Random Review - a Pros Reading and Posting Challenge!

Jul 10, 2016 12:02

It's been aaaaaaages since there was much Pros in my flist, other than (lovely) Pros pictures, and I'm definitely as guilty as anyone of this. In particular, just now, I've not had a day off work for over a month and I must admit I'm flagging. I need some good things back in my world!

Almost always, Pros posts and chat and stories count as a good thing - so... a wee Pros challenge for anyone out there who still loves our lads, no matter how busy the world is getting!

There are two ways to take part:

1. If you're reading a Pros story right now, or if you've just read one, then post a quick resume of it on your lj, or here in ci5hq, with a link to the story for anyone else who might want to read and comment.


2. Nip over to The Circuit Archive which has a brilliant "Random Story" button, and click it! Read the story that appears, and post to your lj or to ci5hq to let us know what it is, and what you think of it! (Cheating is okay if it offers you a very long story that you don't have time to read - feel free to random until you get one that fits with your day!)

They don't have to be long stories - wee ficlets and drabbles are Pros writing too - and if there are other places where you can "random", then that's cool too. *g*

Would anyone like to play? *g* Let's see how many we can post, and make our fannish world just a bit brighter!


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