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Comments 17

Bats at Noon fiorenza_a April 28 2016, 08:52:17 UTC

I've been picking bits off the Prosficindex as they come up - so Bats at Noon, which I enjoyed. But I think I would have preferred as gen somehow - or as established relationship.

But still enjoyable, and as I woke up blind myself once - due to an eye infection that took months to heal and had some odd complications, quite relatable. Fortunately my blindness was very short lived, I needed help to get to the hospital but was already seeing light by then and didn't need an ambulance or anything. My eyesight was back in full by the time I left.

But that whole thinking you need to open your eyes and then realising that they are open was very relatable.

I also woke up deaf in one ear once, I thought I was imagining it - horrendous earwax or something - but no - I'd gone deaf. Immobile eardrum, according to the Doctor. It wasn't right for almost two years. Which is about the length of time for which I lost my sense of smell. Amazing what you need that for.

Random assortment of sensory deprivation, that's me.


RE: Bats at Noon byslantedlight April 28 2016, 10:34:39 UTC
I've been picking bits off the Prosficindex as they come up
Nice idea!

But I think I would have preferred as gen somehow
You do surprise me... *g*

I remember liking Bats at Noon (my favourite Dana Austin Marsh is Third Friday in November - I think that might have to be my next re-read, in fact!)

Sounds like you've had some horrible experiences in life, here's hoping there aren't many more like that!


RE: Bats at Noon fiorenza_a April 28 2016, 18:46:13 UTC

I enjoyed Third Friday in November too.

Actually, random physical failings I just view as interesting, it's the mental stuff that gets me down. But Thank you!

I have a wheeze planned for my journal, I'm intending to re-read my AO3 history and make notes of what I thought - but quite a bit of my history is art, vids and jigsaw puzzles, so 'reading' is probably a bit of a misnomer - although I will be reading the history - so perhaps not.

I also intend to work my way through my saved links - it should be a good way of sorting them out..


RE: Bats at Noon byslantedlight April 28 2016, 21:55:29 UTC
Sounds like you've got a plan! *g*


gilda_elise April 28 2016, 10:32:45 UTC
I'm slowly getting through Unprofessional Conduct #1. I very much enjoyed Felicity Parkinson's Time Will Say Nothing. Very intriguing premise, and am now making my way through HG's Situation Normal. It's a good, solid zine.


byslantedlight April 28 2016, 10:36:21 UTC
Oh, nice choice for a zine! I think the Unprofessional Conduct zines are all very solid - there aren't many stories in them that I'm even so-so about. It's been ages since I read any Felicity Parkinson, and I don't really remember that one - I'll have to look it out again! *g*

HG is just a smile... *g*


Nothing Written in Stone heliophile_oxon April 28 2016, 15:49:52 UTC
... is what I'm re-reading at the mo :-) Has a few things about it that annoy me just a tiny bit (I think that's inevitable, tbh, one can always find a hole to pick!) but it's great fun - and has plenty of good bits *g*

I seem to remember reading Sorcerer's Web once, but after enjoying the beginning - and thinking in very happy anticipation indeed that I was about to get my teeth into a lovely long, solid read, one to relish - I got increasingly disappointed as it went on and in the end I barely made it to the last page for the sake of finishing it. I thought it was too out of balance, you know? Swathes of torture porn and no pay-off, nothing like enough to balance against all that torture to make the reader feel there was a valid reason for its being there (we're told the reason, iirc, but not shown it in a way that makes it feel substantial) so it felt very out of kilter overall. If nothing else, the extent of that imbalance has the effect of making Ray come across as an utter bastard and somebody not worth enduring suffering for ( ... )


RE: Nothing Written in Stone byslantedlight April 28 2016, 21:52:57 UTC
Oh, Josey! I've not read any Josey for ages! *adds to list* *g*

I thought it was too out of balance, you know? Swathes of torture porn and no pay-off
Hmmn, I didn't get that the imbalance made Ray look a complete bastard, cos we saw him suffering from doing it too, I thought - though the focus was definitely on Bodie. I somehow remember more pay-off at the end than I felt this time, mind, so I see where you're coming from... *g*


snailbones April 28 2016, 16:19:04 UTC

I've finally started having time to read again - yay! - and I'm gobbling down Pros like you wouldn't believe *g*

Just finished a re-read of Maddalia's 'Measuring Scars', and about one chapter into the sequel 'Old Wounds', and loving them both.


fiorenza_a April 28 2016, 18:39:59 UTC

I really enjoyed both of those, and the Owen Haley, Jonathan Draper fic that was on AO3 but later taken down.


snailbones April 29 2016, 13:31:23 UTC

Me too! It's rare for me to get really engrossed in OCs, but Hal and Draper are beautifully rounded characters. Maddalia made me really care about them. I think I missed the other fic completely - though I do recall it existing; maybe it'll get recycled by the author into something else at some point. *crosses fingers*


fiorenza_a April 29 2016, 19:25:34 UTC

Maddalia's on Lj (where there's some more Owen Haley & Jonathan Draper). I wrote and apparently it was taken down for a re-write.

They are very real characters.

And I like the way Bodie's and then Doyle's stories are kind of woven into theirs, rather than the other way around.

I hope you enjoy the second story as much as the first, I know I did :0)


paris7am April 29 2016, 04:29:29 UTC
Excellent subject matter and excellent to get ideas for what to read next! I am work swamped but keep sacred a bit of bedtime reading. Just finished Fools in Paradise by Caro Dee and A Few Little Fireworks by madmogs. Enjoyed both again. Laughed out loud at Fools and the antics they get up to. Realized that each is - in a way- a reworking of another story, or at least of a trope? Oh well. I have been following the crackvan recs and seeing where they take me.


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