Title: Clarity
arysaniPairing: Greagoir/Wynne
Rating: K
Summary: Last chance before she goes off to be a hero.
Author's Note: So I was trying to be a good fan and since I partake of the kinkmeme, thought I'd be all participatory in filling a few. And totally misread someone's Irving/Wynne post-Broken Circle before Wynne leaves hurt/comfort
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Comments 10
Plus the idea of them figuring it out later or having this awkward affection rebuilding the Tower is just so sweet to me.
(Thanks for "letting" me rant at you, haha...)
Oh, don't mind me, I'll be over here in a little puddle of goo going "AWWW" and squeeing.
That was so sweet, and so lovely. Thank you for posting it. <3
I just am such a SUCKER for him being all grumpy-affectionate and her being saucy. I guess I figure they'd always been like that (in some form or another), and it's only gotten worse as they got older. Plus SUBTEXT which I realize I do a lot and you know it's kind of hard to get subtext if I don't write Stephen King-esoteric descriptions of scene setting and body language. Definitely some room for improvement there. But GLAD it made you melty - I was melty writing it.
I kind of imagined that they steer pretty clear of each other or skirt each other in general but fall into familiarity fairly easily when given the chance, simply out of prolonged affection. Greagoir will always be a grump, but I think that's part of his reluctant charm, hehe. And not wanting to admit or acknowledge what's between them would definitely be an oft undiscussed topic - esp if you consider if Wynne's son is/was indeed their child, there would have to be a lot of anger and resentment there for a long time on both sides until they fall back into this THING. Then you've got the bit where she has basically died and come back, and doesn't expect to return this time, and she knows how she feels, but she wants him to admit as much on his side(why are Danny Tripp and Matt Albie reciting "say it say it" in my head? lol), just in case.
(And in my first completed playthrough, Wynne totally took down the archdemon with Spellweaver, so she's clearly BADASS and is OF COURSE coming back.)
It's clear from the way they act in the story that these two have a long history together. I love the familiarity and intimacy between them - it speaks volumes about a relationship that must have been really complicated, and yet still full of affection. Nice job.
I'm so glad that what I was going for is coming through - one always worries, with a new character or pairing, whether or not everyone else "gets" them in the same way.
(There's also this adorable fanart over on the kmeme about the two of them post-game, going on vacay together to an Antivan beach. Cracked me up and contributed to my affection for them. Greagoir seems like such a grump, but the kind I could see a saucy young Wynne liking anyway, and the saucy older Wynne finding stupidly endearing...)
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