
Oct 29, 2010 17:25

So Bleach is starting a new arc...

I might start following it again from now on, even if Ulquiorra isn't around anymore, I hope Kubo will make other characters that I'll love.

But this means it's really goodbye for Ulquiorra.....;^; I'll miss you forever, Emospada. Special place in my heart forever.

Fresh new start for Bleach and me!


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Comments 14

shalomdebbie October 29 2010, 10:57:18 UTC

He's so coming back.


Mayuri is in Hueco Mundo still... playing around with experiments. we're going back to Hueco Mundo eventually.


chuuni October 29 2010, 16:10:29 UTC
Yeah...I hope so too. But I find that getting surprised pleasantly is always better so I'll read this arc with an open mind and no expectations. :>


hinodeh October 29 2010, 13:49:29 UTC
Hmm, seems like a common sentiment about Ulq. Many feel that this arc has an "old stuff doesn't matter anymore" feel and that this also means that Ulq returning is totally off the table for good.

As for me... Well, I still have a bit of hope. I mean, surely, GJ and Nel will come back, regardless if they are relics of the mammoth arc that came before. So maybe Ulq's chances haven't really changed.


chuuni October 29 2010, 16:21:19 UTC
Maybe...but after all this time I think I've just let it go. It doesn't bother me whether he returns or not anymore, of course I'll be ecstatic if he does, but even if he's not there, I can still enjoy Bleach.


karenai October 29 2010, 13:54:28 UTC
I don't necessarily know that Ulquiorra is dead. I know this means Orihime didn't bring him back, but I never wanted her to do that in the first place; there are a variety of other methods through which he could return. Iunno, tho - it'll be interesting to crack Orihime's head open and see what her heart is like, as it were. I think it'll have a lot to do with her.

If you're back in Bleach, I'm always happy to see you. Chu chu! <3


chuuni October 29 2010, 16:25:12 UTC
Yes! Hopefully I won't get myself neck-deep in some shipping business with this arc... as I say, I'm not expecting Ulquiorra to be back but if he does come back, it'll be a real treat :3

I'll try to participate more on bleachness and you-know-where!


chamo_chan October 29 2010, 20:05:48 UTC
:U I stopped watching Bleach around the beginning of the Hueco Mundo Arc, because I lose my patience with long animes, but I wonder if I should start watching again.....

Also, you know, it's hilarious to watch Bleach in Spanish. >w>; My cousin in Mexico was watching it.


chuuni October 30 2010, 03:43:59 UTC
I'm talking about the manga, but yeah, various dubs of anime really entertain me :3c


jun October 29 2010, 21:36:15 UTC
No Ulquiorra is quietly regenerating himself from his ashes... HE CAN'T BE GONE ;~;


chuuni October 30 2010, 03:44:40 UTC
I...I won't hope but....I might quietly believe that.


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