Title: Living Legend
by Musedepandora (see:
Master List of Fanfics)
Disclaimer: Doctor Who belongs to various persons and corporations that are not me or associated with me. This piece of fanfiction is written with the admiration and respect for the original work. I claim no ownership of Doctor Who's creations. No profit is made from this
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Comments 84
The Doctor is never quite sure where to turn with her, where those timelines lead, and there are so many more than anyone might expect from their strange, back-to-front, three-legged race of a romance.
He forgets entire swaths of history to make room for this memory, because he never wants to lose it.
This is all the best parts of fanfic all rolled into one story and then getting better than the sum of its parts. I think I already gave out an Internets tonight so I will just have to give you like, ten of them. :D
And now I want that key in the library, plus a story where the Master or Rose walks in on them... Darn you. You broke my brain. (I love it really. Mmmmmmm, quality smut. I've missed it.)
"'You're this great legend, but to me, you are just a man', which I think is totally at the heart of their relationship (and one reason I can see the whole getting-married/having-sex thing, which I can't see with any of his 'ordinary' companions), so it resonated in all kinds of ways."
I agree completely and I'm so glad that that worked for you in this story!
And I'd love to read the crackfic idea you mentioned! With Rose/TenToo and Marilyn Monroe! That sounds like it'd be so much fun. :D
I really appreciate all the lovely things you continued to say about my story here. And now I'm heading over to read the link you sent me.
not coherent. also slightly feverish. yay flu~
but. this. is lovely. *bookmarks forever*
(So glad you liked that part. Thank you.)
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