5/17/13, date for ST:XII (yes, that says 12).
Honestly, I'm not sure I can make it through another big bang season and possibly two ship wars/olympics/wev before we get a refreshing of canon. My AUs will get even AU-er by then (oh, what am I saying; they're pretty far off as it is
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Comments 11
And yes! A date! (Although it's so far off that it's possible I'll be pregnant by then.)
(I realize that 'other than a complete lack of plot' makes it look like my Castle/NCIS crossover is totally porn. Which it isn't, not at all, and it doesn't even look like there's a good excuse to write any porn into it. Alas. I'm sure I'll survive writing actual genfic for once.)
Yeah, I've got more than enough deadlines with [DayJob]. I don't need 'em to kick me in the butt for fic anymore. My productivity has dropped a bit but I'm okay with that.
In other words, with no new canon on the horizon, then the 'next film,' well, doesn't suck yet and hasn't pissed me off.
I have Complicated Feelings on the matter. But hey. A good deal of us have sort of drifted off to other fandoms, or are at least flirting with other fandoms. Hopefully we'll all return if Trek gets exciting again.
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