Title: 19 Cleveland Street
Author: Jaicen5
Pairing: Bodie/Doyle
http://archiveofourown.org/works/1023070Other Notes: Part of the C15 Box of Tricks 2013
I had second thoughts about choosing this story. I’ve never cared for there being two “Bodie”s or two “Doyle”s in the same story, but the fact that it was written by someone who, up to that point, wrote gen, I found myself intrigued enough that I decided to go for it.
The story is a crossover with the made-for-TV movie Jack the Ripper. which co-starred Lewis Collins as Sergeant George Godley, a real person who was involved with the hunt for Jack the Ripper. Both Godley and Bodie appear in this story, with Godley cast as Bodie’s uncle. Bodie has come to him for help to find a man from his regiment who has gone missing while in London.
The story is well written, the plot fully formed, with several original characters who round things out. There is the hunt for the missing man, which takes up the bulk of the story, the introduction of Doyle, and his part in finding the now several missing men, and, it turns out, boys. There’s also a couple of relationships for Bodie, though what their place is in his life is not immediately made clear, adding to the intrigue. I also liked that Godley had a big role in the proceedings.
Unfortunately, there were a fe things I didn’t care for. I didn’t see a Bodie, or a Doyle, who I recognized. Bodie is too unsure of himself, constantly wondering if Doyle feels anything for him, and seemingly unaware of his own good looks-even while acknowledging that women tend to throw themselves at him. Doyle is basically a shadow. He’s there, but so little is known of him that it’s hard to overlay our Doyle onto him. Especially since he’s usually referred to as a “lad” or “boy.” I wanted, at some point, for there to be an acknowledgement that he’s not a boy. When it comes, it’s almost as an aside near the end of the story.
Of course, they end up together, but their love making is always a “fade to black.” Don’t get me wrong, I don’t mind that; a sex scene isn’t always necessary. But I wasn’t getting enough for me to feel that they were truly emotionally involved, and the lack of sex just made it that much harder.
I do wonder if there’s a sequel to this out there. Bodie and Doyle are together, or will be, at the end of the story. But so much was made of how difficult a life together would be, well nigh impossible, actually, that I can’t help but wonder what comes next.
Because it is well written, as much effort as I'm sure she put into it, I really wish I could have liked this story more than I did. It's a solid story, just not right for me.
Oh, and there's some lovely art by Lorraine Brevig to go along with the story.