Title: Unreleneted: Week's End (part 2/3)
Author: Chunmusings
alcyonyesterdayPairing: Yunjae/Jaeho
Rating: PG-13 - NC17
Type: Bandfic
Genre: smut, humor
Length: Chaptered (5/6)
Summary: Yunho likes being handled. He likes being pushed onto the bed and geting fucked.
A/N: This is the second part!
Comments 1
I like the kiss afterwards too, that it starts rough then gets gentler, and the moment when they have their foreheads together. It's like, even if jaejoong was mad before, he isn't now. Now it's kinda just him exercising some dominance and giving yunho what he's wanted all week. Well, and maybe just a bit of payback since, yeah I know what happens next. So yeah, there IS some payback in the mix too xD
And of course, it's all sexy ^_^.
I enjoyed this chapter a lot =)
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