendering into his touch and caresses. I was too turned on to even think straight, but the only thing I knew for sure was that I wasn’t scared anymore, but the very opposite.

“Ah... you’re driving me insane, baby...” I whimpered, lying back down onto my back and tilting my head back into the couch, arching my back in pure pleasure.

"Mmhmm," he murmured, and continued his attack over the fabric, licking and soaking my boxers. I could feel myself getting more wet every second, not only with his saliva. I entangled my fingers on his hair and kept moaning, bucking my hips up slightly, trying to get more contact. He was indeed driving me insane.

“P-please, Gee... urgh....” I moaned.

"What, sweetheart?" He asked sweetly, and I really loved him with all my heart, but that was the sluttiest fucking pout I'd ever seen. He slid down my boxers and kissed the very tip of my member, still looking up to me. "You want me to kiss you here?"

“Y-you know I want it…” I said, looking at him with lustful eyes. He suddenly handed me a small cushion from one of the small armchairs next to the couch. I looked at it, a little puzzled, but he just winked at me and kept planting open-mouth kisses all over my length, up and down. I got the hint and put the cushion behind my head, keeping it up so I could enjoy the view. And what a view. He was looking back at me, right into my eyes, as he kept going; it was like watching a porn movie, with my favorite actors in it. Just perfect. But, instead of enveloping me with his mouth like I was expecting him to, he just kept kissing, and then he began to kiss the area between my balls, and then on the inside of my thighs, my knees, my calves... until the tip of one my toes. He bit down on it playfully, before climbing on top of me again.

"Your foot tastes bad," he commented and I couldn’t contain the giggle.

“Well, who told you to do that?” I asked, looking at him with my cheeks red. “It’s not my fault...”

"I'm just kidding, silly," he giggled, kissing my cheek affectionately. "Frank, do you want to go all the way? Because I have to look around for lube here in that case."

“So soon, baby? In a rush, are we?” I asked playfully, sitting up quickly to nip at his earlobe sweetly, bucking up my hips slightly, grinding myself against his clothed ones.

"Not exactly... Why?" He questioned grinning.

“Well.. I was thinking I could give you a couple of... useful lessons... maybe...” I whispered against his ear, one of my hands travelling along his back ‘till the waistband of his boxers, sliding it under the fabric, caressing his skin.

"Uuh..." He breathed. "Wha-what lessons?"

“Oh, well... let’s just say it’s something you always considered me really good at doing... I just want to check if I’m still the master at it or not...” I winked, rolling us over again, pinning him down into the cushions of the couch with an evil grin. He bit his swollen lip and grinned. I noticed briefly that that dry blood under his nose must have been bugging him a little.


“Yeah… you know what it is, already?...” I smiled, as I started first kissing his neck, moving down slowly to his chest. One of my hands went directly to his underwear, pulling it down slowly.

"Umpf..." He hissed softly, closing his eyes. “Frank, baby, please..."

“Please what, my dear?...” I asked faking innocence as I finished removing his boxers and tossing them in the floor.

"Please... Make me see stars."

“I’m gonna try...” I said, reassuming my task, kissing and biting softly the flesh that covered his hipbones, one of my hands caressing his really hard member. My goal. I began to breathe hot air all over it, making his own breathing rhythm speed up, before leaning down and licking slowly on the separation of his two balls. Then I started to suckle softly on the smooth skin, and I felt his hands going through my hair. I smirked and ran my tongue from the base to the tip of his member, repeating the process and treating his cock as if it were a fucking lollypop. His fingers were tight onto my scalp, and he was whimpering, his hips twitching. I enclosed my lips around the swollen head, creating a suction tunnel into my mouth, and a little jet of pre-come swept across my tongue.

“Frankie… fuck…” He said strangled, his back arching. I moved my head down, tightening my mouth around him even further as I took him to the back of my throat, swallowing around him and sucking really hard, like I would die if I didn’t do it. “God… your mouth…” I opened my eyes but his head was thrown back. I slowly, agonizingly slowly, released him from my mouth.

“If you want to take the reigns, please do it.” I whispered.

He gasped and groaned, pulling at my hair and making me moan. His hips began to move up and down, as I relaxed my throat to welcome him fucking my face. Not that it required that much work; I was good at it.

