Jul 28, 2013 18:40

Title: Lovely You
Pairing: Yoosu, Yunjae (And some other pairings I can’t mention so as not to spoil anything.)
Genre: Comedy, Romance, Drama, Fluff
Rating: PG-13
Length: Chaptered
Summary: Kim Junsu is a 26 year old interior designer who works as an assistant in an art shop. Park Yoochun is a spoiled 27 year old son of a chaebol CEO who spent years living in his father’s money. Situations arise one after another and Junsu ends up with a broken heart and a debt to pay off. Will things get better for Junsu in the midst of a chaotic turn of events?


"Thank you for coming! Have a good night!" Changmin called out as he sent the last people out the doors of Prince café.

Yoochun watched from the counter as he tried to focus on the success of open mic night. It went really well for the rest of the day. Everyone enjoyed the entertainment and coffee. Brave customers even stepped on stage and sang a few songs. Some of the audience even sang along with them. It was like they all forgot what happened earlier. But Yoochun didn't. It was still clear on his mind. He held Junsu in his arms. He felt Junsu’s feverish skin burning on his skin. He saw how pale Junsu’s complexion was and how dark his eyes were. How he could even forget that? The sight of Junsu’s body sprawled on the ground just wouldn't disappear from his mind. It was too hard to bear.

"That was the last of them," Changmin stated, clasping his hands together in accomplishment. "Too bad Junsu wasn't here to see it all."

"I still can't believe that he collapsed today," Yunho stated, grabbing a few towels to clean up the tables.
"I didn't think he was even that sick."

"I should've told him to stay home," Geunsuk mumbled, lifting up one of the chairs. He flipped it over and placed it on the table.

Yoochun looked over his shoulder and observed Geunsuk as he worked.

"Yeah. He should've stayed home," he agreed, turning back around to stare at his hands - the hands that held Junsu’s limp body just a few hours earlier. "If he knew he was sick, he should've stayed in bed."

Mr. Jaesuk was in the middle of wiping the glass coffee container when he glanced at Yoochun’s upset expression. It was obvious that he was affected by Junsu’s condition. The way he was acting definitely showed how much he truly cared for the boy even if he didn't want to admit it.

"Well if it weren't you, he would've," the old man stated.

Yoochun lifted his head up from his hands and gave the man a confused look. "What?"

"You scold him all the time. You yell at him for being late sometimes. When he doesn't follow the rules, you get mad at him. When he doesn't do something right, you get angry at him. I think he came to work because he didn't want to disappoint you. Especially on this day," Mr. Jaesuk explained.

Hearing that made the young owner feel guilty for all those times he's mistreated Junsu. If he wasn't so pushy and so hard on him, then Junsu wouldn't be risking his own health to make him happy. He remembered him saying that he would support him, but this wasn't what he was expecting. Junsu’s health came first.

"Don't blame Yoochun hyung for this, you old fart!" Changmin exclaimed. "He didn't do anything."

Jaesuk lifted a mug and pretended to throw it at Changmin, but stopped. "You little rascal."

"You're always making Yoochun hyung look like the bad guy."

"What other reason is there?"

"Stop it," Yoochun cut in. "No one’s to blame here, okay? Junsu’s getting some help and that's all that matters right now. Open mic night was a success. Now let's clean this up and get ready for a new day tomorrow."

"Do you think Junsu will be okay by then?" Yunho questioned.

"I highly doubt it," Yoochun answered. "The doctors wanted to keep him in for a few more days. I even told his mom that he could take as many days as he wanted to rest. But not more than a week."

"Well that's contradicting itself," Geunsuk mumbled.

Yoochun looked over his shoulder and found the his friend lift one of the chairs and flip it over on top of the table. "What?"

"You said that he could take as many as days as he wanted, but he can't have more than a week."

"Yeah. He can take one or two or three days off but no more than seven."

"Contradicting," he repeated.

"Whatever," Yoochun answered.

Geunsuk rolled his eyes and chuckled. Yoochun obviously didn't get what he was trying to say and he just shut his mouth.

"Let's just hope for the best tomorrow," Yunho stated.

"I hope," Yoochun mumbled.


