Faith Ficlet

Feb 27, 2010 16:23

Fandom: Buffyverse
Character: Faith
Word Count: 216
Warning: some graphic violence
Spoilers: End of Buffy season 7
Note: This was written for the Itty Bitty Bang at Whedonland. The illustration was drawn by sinful_teddy

Faith wasn’t much for cooking. Living on her own, she would subsist mostly on fast food and cold canned goods, until she’d get fed up with it and shove whatever she’d find into a pot.

Tonight her meal was a room temperature can of ravioli.

She liked the cans. The last time some half-wit demon hoping to bag himself a slayer barged into her apartment, she shoved a fork into it’s ear and a can lid across it’s neck.

Tonight however, was kind of boring.

She was staring at the streets outside her window, her eyes scanning the spaces between streetlights, where they failed to break up the darkness. Slaying vampires has long since become routine, and LA wasn’t particularly crawling with them anyway, especially with all the new slayers competing for the kill.

She could contact Angel, but she felt that she’d been doing well lately, and didn’t need to pile his broody angst on top of her own. Even if he had helped her before, and never failed to get himself into exiting demon trouble.

She turned her attention to the now empty can in her hands, moving her fingers across the sharp edges of it’s lid. She tossed it in the garbage and reached for her duffel to sharpen the weapons inside.

Art by sinful_teddy  click for full view.

fic, buffyverse, whedonland, fic:buffyverse, art

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