“Ah! Fuck, god…”

Once he had told me my blowjobs could be described as pure fucking sin and I could see his opinion was the same as he gripped my scalp and moaned away my name. I loved making him feel good. I loved that it was something he liked me doing.

“Jesus fucking… Frankie… fuck.”

I smirked and held his hips down, forcing him to remain still. He whimpered and tugged at my hair, but I didn’t take him in again. I just began to kiss his shaft from the base, placing suctioning pecks at the throbbing vein on the other side. Then I just leaned back, and saw him biting his lip, his head going from side to side against the couch.

“Oh fuck, god, please…”

I grinned and waited a little more, blowing a little bit of cool air before deep throating him again, sucking on him with gusto. He moaned loudly.

"Ung, baby... I-I can't hold b-back anymore..." he mumbled, a mass of sweat and moans. I pulled away with a sexy ‘pop’, licking the rest of the saliva and pre-come from my lips, looking at him with feigned innocence. I was definitely the best at it, and I wasn’t modest about it either. There was no need to be.

“Was it good, baby?” I asked, even though I knew the answer. I just needed him to say it. Again. Every time.

"You have no fucking clue of how good that feels," he panted.

“Really?...that good?” I smiled, climbing on top of him again so we could be face to face.

"Yeah. That good and a little more. Is there anything that you think I'm good at, too?" He teased.

“Of course...” I got closer to his ear and, brushing my lips against it, I whispered, “nobody fits inside me better than you, baby...”

He let out a little groan.

"Is that so?"

“Hell yeah…. You’re the best,” I said honestly. Indeed he was, no doubt about it.
He smiled at me, and pulled me down for a kiss. It was his idea, but it turned into a kind of slow tongue fuck, as our bare hips grinded lazily. He coaxed me into falling to a side, and then pressed me against the rest of the seat, pushing up a leg to hook above the curve of my hip and pushing his groin against mine, never breaking the kiss. I just let him lead, grinding myself against him, moaning in pure bliss, enjoying it every second it last. I wrapped my arms around his neck, caressing his back and his head with my hands, tangling my fingers on his soft hair. I was simply loving it.

“Gee...” I moaned inside his mouth.

He slid his strong hands to my hips, pushing them against him with more and more force. "Frankie..." He moaned inside mine. "Did I lock the door?"

“Do I look like I fucking care?” I smiled, one of my hands squeezing his ass, bringing his hips closer to mine and moaning out loud at the effect.

"Oh, fuck..." He moaned too, biting on the fleshy part of my chin. "Do you want us to get caught in this not so innocent position?"

“Could she possibly come?....” I moaned, drawing my head back, exposing my neck, offering it to him. I loved when he bit and sucked at the skin there.

"Well, I'm not necessarily talking about her, it could be anyone. A thief?" He rambled before burying those plush lips on the skin of my neck, sucking hard to slide his tongue over the abused skin and repeating the process.

“Gerard...” I groaned in frustration “Just shut up and make me yours.”

"I fucking love you," he said with my flesh inside his mouth. Then he gripped one of my hands and brought it to his lips, kissing my palm.

"If I ask you to do something, will you do it for me?" I nodded without thinking twice, my body aching for him.

“Anything. I love you.”

He leaned down on my ear and held my hand.

"I want you to get my fingers and place them exactly where you want me to enter you."

I let out a whimper as I took his hand and started to place soft and wet kisses all over his fingers, sucking them slightly. Once they were covered with a generous amount of my saliva, I kissed him deeply on the lips, lifting one of my legs and putting it around his hips, giving him the perfect access, positioning his hand near my entrance and whispering a bare “right there” when I pulled back.

"Yeah..." He said breathless. "Hey, get your hand back here. I'm gonna need it. You're gonna help me." I did as he told, a little curious.

He started to rub his humid finger against my opening, up and down. Then moved a little and began to stroke my perineum, while leaning down to gently suck on my nipple. I started to pant heavily after a few seconds, letting out small whimpers. I’d actually forgotten he was such an expert on the subject. Or maybe I hadn’t, but I needed to revive it. Definitely.

I supported myself against the crook of his neck, my free fingers gripping at his biceps. "Feels good?" He cooed, before getting back to the sucking on my taut flesh.

“A-amazing.... oh, fuck... Gee...” I moaned slightly, my eyes hidden behind my hair, my cheeks red.

