Do you know, the thing is I still check this thing every day?

Aug 07, 2011 00:15

I really do, I sit and creep on everyone's entries and hyperventilate at anything ontd_startrek has to post (however scant it may be).

I had a check up post all written up the other day, too, but my phone hates LJ mobile and ate it.  Well.  And lately, with all this hacking business, well, can you blame me for being hesitant?  I used to live for ( Read more... )

tl;dr, fanfiction, just checking in, fic rec, this is a fandom outlet, college stuff, star trek, dis lj gotdam

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Comments 16

dineru August 7 2011, 04:55:51 UTC
Hello! This post does not apply to me, but I'm going to reply anyway because I like it when people use LJ! :D Tumblr is fun and all, but I don't usually talk to people there because the reply system drives me nuts.

Aw, there's always time for some fandom, even during school! Maybe not midnight freakouts, I don't know, but I'm sure you'll figure out some sort of balance. :P


cicero_drayon August 7 2011, 18:55:31 UTC
What's up with the reply system? I find that it's easy enough for me with the Missing E add ons, but no, it's not the best way to communicate.

Last year when I started school I found that my interest in fandom waned so much--probably because I had so much more to do and a constant busy environment with people to keep me busy. But there always is a lull, so as long as it doesn't interfere with my grades!


dineru August 7 2011, 20:14:59 UTC
It's not hard to leave replies, but it irks me that there's no attempt at threading, every reply-to-a-reply has to be a new post, etc. Plus I'm never quite sure how to move from "hey I'm reblogging your pretty pics" to "let's have a conversation!" but it's probably just me.

Possibly it's just been so long since I was in school that I've forgotten how much time it takes up. =___= Not really looking forward to this fall...


cicero_drayon August 7 2011, 23:27:27 UTC
But we wouldn't want anything like a nested reply system on a social networking site. That would be completely ridiculous. But Tumblr still likes to screw us over because it knows it is like crack and we won't leave even if it's completely worthless.
And yes, I know what you mean, there's followers and then there are followers and it's really hard to cross the line.

Haha, I'm the opposite though, I miss school so much I'm pulling my hair out. Probably because I've got nothing more productive to do at home.


andromedalogic August 10 2011, 22:33:59 UTC
HAY GURL HAY and look at this entry being from only three days ago. When I hardly check LJ at all. What a coincidence.

I just made THE MOST AWKWARD entry about returning to eljay but being in a different fandom. You are probably lucky that you just fluctuate in and out of a single fandom.

Yeah, it's weird how I really really want to be active on LJ and I see its merits but then it seems so much harder to get one's bearings here than on tumblr.


cicero_drayon August 10 2011, 23:49:00 UTC

I'm about to pop on over to that entry and respond in kind. It's kinda lucky, but I feel kinda boring too. I am very much a creature of habit, and I'm still like "HEY SPORK YOU GUYS HEY YOU GUYS SPORK" and everyone else has moved on to other things. :/ It might be time to get into something new with an active fanbase. (Did you get my tumblr message, by the way.)

Today I spent copious amounts of time on LJ hunting down all of the communities that still post things Relevant to My Interests on a fairly frequent basis, because I am beginning to get scared that I've actually read all of the fic I want to read. Um.

Why is Tumblr so much easier to connect on when it's just so much worse as a social networking site? Mysteries of life.

Thanks for checking in. :D


andromedalogic August 11 2011, 01:12:50 UTC
No I did not get any tumblr message ffffff h8 u tumblr.

There are definitely a few people who are still primarily into Spork. It's not the original slash pairing for nuthin'. omg, I know what you mean about the fic. There's just so much sub-par writing to wade through.

ETERNAL MYSTERIES~ I think it has something to do with its casual air; no matter what you post, it feels a lot less serious and permanent (and in my case, my OCD is less likely to go haywire with 'aaahh was that the right word for that concept').


cicero_drayon August 11 2011, 01:23:45 UTC
TUMBLRRRR. Well basically the gist of it was that I tried to log into Netflix on two separate occasions but it wouldn't let me, so I was terrified of locking you out and called cease and desist. But I will get around to it one day, eventually. I've been meaning to get netflix for ages, too. Just broke. :|

NGL some of the people that are still primarily into are it are people that I associate with in fandom am I a terrible person But I know what you mean. I should be glad the fandom even exists at all after about half a century, so I'll stop crying about it ( ... )


bigmamag August 13 2011, 23:53:19 UTC
GIRL, have you changed your tumblr username? I was wondering today why I haven't seen you post in a long time and so I saw it was deleted, panicked, then came here and have found relief.



cicero_drayon August 14 2011, 03:07:11 UTC
Haha, yes, I did change! I suspect you've been following me all along and haven't realized it! I'm colorfulmetaphor (ha). (Sorry, I'd link but I'm on my phone.) I hate to have caused you any undue stress!


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