Fic :: Luke/Reid "the center of a circle"

Jun 29, 2010 20:15

Title: the center of a circle
Pairing: Luke Snyder/Dr. Reid Oliver
Rating: PG
Summary: Reid comes home to his own personal pastel hell.
Author's Notes: Let's call a spade a spade here, schmoop_bingo is just going to be me indulging my sappy side. (I am a giant giant sap.) This is for the prompt "baby shower". Thanks to openice for totally indulging with me.

Reid looked around his usually clean and quite modern house in sheer horror. He'd left it early that morning in it's usual condition and came home six hours later to find it a sea of dark brown and sea foam green. Balloons, teddy bears and streamers... it was like his own personal pastel hell.

Luke walked out of the kitchen with a tray of cookies and smiled when he saw Reid.

"You're home early," he placed the tray on their dining room table and crossed to the front door. "Awesome."

Reid leaned in for a kiss automatically. "Did I miss when we decided to let Strawberry Shortcake decorate our place?"

"Haha," Luke rolled his eyes. "It's Katie's baby shower, and you know it."

"Couldn't we have it at Al's?"

Luke had already turned towards the kitchen and answered over his shoulders. "Why buy a house if we aren't going to entertain in it?"

"I'm going to need a beer," Reid told the empty room. Which meant he trailed after Luke, but not really. He just happened to be going to the same place that Reid needed to go.

He was shocked by the sheer amount of food on every single surface. Plates of sandwiches and trays of veggies and fruits. A three tiered cupcake tower. On most days this would be heaven but he didn't need to test out the boundary, he knew if he went for one of them he would suffer the wrath of Snyder rather quickly. Luke was messing with the oven, like they needed more food or something and Reid stood in the doorway just watching for a bit.

Somewhere in the back of his mind, the part he only ever admitted to Luke when he was too tired to put up his defenses, he couldn't help but feel warm by the image. Four years of dating and two years of living together and he was still getting used to the feeling of family that Luke Snyder had given him. Not the family that he was forced to endure at holidays, or even the family he actually kind of liked, but the family that he'd chosen and that had chosen him back.

Luke stood back and looked satisfied by whatever he'd seen. He grinned at Reid, purely relaxed. "Brownies will be done in ten."

"Good wife," Reid teased, but there was no bite to it. "Had I known you baked I might have moved in sooner... Come to think of it, why don't you bake more often?"

"I thought I was just the trophy wife," Luke poked his tongue out one side and shrugged. He was right in front of Reid, hands on Reid's shoulder warm from where they'd just been poking around the oven. "Didn't know I had to multitask."

Reid pushed forward into a kiss and let his tongue wander to find bits of chocolate (what he assumed to be frosting) on Luke's lips. Like he needed another reason to find the man completely irresistable. He sighed into the kiss and tangled his hand into the white T Luke was wearing. Luke pushed back.

"People will be here in less than an hour," he tilted his head forward. "No time for distraction."

Reid frowned but Luke just turned again, grabbing a tray and heading back out to the living room.

"Check the fridge." Luke tossed over his shoulder. "The good beer is in the veggie crisper."

He swung the door open and found a wrapped up sandwich in the center of the top shelf. He couldn't help the smile that replaced the frown.

He was so far gone and he didn't care one bit.

i ship :: luke&reid, atwt :: rocky!verse, fics, i : write for bingo, fandom :: atwt

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