"Nothing, nothing, nothing," Junsu mumbled to himself as he flipped through the channels. He was bored out of his mind. Earlier when he woke up, he found a tray of breakfast food looking at him. There was a plate of scrambled eggs, a biscuit, two pieces of bacon, a bowl of fruits and a glass of orange juice on the corner. Hmm… Jaejoong hyung.

He obviously had no appetite because he was still severely ill. His fever was so high, he could hardly maintain his strength. And the colors of the food were definitely not helping his already nauseated stomach. But he felt a lot better than before now that he got the appropriate help that he needed.
In the past couple of hours since he woke up, he only received three visits. One with his mother and sister, one with Jaejoong and another with Mr. Chan. They came in bearing gifts such as flowers and balloons. Nothing too big. But he really wanted to see the guys especially Yoochun. He wanted to personally thank the man for rescuing him last night. he was actually expecting to see them in the room when he opened his eyes this morning, but unfortunately that didn't happen. He figured it was because of the café. They couldn't all come in to visit him at once. Who was going to take care of the café while they were gone? No one. And he knew Yoochun wouldn't like that.

Junsu groaned and settled on a channel with cartoons. It was Pororo, the Little Pengiun. He could tolerate watching a penguin with a hat and goggles and his friends around for thirty more minutes. It was better than all the corny soaps and pessimistic news that was on.

"Knock, knock," he heard someone say.

It was a male voice. It sounded familiar. Way too familiar. When he looked away from the television screen to see who it was, he had to catch his breath at the surprise by the door.

"Hey," Joongki greeted. He looked really hesitant to come any closer.

"What are you doing here?" Junsu questioned, shocked to see Joongki’s presence in his hospital room.

"I heard about what happened."


"I dropped by Torofv earlier expecting to see you there. When I did, Mr. Chan told me that you were at the hospital," he explained. "I came here as fast as I could. How are you? You should have called me if you were feeling sick."

"You shouldn't have come," Junsu replied, ignoring the last statement as he observed the little gift bag Joongki was holding.

"I had to, Junsu. The moment I heard that you collapsed, I almost died."

"Wow. Why?"

"Because you're Junsu. My Junsu."

Junsu sighed deeply and looked away immediately at the sound of those words. He couldn't do this now. Why was he doing this to him now? Just because he was lying in a hospital bed, weak and vulnerable, didn't mean that he was easily going to change his mind about this man.

"Remember what I told you at the club, Joongki?" Junsu asked. "I told you I was done with you."

"Yeah I know. I remember that clearly," Joongki replied. "You said that if I ever try to talk to you or make you feel stupid that you would kill me."

Junsu moved his eyes back at him and gave him a stare that was so harsh, so cruel, and so serious that it kind of frightened him a little bit. He had never seen Junsu like that before. He definitely changed.

"If I wasn't in a hospital bed right now, you would be dead."

"Look, I still really care about you, Junsu. Until recently, I realized something."

Junsu began to shake his head. "Please, don't you start with this again, Joongki. Just because you heard that I was in the hospital doesn't mean that you should start to feel sorry for me. Don't sympathize me. Don't pity me. Okay?"

"That's not why I'm here."

"It doesn't matter. Just don't say anything at all. I'm finally getting over you. Don't make it even more complicated."

Joongki bit his lip and stepped forward. Junsu tensed up at the movement of his body.

"What if I say that I wanted to start over?"

"Start over?" Junsu laughed. "That's not going to happen. I'm not going to give in that easily."

"I figured. That's why I brought you this," Joongki stated, lifting up the bag to show Junsu. Joongki stepped forward and handed him the little pink bag. At first Junsu wasn't sure if he wanted to accept it, but he was curious to see what was hidden inside. "Open it," Joongki ordered gently.

Junsu gave him a blank stare. He wasn't that impressed or satisfied with the gift. But he opened it anyways. Reaching inside, Junsu pulled out a brand new picture frame with a familiar photo placed inside. It was the carnival picture of the two of them. Junsu swallowed the lump in his throat at the sight in front of him.

"It's our first date, don't you remember?" Joongki questioned.

Junsu continued to observe the faces on the photograph. He traced his thumb over his smile and then bit his lip as he remembered the feelings he felt on that specific day. The happiness in his heart. The butterflies in his stomach. The ache in his chest.

Why did he have to show this to me? Why did he have to bring up old memories?

"I don't want this," Junsu stated, placing it back into the bag.