"The way you say my name..." He started, when he made his fingers slip over my hole, applying pressure and massaging in circles. "It drives me fucking crazy.”

“Holy shit…” I let out, trembling in pleasure when he did that. He loved hearing me, I never forgot that. That’s why I was using my most whorish voice to talk, not only for him but because I couldn’t contain myself any more. I needed him. Right then and there.

“And you drive me fucking insane… Gee...”

"What do you want me to do now?" He asked, kissing my lips briefly. "Hm?"

“It depends on what you want…” I said, trying to sound mysterious. Of course I knew what I wanted. I just wanted to make sure it was mutual. I needed to make sure.

"I want the ultimate fitting."

“Then you know what the next step is,” I encouraged him further, pulling him against me, kissing him deeply.

"Uh huh..." He said into my mouth. "I do. Ready?" I nodded. “Okay." He stated, before forcing one single finger inside me. I relaxed, feeling a little bit uncomfortable, as always at the beginning. It would sound a little bit unreal but, seriously, a month is a lot of time, and human body can’t memorize everything in a split second. Or well, at least not this. I sighed, closing my eyes, resting my forehead against his. "It's gonna be okay." He kissed the tip of my nose. "It's gonna be all okay now."

“I know...” I said in a whisper, “I love you.”

He pushed in another finger and started to, very slowly, slide them in and out, but not placing them to the knuckles. Then he told me, "Put one of yours in, baby. Help me."

I let out a small moan, doing as he told me. He was commanding now, and I was in the perfect mood to obey every one of his orders.

“L-like this, Gee?...”

"Yeah baby, just like this. Go slow."

“Ok,” I whispered, pulling in and out very slowly, at the same pace he established. As I felt myself getting used to the feeling, I gradually increased the pace and the rhythm, just like he did.

"Can you take one more, baby?" He asked. I bit my lip and nodded, holding back a moan. I slowly slid another of my fingers with his, keeping the pace steady. My lips formed a perfect ‘O’ as the pleasure increased slightly.

“P-please, Gee...” I moaned, eyes still hidden.

"Just a little more," he said, and curved his fingers up, crisscrossing them as I slid my own in and out, deep, trying to satisfy the urge of being filled. He started to scissor around and after a few instants, his fingertips nailed my spot. I opened my eyes widely, looking at him, my back arched in pure lust and desire.

“Fuck!” I cursed into a kind of deep moan, trying to keep the rhythm with my own fingers, finding it a little difficult because of the position. “Oh my g-god, Gee... unh... please...” I moaned urgently, trying to calm myself.

"Moan for me," he pleaded helplessly, apparently unable to stop his hips from rocking a little, his two fingers pressing hard against my prostate, shifting the force from one to another at every second. And even if I hadn’t wanted to comply, there was no possible way that I could remain quiet. I let out a deep moan, throwing my head back, repeating his name over and over, just like I knew he liked it. My free hand went directly to his member, giving it a hard but firm squeeze, stroking it with energy. After all, it didn’t seem fair that I was having all the fun.

It was insane; he started to let out raspy moans at my touch, and his fingers pressed against my spot more urgently. It was almost too much to bear.

“P-please, Gee… ah….” I begged, moaning at the same time “Please... I I need... y-y-ou... I n-need you, Gee... please...”

"Keep moaning, Frankie, please..."

“Ungh…. S-stop teasing already, Gee... oh, fuck...” I said, trying desperately to hold back, jacking him off madly. I couldn’t stand it anymore. “Want you inside me, Gee… need you in-inside me... please...”

"Okay," he whimpered, withdrawing his fingers very slowly. "Okay, my love..."

I pulled mine out with his, not having been able to do so before because of the angle. I panted heavily, trying to relax myself for a bit before putting my hands on his shoulders.

“Thanks... we almost spoiled all the fun...” I side-smiled, opening my eyes to look into his own.

"I just wanted to have you ready, baby." He smiled. I remember he used to do that all the time, preparing me to the point of torture.

“I know. Thank you, Gee,” I whispered, kissing his lips slow, soft and sloppily.

"No need to thank me. Are you ready?"

“Always,” I said with a small grin plastered on my face.

He giggled a little. "Okay. Don't close your eyes."

“I won’t.”

continued here

three hours and the eternity, xpaddiex, frank/gerard, citricpepper, nc-17, projekt revolution, fanfic

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