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Comments 17

finlee May 8 2009, 20:48:37 UTC
Dude, did you watch Chips growing up? The actor who played Sargent Getraer (Robert Pine) is the father of the guy who plays Kirk!


cianconnell May 9 2009, 01:39:38 UTC
Did I watch CHiPs? Are you frigging kidding me? Heh, true story, I used to roller skate (not blade, skate), shooting the duck and pulling out all my other sweet moves, like, you know, the full crossover and skating backwards nonstop, hoping...nay, sure that some casting director would spot me and need me as, you know, the sassy kid who totally bolts from the guys, jumping a fence or whatever to get away on skates (heh, wasn't that in like...every other episode?).

You know, in front of my house. In Chevy Chase, Maryland. Oy!

Aw, the Sarge. He was like the pappa Bear (oh, wait, Bear...I forgot about him, but I had a total crush on him, too).


miss_begonia May 8 2009, 21:11:25 UTC
I really dug the movie too, as a fellow non-Trekkie. I thought it struck a good balance between being a movie geeky enough for Trekkies to actually enjoy and also being a movie that people can watch and understand who don't know much about the franchise. I mean, at this point, Star Trek is a 40-year-old + franchise, right? It could use a little bit of shaking up, and I think they did that here (it was a lot more VIOLENT than I thought it would be, for one thing - I feel like if you didn't like the dude who played Kirk, you at least got to see him get his ass kicked like 62 times).

I agree about Uhura - I wanted her to be more interesting. Idk, maybe in the sequels (which they are all already signed on to do)?


cianconnell May 9 2009, 01:45:36 UTC
I'm terrified of Trekkies, but I hope that it struck the balance. I agree that it's totally something where you don't need to know a thing about any of the characters and still find it entirely enjoyable, but the enjoyment may be ramped up just a tad by actually knowing the character's defining quirks and such.

Oooh, sequels. I did not know this, but it makes me very, very happy, so long as the same team is all involved. Hopefully Uhura will get something to do. I mean, I know her job isn't entirely exciting in and of itself, but she could totally be THE ONE to get them out of a jam using her mad translating skills. Or, um, something. I totally take back my comment that I should write with the team.

Hey, hey, hey, you shopping your book, yet?


arualms May 8 2009, 21:52:50 UTC
Well I am only a semi-trekky, in the sense that I watched TNG, DS9 and Voyager but only some of thee original series, and never went to a Con or otherwise reached the level of obsession that is necessary to be a real trekky. And I have not seen the new movie yet.

But regarding Uhura, I know that she never really got to do all that much on the original series either. I know that, while the series is often praised for having one of the first 8if not even the very first) female afro-amarican cast members who was not a maid, there are also a lot of people who complained that her job was basically to answer the phone. Make of that what you want.

(oh, I do also know that as a kid, Woopie Goldberg was such a fan of Nichole Nichols that she later asked for (and was written) a recurring special guest star role on TNG.

Ok, so maybe I am a little bit of a trekky.


cianconnell May 9 2009, 01:48:45 UTC
Dude, you're a Trekkie, just not I guess of the really old cheese.

I was kind of thinking the same about Uhura, but really wish that they'd break the old form. Afterall the whole premise was to shake up the characterizations at least a bit, so it would have been a perfect excuse to spice up her character, so the whole thing wasn't too old boys' club--er, new boys' club, I s'pose.


arualms May 9 2009, 09:58:24 UTC
I blame my cousin for my trekky-ness. I grew up in with the firm believe that everything he did was cool and everything he liked, I wanted to like too. So I played knights and cowboys and built forts in the woods instead of playing princes and decorating a dollhouse. And I started watching Star Trek. That one somehow ended up lasting a lot longer than the otheer stuff.

I think this movie would have been a great chance for them to show more of Uhura as a capable officer. I mean, just because the original series never showed her doing all that much, doesn't mean she didn't have other duties and skills, right? She was a bridge officer, after all.

But I will wait until I have actually seen the movie to pass judgement. I know that I really liked the actress who plays her in this movie back when she was in Center Stage. (Yes, I did some very girly things despite the general appeal of "boy's games". Dance classes from 4 years on was one of them.)


cianconnell May 9 2009, 15:51:22 UTC
I think you'll enjoy it, especially since they really do try to do homage to the characters without making fun of them and there are geeky references that Trekkies will get that'll pass over the heads of the non (but not in an annoying way).

It's funny, too, and again not in a way that mocks the OS, but in an organic way.

missbegonia says that they've already signed for sequels, so maybe they'll give Uhura something to do then. At least one can hope.


rose_in_texas May 9 2009, 03:12:59 UTC
I really enjoyed it.


cianconnell May 9 2009, 15:48:21 UTC
Me too!


miniglik May 9 2009, 05:20:34 UTC
This will only be (possibly?) funny to you if you've had to suffer through Little Einstiens, but J and I came out kind of mocking the movie. I enjoyed it more than him, mostly for how they made Kirk WAY more likeable than OS Kirk (who was an arrogant shit without all the "issues" and reasons for authority hatred) and Quinto, who I'm not really a fan of, was really great.

But... really? Did they ALL have to be 17-25 yr old geniuses?

So, uh, J and I are started singling Little Einsteins, and saying "Mr. Sulu, "Blast Off!"" and "Damn it June! I'm a singer, not a physicists."' And "But, Captain, isn't patting power an illogical energy source?"


miniglik May 9 2009, 06:01:44 UTC
Oh, and I said this (too) in my Star Trek entry, but I think the kid who played Kirk was very young Marlon Brando-esque. Which is actually incredibly hard to pull off. So many young actors try it and fail miserably, but he sold it.


cianconnell May 9 2009, 15:45:46 UTC
I went in totally expecting to hate Kirk on principle alone. I actually thought when they first showed the dude playing George Kirk that he was JT and was happy that he wasn't dreamy. And the teeny Kirk was annoying (the kid, not the baby heh), so all was well. But then we met Chris Pine and he's full of the bravado even in the face of knowing he's going to get his ass kicked, which he then does (multiple times) and I'm a gonner, because I really think I want to like him, despite who he's playing. And I did. Because this Kirk rocked. I'd feel kiind of sad for the douche he'll become, but this is so totally different timeline and he'll always have his angsty daddy issues, so...he'll grow into a much less douchy Kirk ( ... )


miniglik May 9 2009, 15:51:23 UTC
I think my little bit of negativity is mostly because I'm a bit nonplussed at the 96% on the tomatometer. It was a leeetle bit too Michael Bayish for me.

I kinda want to see it again though. Because Chris Pine was hot like whoa. I too went in not impressed, and I feel like of like a schmuck for thinking ANYONE playing Kirk is hot. It's like, I don't know, thinking Fabio is hot or something. Like, no. BUT HE IS. And my hormones are demanding a rewatch.

http://miniglik.livejournal.com/215929.html?thread=3641977#t3641977 Me kind of going on on WHY he's hot.



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