Looksies at my lovely new Smutty T00b icon, courtesy of
kaiwynn. Yes, I am declared the Smutty T00b of the Twilight T00bs. I'm not sure I've fully earned this title, but I shall attempt to live up to it.
There's quite a lot I need to be doing, like matching up requests for
twilight_swap and catching up on
twilight_stamp, but instead I'm working on Gaspard icons. I have new
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Comments 8
I'm making Gaspard icons too! *glee* He's just a sexy little beast, isn't he.
For some reason I'm having the same problem as you. Yesterday my muse was scampering around like a wild squirrel (...wild squirrel?) but now, it's ded. I don't even know why.
He's soooo iconable. Too pretty for his own good.
Hmm, I think it may have to do with Saturn. It's transitioning from Leo to Virgo, you see, and that's sort of an all around muse bummer.
And yeah, I just finished making the icons for ulliel_stills challenge 5. *happy dance*
Ooh, yay! I hope you made some for the theme challenge. That one keeps getting neglected...
*pets muses* Now, now, be nice to Katie. If you want to be put in those smutty situations you love so much, or even the fluffy ones, you'll behave yourself *stern look*
My HP muses are being all sorts of pouty. They need to get over whatever their deal is NOW before the Twilight muses take over completely. I HAVE A FIC I NEED TO BE WRITING FOR TOMORROW! LET'S GET WITH IT HERE!
Whenever Harry gets pouty with me, I write something that doesn't involve him at all, just to piss him off.
And as wonderfully diabolical as that sounds, if I don't include Harry in the fic I've been working on, it'll just be R/Hr... and that is just NOT ON.
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