2009 Naruto Calendar Project

Nov 21, 2008 01:35

Hello Chuunin! I hereby announce the start of the almost-annual Naruto Calendar Project!

What is a Naruto Calendar Project? It's a project to make something like this ('06), this('07), and this('08) -- to make a calendar by Naruto fans, for Naruto fans.

How does this Calendar Project work?
Volunteers who sign up (that's you) draw Naruto fan-arts and turn it in to me via email (arandomstudent@gmail.com). I add the calendar part onto the fan-arts and make 3 different sizes/versions: wall calendar, desk calendar, and computer wallpaper. Then we the volunteers together will have created an awesome Naruto calendar for the members of chuunin and all of Naruto fandom to share. :-) The new calendar is released on or before New Year's Day.

Please read more below about the details of the project and how you can sign up for it. Click click!

There are few simple rules you must know if you are interested in signing up for the project:

I. Your fan-art must be...
• Finished and e-mailed on or before the deadline: December 25th (Christmas)
• Again, on time! I need those few days to prepare the calendars before New Year's Day.

II. Your fan-art's content must be...
• New and original. Not something you've shown on internet before.
• NOT specific to a holiday or a seasonal occasion (in case you don't get the month you intended your fan-art for).

III. Your fan-art's size must be...
• 1000x1000 pixels (700x700 is acceptable)
• OR drawn on a square 7 1/2 inches (19cm) on each side, and scanned at 300dpi

IV. Your fan-art's rating must be...
• Safe.
• Work safe, school safe, safe for the eyes of your children and babysitter, and not embarrassing to find in the office of your religious leader.
• Again, safe, NOT risque.

♣ Before, the volunteers had some choice in the month of the year they wanted to illustrate for. Don't worry, you still do; but instead of having a claim on a month when you sign up, you get to claim your month by the order that you finish & turn in your fan-art.
♣ For example, if two different volunteers want their fan-art to be used for November, then the 1st volunteer who turned in the fan-art will have the claim on November; the other volunteer will have to settle for a second or third favorite month.
♣ Wall calendar is made first, and then the desk calendar; all fan-arts are used for the computer wallpaper. The sooner you draw & email your fan-art, the better chance you have of claiming your favorite month.

If you have read the post and feel up to volunteering -- and if you are ready for the commitment this project will require from you, sign up! And feel free to ask questions, too.

How to sign up:

Leave a comment -- Copy & Paste this form below and fill it in.

1. Preferred Month: (least at least 3 months you like. "any month" is acceptable as well.)
2. Method of contact: (write "lj" or "email." If your lj is friends-only, write "email".)
I have read this post, and I'm ready for this project!
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