(no subject)

Feb 14, 2006 20:40


To get myself through the period of no Sasuke in the manga, scary.. Naruto.. Kyuubi.. thing. -Tries to be vague, to prevent spoilers- and uhn, just about every filler..

I come to you, lovely Chuunin community. With a task. Or a plea..

Hmhm, I'm just curious to see if the artists in this lovely community are up for the challenge of drawing Sasuke in a school uniform! ♥ Or any of the Naruto characters, mainly because I'm interested in getting icons made for teh' roleplay Community I'm in. ( >>; Check it out. x3 ) And uh, I'd even like random fanart, which would be credited. Or icons.

'Cause I suck. So I'll just ask for the images, if I may. Uh, and if anyone can help me make icons out of them I'd appreciate it--If anyone does have/ will draw for me. -love-

And Happy Single Awareness day, luffs.

-Twirls around-

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