Title: Kind of Like a Band-Aid
Author: sportysmurf
Fandom: Women’s Murder Club
Pairing: Lindsay/Cindy
Rating: PG
Word Count: 634
Archive: Just let me know…
Disclaimer: Not mine. James Patterson’s. Only for fun and entertainment (I hope)
Spoilers: None
Summary: For once, it’s Cindy putting her foot in it… Think early WMC - Cindy actually is new.
A/N: On the order of a ficlet - my muse seems to be dragging her feet on continuing fics, but is perfectly willing to provide drabbles and ficlets…Sorry f-list, this is what happens when I get a four day weekend and get attacked by plot bunnies...
A/N2: Thanks to
littleangelmary - am I getting to be a pain, yet?
A little Thomas logic...