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Comments 28

forestpixie August 4 2008, 14:49:21 UTC

I didn't see that coming, despite your spoiler hints.

Poor Matthew, though, left behind with a "dad" who knows he's not his dad, and is feeling hurt and betrayed. Will Ben stay?


cindyanne1 August 5 2008, 00:19:00 UTC
Ummm... Let's just say Ben checks out, but he doesn't leave. ;) And I agree, Matthew will have a lot to deal with. I'm sure, though, with Alaina and Leo's upbringing, he'll handle it pretty well... time will tell!

Thank you for reading!


madame_ugly August 4 2008, 15:05:44 UTC
I love Ben even more now. I know he's just an incidental character, but I adore him. He's been fucked over every bit as much as wee Matthew. Poor sweet old Ben.

And I LOVE the word "whelp". So perfect. It sums up exactly the way Ben's feeling. It has a light coating of cruelty to it, calling Hope a bitch without actually saying it. Poor Ben.

I'm glad Hope is leaving. I've never much cared for her and if she thinks I'm going to squeeze out one tear because she's giving up her precious fortune, she has another think coming. She's been SELFISH from day one and she deserves to be destitute. When her belly starts growling, we'll see how full it gets on love.

I can't wait for the drama, though. That selfish twat will come sauntering back later, I just know it.

(and Leo is still so cute--Leo LOVE!)

I nominate the Standish Legacy for Best Sim Drama!


cindyanne1 August 5 2008, 00:17:36 UTC
Ben is adorable. I'm not kidding, in my real game (which I will start playing again once I get Apartment Life) I am so hunting him down and giving him the best life ever. If his poor old Family sim heart wants 10 kids, by gum he'll get Elixer and have those 10 kids! Yessireebob!

hee hee. I liked the word "whelp" too. ;) It's mean without being direct. Which is the way Ben is, bless him.

Thank you for the Best Drama nod, lol! I do loves me some drama! :D


aite_eternelle August 5 2008, 02:07:48 UTC
LOL you're tempting me to make my "Ben"(actually Jason in my game) have 10 kids. Of course he has a VERY happy life. Heh.

Here he is aged down with one of the twins(they had a boy and a girl). Now I know for sure they'll have tons more. LOL.

... )


aite_eternelle August 5 2008, 02:09:17 UTC
And don't mind the ugly suit he's wearing..he was still in workclothes.


cappuccino86 August 4 2008, 16:26:38 UTC
Hey, this really was unexpected! :) Cool update, I was wondering, will the story follow Matthew's life now primarily and we'll see Hope again when (and if) she returns home or will her and Ripp's story run in parallel?


cindyanne1 August 5 2008, 00:13:35 UTC
You're hitting it very close! The story will follow Matthew's perspective but Ripp and Hope will come back into it, about 15 years later. They will have been living in Strangetown all that time, and we'll get a glimpse of what their life is like.

Thank you for reading!


ikichi August 4 2008, 17:17:42 UTC
Poor Ben and Matt! I hope he still has her parents as friends, even if he doesn't want to see them now... Ben seriously didn't deserve ANY of this- seriously Hope, what's your problem? Your family was well-off enough before marrying Ben!

You'll be ok, Matty. Leo is WONDERFUL on tap and you'll be well-loved. (How sad is it that I can see him forgiving Ripp sooner than Hope?)

(Hey- how did you get that pic of her writing? Did you age her down to YA? I tried that once and wasn't able to "do assignment".)


cindyanne1 August 5 2008, 00:11:13 UTC
Hope does have some issues, lol! And I agree, Leo and Alaina will be wonderful parents for Matt. They were already doing practically everything for him anyway. ;)

The writing in the notebook is the result of a complicated cheat called allmenus on/off. Jaydee tells how to do it on her website http://www.jd-movies.com It involves altering core game files, though. (I also call the cheat SUPER BOOLPROP) Anyway, it enables all the menus all the time. So an adult sim can self-click and eventually get the college/do assignment option.

It's a pain, though. Usually I play with it off.

Thank you for reading!


x_illegal_x August 5 2008, 00:35:40 UTC
THANK YOU so much for that link!


emmmkayyyy August 4 2008, 17:33:02 UTC
Babies and betrayal. Does the kid have blonde hair because of his grandparents? Or is it actually brown I just can't see it? Honestly I would have thought because Hope and Ripp both had dominant Brown genes it would have been the dominant but do they both have blonde recessive jeans too? (Lyla was blonde...)


cindyanne1 August 5 2008, 00:07:33 UTC
Yes, Ripp has recessive blonde hair (this is the real Ripp, not a clone... because the legacy "Viper Canyon" is actually a custom shopping district attached to Strangetown.) Plus Hope has recessive blonde hair from her mother.

Because this story is pre-written, I had to make Ripp and Hope have a boy with Ripp's eyes (I didn't care about the hair color though)... well they had a few girls first and both of those girls had brown hair! So yes, I think they are more likely to produce brown haired kids!

Thank you for reading!


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