"Junsu," Joongki began.

"No," Junsu snapped. "I said I didn't want it. You made your choice already. You didn't want me. Now you don't get to have me."

"I made a mistake."

"And you're making another one."

"I knew this wasn't going to be easy."

Junsu furrowed his eyes at Joongki as he took a step back. It was obvious that he wasn't going to get the picture back. He was going keep it right where it was so he could suffer again. At least that's what Junsu believed. So he picked up the handles and held it out towards Joongki.

"Take it."

"Junsu," Joongki began. "I'm going to work really hard to get you back. I want you to know that. Even if it's going to take me months or years."

Junsu could feel the old ache return to his chest. The horrible feeling was coming back again. He didn't want it. He didn't want it at all.

"Joongki just take the damn picture! I don't want it!"

"No, I want you to keep it. But I'm keeping my word about getting you back. I'll become the man you deserve again," he replied. "So I'll see you later."

"Song Joongki!"

He turned on his heel and walked out, leaving Junsu with teary eyes and a photograph he wanted to burn into ashes.


Before Yoochun headed to work, he took a jog around his neighborhood to keep his mind off of things. He was kind of happy about the success of open mic night, but he couldn't keep Junsu off his mind. It was confusing him. He wasn't sure if the thoughts of Junsu flooding his mind was because he was worried about his employee or because he was starting to think of him as more than just his clumsy little friend.

After taking a shower, and dressing up for work, he finally reached the café. And by surprise, he saw the outside patio filled with people. The open mic night was a big accomplishment after all.

He stepped out of his Maserati and walked inside with his hands in his pockets. Changmin and Yunho were already busy taking orders and chatting it up with the customers. While they were doing their jobs, he found Geunsuk sitting at the counter fully concentrated on something with a pencil in his hand. Yoochun furrowed his eyes and approached him from behind.

"What are doing?" he asked, sitting on the stool right next to Geunsuk.

His best friend didn't answer. Yoochun continued observing him and found thinking wrinkles on his forehead. He couldn't help but laugh at how much focus he was putting on the folded piece of paper.
"He's trying to figure out what to write on the card he's giving Junsu," Jaesuk stated as he poured a mug with freshly brewed coffee.

Yoochun’s eyebrows lifted in surprise. "You're making him a card?"

"Yeah," Geunsuk answered.


"Well after thinking about last night and listening to what Jaesuk hyung said about scolding him too much, I started to feel incredibly guilty for bullying him most of the time. He’s in a fucking hospital bed right now suffering. I don't think he deserves to be in there. So I thought that I should start being more careful around him from now on," he explained, his eyes still glued to the card.

A soft grin appeared on Yoochun’s face as he leaned against the counter. Then he glanced over at Jaesuk who looked impressed with Geunsuk’s considerate attitude towards Junsu.

“But you barely bully him. If we’re talking about bullying, Yoochun hyung should be the center of the topic.” Changmin joined the conversation.

“Shut up, you giraffe,” Yoochun looked at Changmin and glared at him.

Changmin ignored his hyung and glanced at the paper Geunsuk was writing on. “Anyway, this is really rare for you hyung to do. You’re not usually the sweet type.”

"Yeah, who knew Geunsuk, of all people, would do such a good deed," Yoochun chuckled completely forgetting Changmin’s comment.

"I'm not a dog, you know." Geunsuk retorted without looking up.

"I'm sure he wants to be one," Changmin stated, placing his tray on the counter next to them. "Has he finished the card yet?"

"It looks really personal," Yoochun stated, trying to read some of the sentences already written on it.

"That's because it is," Geunsuk snapped.

Yoochun couldn't help but laugh at that. "I wouldn't want to be his next girlfriend. I might rot in oozing grease."

"I know, right?" Changmin chuckled.

"Would you guys shut up! I'm trying to concentrate here," Geunsuk snapped, annoyed by his best friends.

"So touchy, hyung!" Changmin gasped, dramatically. "I'll get back to work, sheesh!"

Yoochun chuckled. "We'll leave you be, Princess."


Junsu pulled his knees up to his chest and stared blankly at the blue gift bag that Joongki annoyingly left behind. It was sitting at the foot of his bed, practically staring at him and begging him to reopen it. But he wasn't going to let that happen. It wasn't going to work. And Joongki’s speech about getting him back wasn't going to work either.

