Professionals Big Bang WRITERS' Sign Up Post 2017

Feb 01, 2017 00:41

Professionals Big Bang WRITERS' Sign Up Post 2017

Challenge Rules for Writers

1. The central story element must focus on characters from The Professionals.
2. Stories must have a minimum length of 10,000 words. There is no maximum length.
3. Stories may be slash, gen, femslash, or het.
4. Any pairing is allowed, as is any rating.
5. AUs, Fusions and Crossovers are permitted but as it says in rule #1, the central story element must focus on characters from The Professionals.
6. You may write a story that is a prequel, sequel or companion story to a pre-existing story or stories you’ve written. However, the story/stories referred to must be available to read online and you will need to link to them when you post your story.
7. You are welcome to complete a WIP to meet the challenge as long as it has not been previously posted anywhere public.
8. Collaborations between writers are also allowed. Just let us know when you sign up if you are planning on writing with a partner.
9. Stories will be posted on an assigned date in October.
10. On your assigned date, you will make a master post for your story at this comm. The story itself may be posted to, and linked from, your personal LJ, Dreamwidth, AO3, The Automated Hatstand, etc.
11. We actively encourage adding stories to the Box of Tricks archive on AO3 to facilitate easy story downloads (we have membership codes available), but this is not required.
12. Please do not post your story anywhere prior to your assigned date and do not cross-post your story to any other community before the end of October.
13. We will create a master list of links and summaries at the community.
14. If you feel you have the energy and willpower to write a story and create artwork for someone else’s story, then please feel free to sign up as both an artist and as a writer.

Important Dates

Please sign-up to participate by March 1.

Your rough draft, full outline and story summary should be turned in by July 1. While we fully realize that a lot of us write right down to the wire and will continue to work on our stories until the September 23 deadline, Big Bangs are collaborative and our artists need this information to begin their work in turn.

On July 9, your summary will be posted anonymously for a participating artist to claim as a prompt. An artist will create, at the very least, one piece of art (title banner, illustration, manip, etc.) to accompany your story or a vidder may create a trailer for your story.

Your final draft should be completed by September 23.

Our posting schedule will begin in October.

To sign up

Please comment below with:
• Author name
• LJ username (if applicable)
• Email address

If you would prefer not to put your email address in the comment then please email us at

All that remains for right now is: Thanks for participating… and GO PROS!

#1, writer sign-up post 2017, announcements 2017

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