IC Contact

Jun 12, 2010 16:49

"Ladies and Gentlemen! Boys and Girls of all ages! ...Is there something I can help ya with?"

forge, ic contact

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Comments 9

[not video] sonvisage January 14 2011, 18:06:41 UTC
A song would be nice if you have the time. [...] Or if you don't.

[Subdued. A little flat. Cold, maybe?]


[not video] circus_bones January 15 2011, 00:31:19 UTC
Miss Silk? Ah...I'll make the time.

Is somethin' wrong?


[still not video] sonvisage January 15 2011, 01:20:14 UTC
Well. I can finally say I've found something here I don't like.


[still not video] circus_bones January 15 2011, 18:08:33 UTC
What would that be? [Because if he can get rid of it, he will.]


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