Memes, friending, real life-the usual :)

Feb 06, 2010 11:10

aka. rec a friend meme

My thread: night I went out with a couple of my best friends, and it was really fun. We got all dressed up together, had a fantastic dinner, and went to a couple bars. It was exactly what I needed to just go out and have a good, fun time. Plus I ( Read more... )

meme, rl, alias, lost, real life, friending, the pretender, friends

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Comments 11

jacquelin825 February 6 2010, 17:47:14 UTC
Did you finally get around to watching the Lost premier? OMG!! I feel the same as you do when it comes to the characters, but I do like Boone as well :D


ciaimpala February 6 2010, 19:02:31 UTC
I did and it was AMAZING!! And Boone would actually be the sixth character I love lol. :)


hopelessly_lazy February 6 2010, 20:05:51 UTC
Wow, I totally forgot about The Pretender.

This looks fun. I wanna fill it out. Lol.


ciaimpala February 6 2010, 20:58:47 UTC
It is fun :)

For you, Grey's Anatomy, Law and Order: SVU, X-Files :)


hobbitrockgod February 6 2010, 22:48:42 UTC
Oooh, fun. =) I never watched Alias or the Pretender....this'd be fun to fill out though! =)

Somehow I always forget you're a Jater....rofl. XD I'm sort of a Jater in the sense that I'd really rather Kate end up with Jack than Sawyer get stuck with her. ....I'm mean. Lol.


ciaimpala February 6 2010, 22:50:27 UTC
Well if you want to do it, your fandoms are Harry Potter, Lost, and Supernatural :)

And so funny! I'm such a Jater!!! lol


hobbitrockgod February 6 2010, 23:07:02 UTC
I'ma go do this meme. =D *runs off to fill out* XD


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ciaimpala February 7 2010, 14:42:55 UTC
Yours are Harry Potter, Glee, and Buffy the Vampire Slayer :)


shytease February 7 2010, 05:22:47 UTC
I actually find possessed not!Locke far more interesting than I ever did actual Locke.
Same here. Although he was kinda becoming interesting near the end before Ben strangled him...


ciaimpala February 7 2010, 14:43:19 UTC
That's exactly how I felt!


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