(HP) Fic: The Winds to Romania

Mar 28, 2011 23:02

Title: The Winds to Romania
Rating: R (for adult content)
Pairing: H/D
Words: 691
Warnings: slash, implied sex, fluff
Summary: Harry lets the wind guide him.
Beta: None
A/N: Written for the hump_day101 weekly challenge. It is very late for the challenge, but it was for the week of "into the wind" and fluff. It is also the sequel to The Sky Was Left for the angst prompt. The sequel is dedicated to and inspired by enchanted_jae!

The Winds to Romania

Harry sat in the sky with a smile gently creeping across his face. Things had changed, had become the way they should have been.

It started on a day like today, when Harry sat in the sky, looking for the peace and relaxation he always found. The same peace his father always found. But Harry had found no peace and he had flown, off into the abyss, the nothingness of the infinite expanse of sky. And though he flew in no direction, he soon found himself in a place he had once called home.

Harry felt the heat of the dragon’s breath before he even realized he had turned up in Romania.

“Harry!” Ginny shouted as he flew close.

Charlie was on the ground coaxing a baby dragon to flex its wings. It was time to learn to fly. Harry though now how fitting it was that day. Ginny had left her work to another trainer and took him back to her flat. Her arms were scarred from where the gloves didn’t reach, masking the scars she took on from the war. Her hair was tied back in a tight bun to avoid being singed. She could never think of cutting it and released it from its bun the second they flew down to the flat.

To his surprise, Ron was waiting in the kitchen. “Oi, Mate! It’s good to see you.”

Hermione and Ron had decided to forgo the lawyers for at least a little while. She took a new position at the Ministry that had her traveling for the rights of “lower class” magical creatures. And Ron had moved in with Ginny. He wasn’t suited to dragon work so he left it to Charlie and Ginny while he was taking some work with the local Quidditch team.

Harry told them how helpless he felt, how he had flown into the wind, letting it lead him wherever he was supposed to be. He had no direction left in his life. They caught up on all they had missed in each other’s life. It was so easy to forget about others when your life was going on such a different path.

That day was the start. It was also the day that Ron had told him where Draco was. He had come across him in Diagon Alley as he was taking some money out of Gringott’s for the move to Romania. Draco had shook his head as they passed, diverting his eyes, and Ron hadn’t thought anything of it until Harry had arrived. That little information was all Harry needed, it was a direction to go, a place to search after the years of not knowing where he was.

Harry had managed to track him down. Draco tried to avoid him, tried to pretend like they hadn’t come across each other again. But the pull between them was too strong. The need for each other surpassed all the pain, and they had woken up in bed the next day together, naked, sated, and in each other’s arms.

The smile spread further across Harry’s face at the memory. He looked down toward his little cottage and saw the reflection of pale blond hair. Draco smiled up at him from under the apple tree. A little girl of three years old sat in his lap, jet black hair and blue eyes. Lily was the greatest gift that Hermione could ever give them, a spell created specifically for them, better than any insemination at a muggle doctor’s office. They had found a surrogate after Hermione was able to combine their DNA.

Lily waved up at Harry. “Hi Daddy!”

“Harry, are you coming down anytime soon? Someone is ready for lunch and someone needs a kiss.”

Harry lowered in the sky and flew closer to them. His lips turned up at the corner in a sly smile. “So you want lunch, Draco?”

Draco pouted, interrupted by a small voice, “No, Daddy, I do!”

Flying into the wind and letting it guide him was the best decision Harry had ever made. It guided him home from his empty cottage. It guided him to his new family.

rating: mature, pairing: slash, genre: fluff, challenge: hdwc, fandom: harry potter

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