Fanfiction Survey!

Oct 15, 2007 00:13

I'm doing a research project on fanfiction for my oral comm class. Because there's so little statistical information about fanfiction out there, I decided to obtain my own statistics.

Below the cut is a poll which I encourage you all to fill out. There are further questions not included in the poll about personal experiences in fanfiction that I hope you'll fill out for me as well.

Once you've filled out the poll, or even if you don't, please post it on your own livejournal for all your friends to fill out. I'm hoping this will spread far beyond my own corners of fandom.

Poll Fanfiction Survey

Further questions:

1) What prompted you to begin writing or reading fanfiction? Why did you begin?

2) What is the personal reward that writing or reading fanfiction provides you? What do you get out of it?

3) Where do you post? What is your audience like?

4) Describe your fanfics. What is the typical length, what themes do you explore, what genres do you write? Why?

5) Has fanfiction affected your real life? How?

Thanks for participating - and please, remember to post a link to this entry in your own journals now!

poll, fanfic, fandom

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