Pros Novel Read-Along - anyone fancy it again?

Feb 15, 2021 17:54

I'm still pondering on a surprise reaction to my last post, where it was suggested that the Circuit Archive version of Waiting to Fall by Rob, was incomplete, but no evidence or reason for this was offered, and then as I was replying to comments today, I had a sudden idea... *g*

It was suggested that I or someone else check the Circuit Archive version alongside a paper version to find out if anything was missing - but to be honest I'm pretty reluctant to ask anyone to compare two versions of 600+ pages when there's no evidence of a problem (considering several previous reviews/discussions of the story etc.) and the person couldn't narrow it down any more than "I think you should do it".

But... *g* It's been a couple of years since we played Pros Novel Read-Along, and Waiting to Fall was one of the novels on the list of suggestions, so maybe we could kill two birds with one stone as a Pros community - and it's a "classic" Pros fic.

Basically, we all read the same chapter/s over the week and then get together to say what we thought about it at the end of that week. We had some interesting chat last time, and it was kind of fun. I could make the weekly post on a Friday night perhaps (or if anyone else wants to we can take turns), and then people could jump in over the weekend when it suits them, for the chatting bit. Maybe it'll even help the last few months/weeks/whatever we're hoping for of lockdown go a bit more quickly! And if we see anything odd about the text, then we'll know (not that we'll be able to change it, sadly - but we'll know).

Let's have a poll to see if we fancy it, for the fun of click-y buttons. *g*

author - rob, pros novel read-along, title - waiting to fall

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