Title: First Son (4/7) Rating: PG-13 Pairing: Patrick/Pete, Patrick/Jon, Spencer/Ryan, Ryan/Brendon, Gabe/William, Gerard & Mikey (no pairing) Word Count: 7,257
you cannot stop there, woman!!!!!! petecoon is going to bite jon's arm off, i am sure. and even though i usually am a jon walker fan, i can't stand him in this fic. touching pete's patrick, tz. petecoons are very possessive, did you know?
so so so give me moooooooooooooreeeeeeee pleaaaaaaase ._.
I <3 Patrick and I <3 Pete and I <3 the Ways and I <3 your Rydon and I <3 your gabilliam and I <3 Jon and I <3 GAY SPENCER and I <3 ALL THE COSTUMES and I <3 Patrick's performance ("I already gave it to you") and I <3 Peterick closet fun and I <3 your lovely midgets and insects description.
But most of all I <3 YOU for making this and story and being so goshdarn funny (not to mention my first lj friend).
Nawwwwwwwww Finally some Peterick action! And who are you?! You've got to be the first fic writer EVER to write Jon as anything but a lovable teddy Bear!!!!!!!!!!
I love this and I love Pete which if you know me, NEVER EVER EVER EVER happens. Patrick, oh patrick. Let Me guess, Pete's dressed up as the first boy who stole his heart?!
anyway As much as I love JWalk, like fo-real Peat Needs to deck that SOB and claim what's rightfully his! Can't wait for more!!!
Comments 64
so so so give me moooooooooooooreeeeeeee pleaaaaaaase ._.
<3 Pete. i still dont have a clue what you were on about in that closet. but still sounds awesome.
Well, Pete tends to ramble and think he's humorous with his sexual advances. *rolls eyes* :))
Thank youuu *hugs*
Hope you like the update xD
:DLoved every FUCKING word!
You my dearest own the world :D
*Gives a little crown*
Thank you!! :DD
I love your comment and you, for making me own the world, LOL :))
Hope you like my update~ ;D
But most of all I <3 YOU for making this and story and being so goshdarn funny (not to mention my first lj friend).
*Nods enthusiastically*
You make me happy with your lovely comments~~ xD
Hope you like my update :D
You make me happy with your story >.<
I'm sure I will *goes to read*
Finally some Peterick action!
And who are you?! You've got to be the first fic writer EVER to write Jon as anything but a lovable teddy Bear!!!!!!!!!!
I love this and I love Pete which if you know me, NEVER EVER EVER EVER happens. Patrick, oh patrick. Let Me guess, Pete's dressed up as the first boy who stole his heart?!
As much as I love JWalk, like fo-real
Peat Needs to deck that SOB and claim what's rightfully his!
Can't wait for more!!!
Well, I'm the writer who's going to be stabbed by the millions of TeddyBear!Jon's fans by next chapter. D:
Not telllling :P
But thank you so much for loving the story! :DD
Hope you like my update!~ xD
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