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Comments 29

showercapfrog September 18 2008, 10:27:09 UTC
ROFL cheesecake!

I'm glad that they're both happy together, even if Dream is haunting them both figuratively and literally!


cindyanne1 September 19 2008, 10:56:32 UTC
Hee. Actually there really wasn't any cheesecake involved. ;) Eric just thinks there was, but in reality he is a Family sim, and once I got him into college and playable I gave him the MOAR TWINS Lifetime Aspiration benefit. :D So anyone he knocks up will be more likely to have twins, and he will be too, should he get abducted. So the twins come from "Eric's side of the family" so to speak, lolol.

I haven't quite decided what antics Dream will get up to, but I know it'll be a fun time for all... except maybe for Heart and Eric. ;)


madame_ugly September 18 2008, 12:15:41 UTC
As they were carting away Dream's body, I was wondering if you really did kill her off. The ghost answered that question. Did she die by fire (the ghost is red, is that fire)?

Ooh, the Dream ghost is going to GET YOU, Heart. I love that Heart is just never going to be really happy, is she? And poor, poor Eric, having to live in that house. There's no where he can go that there's not a bad memory (even if they do remodel).


Ooh, I almost want there to be a super mega soap opera twist and have Dream's ghost possess one of the twins! Dream II: The Nightmare Continues.


cindyanne1 September 19 2008, 11:02:12 UTC
Okay... here's my big secret... Dream didn't really die! In the end I decided I only wanted to kill her for the story and not the actual challenge game (it's rough separating the two but I'm managing so far, lol) What I did was use smonaff's ghost hack: http://www.modthesims2.com/showthread.php?t=202081
to make Dream look like a ghost. This way I can still control her and make her do stuff (and make her even more terrifying for the story, hee hee hee hee.) I'm actually thinking about turning her into a witch a la Apartment Life, and have her start casting spells on poor Heart... but that's just an idea. It might not work. Be fun though! :D

Ooooh... possession! I hadn't thought of that! Might be an idea for sure, lol!


dragancaor September 18 2008, 13:19:20 UTC
Hurrah for the cheesecake myth!!

That kitchen looks great! It's nicely done, even if the room still holds the memories they at least wont be quite so glaring.
The memory images of Dream's good side were a really great touch =)

Absolutely brilliant update! XD

So go on tell us! How did Dream die in game? What did you do to her?


cindyanne1 September 19 2008, 11:05:28 UTC
Yay cheesecake! Even though in this it was actually Eric's Lifetime Aspiraton Benefit at work... he just thinks it was cheescake, lol!

And Dream didn't actually die *cackles* I decided I did want to keep her alive for the game (not only for the points but because she and Heart do have such a good "real" relationship and she's such a fun sim to play) but kill her off for the story, so I'm using Smonaff's Ghost Hack: http://www.modthesims2.com/showthread.php?t=202081
to make it look like Dream is a ghost. This is way better, because now I can control her and make her do things (like I'm thinking about making her an evil witch and wreaking havoc that way from beyond the grave, heh heh heh.)

Good times, lol! Thank you for reading!


(The comment has been removed)

cindyanne1 September 19 2008, 11:09:38 UTC
*snort* I had to get the llama in there. I had actually taken a few other pictures of Eric doing his homework to use, but then the llama came in and started cheering for him and I had to use that picture instead, lol!

Thank you for the kudos on the screenshots! :D See I always think mine aren't that great because there's not much too them. I see others that are so elaborate with a lot of background stuff and decoration, etc. and mine are rather plain. *blushes* I do so hate to have a slow-playing lot though so I don't decorate that much. I'm glad you like them in spite of that, lol!

Thank you for reading!


danihana September 18 2008, 18:04:58 UTC
Cheesecake has not worked for me yet, I'm guessing that I haven't had my preggo sims eat enough of it.


zepheera September 18 2008, 20:49:42 UTC
Cheesecake works after one slice, my sims have eaten it before the first bump, or right before giving birth, and the result has always been twins until I got the hack that reduces the twin percentage rate for cheesecake...

I like SOME mystery!


cindyanne1 September 19 2008, 11:13:03 UTC
This may be a stupid question, but do you have OFB? Because I think that's the only EP that brought the cheesecake thing. I'm not sure if it was carried over in newer EP's or not.

It does work every time. Even when the sim is uncontrollable and eating out on community lots (I set up a dessert-only restaruant just to see how many preggie sims came in there to partake, and checked them before and after with the Insim, and yes it works even then!)


danihana September 19 2008, 19:09:24 UTC
I do have OFB. And y'know what, my mistake. I've been using the spaghetti trick, because I have read that spaghetti can cause twins as well. It doesn't work for me.


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