Title: London Confessions
Author: cindyls1969
Artist: noelleleithe
Rating:: NC-17
Pairing: Jake/Van
Summary: Jake and Alex and Van and Tyler head to London for a ATWT fan event. Romance ensues but for who?
Word Count: 13326
Disclaimer: I own nothing but the over active imagination that came up with this work of fiction.
Authors Note: This is dedicated to Louise Cossey, who found me and made me her a part of her Nuke family. This story was born from a night of long talking and us bouncing ideas off each other, laughing our asses of and making each other smile. It's her story as much as mine. And thank you so much Shannon for the wonderful art and the amazing playlist of songs you created!!! And my beta for this was my fabulous Twin, mdfawn. Thank you so much Anna!!
Link to master art post:
http://community.livejournal.com/noelleleithefic/47769.html Part 1:
http://cindyls1969.livejournal.com/6591.html#cutid1Part 2:
http://cindyls1969.livejournal.com/6864.html#cutid1Part 3:
http://cindyls1969.livejournal.com/7121.html#cutid1Part 4:
http://cindyls1969.livejournal.com/7386.html#cutid1Part 5:
http://cindyls1969.livejournal.com/7615.html#cutid1Part 6:
http://cindyls1969.livejournal.com/7788.html#cutid1Part 7:
http://cindyls1969.livejournal.com/8088.html#cutid1Part 8: