More SuperPonies

Feb 26, 2013 15:29

Well all these ones are BatPonies.

Barbara Gordon as Oracle

Her cutie mark is a keyboard crossed over an open book. She is of course sitting in her wheelchair working at her computer, you just have to imagine those into the picture, since the website I used to make it doesn't include that sort of thing.

Dick Grayson aka Nightwing

His cutie mark is a trapeze. I like his circus toes but I'm not entirely sure I got his head right.

Jason Todd as the Red Hood

His cutie mark might be a Batmobile tire. Oh, his little face. He is my favorite of this batch, I think.

If I do more eventually I will make Kaldur, M'gann, and Jaime.

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fic, crackalicious crossovers ftw, art, dcu, ponies ponies ponies

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