"Stupid bag," Junsu mumbled, kicking it down with his foot.

When it tipped over, Junsu was about to celebrate his victory when he jumped in fright at the sight of Changmin bouncing inside his room.

"Surprise!" he cried out.

"Oh my gosh," Junsu gasped, his hand to his chest. "You freakin' scared me!"

"Look, what you did, Changmin. You almost gave the boy a heart attack," Yunho cried out, shoving Changmin out of the way. "He’s already sick. Don't make him stay in the hospital even longer."

"It's okay," Junsu smiled.

"How are you, Junsu?" Yunho greeted, reaching over to grab an embrace from him.

"I'm better."

Following from behind, entered Yoochun and Geunsuk. In Geunsk’s hands was a bouquet of different flowers while in Yoochun’s hands was a basket of treats.

"You guys," Junsu began. "Why are you all here? What about the café?"

"We decided to close it for a while," Geunsuk answered, handing Junsu the flowers.

Junsu smiled and gave him a hug as well. Yoochun just placed the basket of treats on the table at the corner of the room. He didn't even come anywhere near him. He just leaned against the wall as he let everyone else greet Junsu.

"What about Jaesuk hyung?"

"He liked the idea of sleeping in for a couple of hours, so he stayed at the café until we returned."

"What an old fart," Changmin grumbled.

Junsu looked over at Yoochun by the wall then back to the others. "I'm surprised to see you guys here."

Geunsuk glanced at Junsu nervously. "I wanted to give you this." He pulled out the card he was working on from his pocket. At first he was hesitant about actually giving it to him, but he decided to rake up the courage to do it anyways. So he stepped forward and handed Junsu the card. Junsu was confused as he placed it in his hands. He wasn't quite sure what to do with it. It was almost like a love-confession without the whole secret admirer part.

"What's this?"

"My apology," Gensuk answered.

Junsu rubbed his thumb across the card and grinned softly at the thought of it. "Apology for what?"

He cleared his throat and looked up at the guys who were listening carefully.

"Well, it's all in the letter. You just have to read it," he answered.

Junsu let out a small chuckle and placed it on his lap. "I'll read it later," Junsu said.

Geunsuk nodded his head and bit his lip. He was really self-conscious about doing things like this in front of the guys. Ever since the incident with Jieun, he had stopped caring about other people except his friends. He always had to hold back on things like this because he knew he’d be reminded of the past and the other guys would tease him for it. Or they'd make fun of him for it. But seeing Junsu’s face, so innocent and kind, made him forget about his worries of the past. He was going to do what he wanted because that's what feels right.

"Thank you guys for coming," Junsu added.

"We had to. You scared us last night, you know that?" Yunho replied. "I have to admit, I really didn't want to work the rest of the night."

Junsu pouted. "I'm sorry if I worried you guys." Junsu looked at each one of them, apologizing to them personally. And each one of them gave him a good response. But the one that he had a hard time looking at was Yoochun. It was like he was avoiding any eye contact with him whatsoever. And it was beginning to irritate him.

"It's okay. We're just glad you're fine," Changmin stated.

"If it weren't for Yoochun you would probably be in a coma or something by now."

"He wouldn't be in a coma!" Geunsuk retorted.

"How do you know that?"

"I just know!"

"You're a musician, hyung. Not a doctor."

Junsu couldn't help but chuckle at the banter between the two best friends. But then he remembered Geunsuk’s performance. He couldn't really remember if he listened to his song or not last night. He blacked out and the next thing he knew he was in a hospital bed. So he just had to ask.
"Oh, how was your performance?"

"You didn't catch it?"

"Obviously he didn't," Junsu heard Yoochun mumble from across the room.

Junsu furrowed his eyes at Yoochun, curious about his behavior and returned his focus back on Geunsuk.
"Tell me about it."

"It was awesome! The girls were all over me . . ." he went on.

Yoochun just sat on the chair at the corner of the room and watched as his best friends interacted with the sick boy. He wasn't quite sure what was going on with him. He felt angry and relieved at the same time. It was hard to really define what he was really feeling. All he knew was that it was hard to look at Junsu. But he noticed that he finally developed a little color in his complexion and he was awake unlike yesterday. He didn't even want to remember what he looked like yesterday. He was so frustrated that he would even do that to himself. Maybe that's why he was so mad. Because he did something so reckless and mindless. He couldn't understand it.


