Fic: forget the lies no one ever could sell you (HP gen)

Jul 23, 2007 19:55

So, I, er, seem to have written a HP ficlet. Spoilers for Deathly Hallows.

Deathly Hallows ficlet )

harry potter, fic

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Comments 9

biggrstaffbunch July 24 2007, 00:16:42 UTC
Oh! *flails* Lavender and a werewolf and ah, oh, this is wonderful! <3


cinaed July 24 2007, 01:26:24 UTC
Thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed it. I have this image of Lavender starting this whole werewolf rights movement and kicking ass, with Theodore, Padma, and Parvati's help. :)


ncp July 25 2007, 18:17:55 UTC
... did Lavender actually get bitten? Or is your writing so wonderfully realistic that I just think she *must* have?


cinaed July 25 2007, 21:14:09 UTC
In the book, Fenrir transformed attacked Lavender while she was unconscious, but Hermione launched a Stunning Spell at him. Since it was never stated whether or not Lavender was actually bitten, I decided to go with she had. ;)

Glad you enjoyed!


ncp July 25 2007, 21:15:33 UTC
Wait... it was a full moon night? The wolves transformed?

*must re-read... again*


cinaed July 25 2007, 21:23:40 UTC
See, that's what confused me. Based on that paragraph (page 646 in the American version), it seemed like Greyback was transformed-- but Lupin definitely wasn't, so-- I don't know. Something Rowling's editor didn't catch, I suppose?


pomegranate_7 July 27 2007, 17:19:33 UTC
I love your strong and determined Lavender working for werewolf rights, dealing with her new challenges head-on. And Theodore trying to forge a new identity for himself--I'd so read more of this! Thank you :)


cinaed August 10 2007, 03:57:15 UTC
Thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed it. I might write more of this 'verse-- Theodore at the Quibbler, Lav and the rest trying to fight for werewolf rights, etc.


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