[RL with Kurama] Confusion leads this dance, we're waiting for the last waltz

Oct 08, 2009 17:57

Contrary as always even without his memories at his full disposal, Kuronue was almost impossible to track. Ruka had snatched into his mind and soul and torn away all his bonds, but the basic memory of how to survive remained. Unfortunately, the dominant memories that surfaced after some digging through the empty space, were from a much darker time ( Read more... )

lost and confused, rl, kurama has a temper, dark rukia plot

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Comments 31

deadly_garden October 9 2009, 00:09:59 UTC
He made a note to strangle Touya as soon as everything was back to normal. He asked the ice shinobi to search for the bat, not scare him into taking a dive off of a cliff!

At least he'd managed to narrow down his location, that being Galdera. It was large, too large for him to cross in the time since Touya had found him. Especially if he had injured himself further with that stupid, suicidal leap of his. Oh yes, Touya would quickly learn what exactly Kurama had "spared him" from back during the Dark Tournament.

Between the scent of blood and the faint smell of smoke, Kurama managed to locate Kuronue's hide out just as dark fell. Hesitant to go in, he hovered at the entrance, not wanting to scare the already spooked demon.


cioara_bata October 9 2009, 00:48:37 UTC
It was a rookie mistake to not cover the stench of his own blood, and to sleep with a fire in the first place, but the night was a cold one and Kuronue had proven he could defend himself if need be. He'd at least built the fire far back in the cave with a natural flue to release smoke a distance away, instead of smogging out the whole area. The night was thick with fog, which was the bat's natural element. Even if he didn't know it.

He slept with both arms pillowing his cheek and legs drawn up, curled in close to the fire but not too close. His wings were drawn around as a blanket to trap in warmth, and keep out the creeping nights chill. He must have been exhausted to sleep in the dark, rather than during the daylit hours. Kuronue hated the sun.


deadly_garden October 9 2009, 01:21:51 UTC
Kurama peeked in when the bat made no sounds that he could pick up from his location, wincing slightly when he caught the bat's form in the flickering firelight. At least he was sleeping with his back to the wall, so not all his survival knowledge was gone.

He crept in silently, settling down a fair distance away from the bat in an attempt to frighten him less than he knew he would already. As the fire started to die down he threw scraps of wood into it, keeping an eye on the bat, ready to bolt should the bat decide to attack him.


cioara_bata October 9 2009, 02:18:30 UTC
The sound of the fire being built up was inevitably what startled the bat awake. A shiver of wings, and the scrape of nails pressing into the stone floor was the only warning Kurama got before Kuronue jolted back, eyes blinking wide and alert despite the obvious grogginess.

There was someone in his den, there was someone --

He stared blankly at Kurama for all of five seconds before breaking and bolting for the door without a word. The ice demon had tracked him, he'd been messy, he'd made mistakes and he'd been caught!


deadly_garden October 10 2009, 22:00:11 UTC
He shook his head. "If I hurt you," he started slowly, "It will only be because you asked me to. I swear by Inari." He ran his fingers through Kuronue's hair, trying to ignore the iron like grip around his heart. He couldn't recall ever feeling so much pain in his life as he was at this very moment.

"I'll teach you everything," he replied urgently, brushing his lips gently against the bat's. It wasn't the kiss he wanted to give him, but he knew he would be frightened enough by this simple action that he didn't want to make it worse.


cioara_bata October 10 2009, 22:11:08 UTC
In the end, it was just a matter of impeccable timing. Somewhere on a different world entirely, a boy named Ichigo was pounding a dark creature into the ground, screaming at her to return his friend, and his bond. Almost immediately when the hold of that dark spirit broke, memories started flooding back to the ones who'd been gutted of them by her scythe.

Kuronue jolted and inhaled sharply in Kurama's arms, eyes fluttering tightly shut and squeezing against the sudden onslaught. His nails bit lightly into Yoko's forearms, hands trembling. "... whoa."


deadly_garden October 10 2009, 22:23:42 UTC
Kurama pulled back, his eyes searching and borderline frantic. Had he messed up? Had Kuronue changed his mind? Shit, it was the last thing he needed, losing the hard fought ground he'd finally gained.

"Kuro-ai? Are you all right?"


cioara_bata October 10 2009, 22:43:57 UTC
"Yeah, I... damn, just caught me off-guard 'n sommat," he mumbled, eyes blinking open in a daze. He grinned crookedly to reassure the panicked fox and leaned in to snag his mouth again, nipping fondly at those lips until he'd earned the sort of kiss he wanted.

"I'm fine, 'rama-ai. Just got hit with a lifetime of memories all at once, fogged me up a bit."

He nosed into Kurama's cheek and breathed, still shaking, "got no idea how you did that..."


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