Christmas Prosfic Calendar - 2nd December

Dec 03, 2014 01:46

The Pros-y Christmas fic I read today was Screwged or Nanny's Christmas Carol by M.Fae Glasgow, in the zine:
. The zine was published by Oblique Publications way back in February 1992, but you can find the story at the Oblique website (enter and find it via the fandom lists - I thought you might like to take a look around too, cos it's a bit like Santa's Grotto if you've not been before... *g*), the Circuit Archive and via the original Hatstand.

The story is, of course, based on Dicken's Christmas Carol, and it's Doyle who's visited by three ghosts, as he's Christmas-ing - or rather, determinedly not Christmas-ing - alone on leave.

The ghosts are all really of Bodie, although the last one is in fact Cowley, but there's a very young Bodie, a CI5-Bodie, and then the Bodie that Cowley shows Doyle... I don't quite buy Glasgow's bah-humbug of a Doyle - he can be grumpy, but we see him being friendly to people, and oh, the way he looks at Bodie... *g* (I managed to get in a quick watch of Backtrack tonight too *g*), but I can stretch to see where she's coming from, and so it can work for me. She doesn't shy away from the harsh parts of life that we have to live too, and what I love about her is that we feel her Bodie and Doyle, exactly where it hurts - but also exactly where it's better than wonderful. Oh, and she's pretty good at the rather hot sex too... *g* Anyway - definitely worth reading this one, and if the lads don't melt your heart, then nothing will!

I completely forgot to post the calendar yesterday - and if anyone would like to play, and would like to jump in and offer a date (or just jump in without saying, and I'll add you to the calendar when you come up! *g*) then that'd be fab. I also have a list of all the fics that have been reviewed for the Christmas Reading Room, put together by milomaus, and I'm trying to work out the best way to format it so that you can see what's been reviewed/recced when - cos as a few people have said, we all love the old favourites, but it'd be nice to see some less well-known Pros Christmas stories too...

1st December - Best Seat in the House by Linda Terrell
2nd December - Screwged or Nanny's Christmas Carol by M.Fae Glasgow
3rd December -
4th December -
5th December -
6th December -
7th December - nypagan
8th December -
9th December -
10th December -
11th December -
12th December -
13th December - nypagan
14th December -
15th December - gilda_elise
16th December -
17th December -
18th December -
19th December -
20th December - gilda_elise
21st December -
22nd December -
23rd December -
24th December -

(I'll put the calendar under a cut next time, but just so that you can see how empty it looks, and how desperately it needs filling... *g*

storylists - christmas stories, author - m fae glasgow, title - screwged/nanny's christmas carol

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