Another morning-coffee doodle

Sep 20, 2007 07:32

You Have Good Manners 89% of the Time
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Comments 4

ex_kirayoshi381 September 20 2007, 17:22:40 UTC
You Have Good Manners 72% of the Time
... )


ciruelita September 21 2007, 18:59:39 UTC
I'm not much of a 'dresser', either -- but I don't wear inappropriate clothes when it's important, such as for a funeral, wedding, court appearance, etc...


uktena September 20 2007, 17:33:17 UTC
I had 68 or somesuch number ^shrugs, picks nose, spits out chewing tobacco^


ciruelita September 21 2007, 18:57:22 UTC
*LOLOLLLLl* @ the idea of you picking your nose, yeah, right.


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