For the next hour, Junsu and the guys spent time talking about the rest of open mic night and played a few card games. He even let them have a few of the treats that were placed in the basket Yoochun delivered earlier. It was fun finally being able to bond with the guys in this kind of level. But it wasn't fun when Yoochun didn't even act like he cared. He looked so mad and annoyed. Junsu couldn't quite figure out why. So he began to wonder if he did anything last night - other than collapsing in the kitchen - that made him so angry.

"Damn it, Changmin!" Yunho cried out.


"You're cheating!"

"No, I'm not!"

"You're just putting cards down!"

"Let's just start over and play fair," Geunsuk stated, gathering all the cards back into one pile.

"I'm going to get some coffee from the cafeteria, anyone want anything?" Yoochun questioned, sitting up from the chair.

Junsu looked up, finally receiving some eye contact with him, and just stared at him. Junsu wanted to find some kind of answer there, but Yoochun turned away after a few seconds of looking at him.

"Can you get me a coke?" Yunho called out as he watched Geunsuk deal out the cards.

"I'll have a cup of coffee," Geunsuk stated.

"Okay. I'll be back with them."

"Wait, hyung," Changmin called out. "I'll come with you. You'll probably need some help with that."

"Thank God!" Yunho sighed. "Now we can really play fair."

"I'll be back. And I'll win!" Changmin stated before leaving the guys to meet up with Yoochun in the hall.

Junsu watched as they both vanished from the room and he looked down sadly as Geunsuk gave him some cards. While he was dealing he noticed Junsu’s sudden change of expression. After placing the last card, he grew curious and asked if he was okay.

"I'm fine," Junsu answered.

"Are you sure?"

"He’s sick, Geunsuk-ah. Can't you tell?" Yunho cut in as he gathered his cards together.

Geunsuk rolled his eyes and shook his head. He obviously couldn't see what he saw in Junsu’s face. It wasn't his illness that he was concerned about. Well he was, but there was something in the way Junsu appeared that looked like he was worried about something.

Outside Junsu’s room and in the cafeteria, Yoochun was getting himself some fresh coffee. One for him and one for Geunsuk. Changmin approached him from the side holding a two sodas in his hand.

"Hey hyung," Changmin greeted.

He obviously saw how distant Yoochun was ever since they arrived. He barely had any interaction with Junsu in the past hour. Something was definitely bothering him.

"Hey," Yoochun wered dryly.

"What's going on?"

"What are you talking about?"

"You've been sitting in the corner of the room acting like a lone cactus. And you barely said a word to Junsu."

"I'm just letting you guys have your time with him. I know how worried you guys were."

"Chun hyung, really? I know you too well to believe that shit." Yoochun stopped walking and turned to Changmin with a serious face. "You're upset about something. Are you mad at him?"

"I don't know," he uttered.

"You don't know if you're mad at Junsu hyung?"

"I said I don't know."

"Just give me an answer, hyung because seeing you act all depressed is really annoying. So just get it off your chest and tell me."

Yoochun sighed deeply. He really wasn't in the mood to have a heart to heart with his best friend. But he figured Changmin wasn't going to give up so he decided just tell him what was on his mind.

"Do you have any idea how hard it was for me to carry Junsu in my arms last night?" Changmin shook his head.  "You should've seen the way he looked at me. You should've heard him when he said he wasn't feeling good. I didn't know what to do. I never felt so weak and useless than in that moment, Min-ah. All I wanted to do was get him some help and find him a doctor as quick as I could. And you know what frustrated me the most about it?" Changmin just waited for his hyung to answer. "That he would even do this to himself. To let his body get this bad until he dropped dead. Was he that stupid? Was he always this reckless? I always knew he was chaotic and bad luck, but I didn't think he would even think of risking his health like that."

"Hyung, he’s fine now," Changmin said. "It was all just bad timing. You know how Junsu hyung is. He doesn't want to disappoint you."

"If this was because of me, I cannot forgive him."


"I've been having trouble trying to understand this."

"What's there to understand? He got sick. He didn't take care of himself. But he’s getting better."

"He should've been more careful. If he wasn't so stupid, he wouldn't be lying in there right now."

Changmin furrowed his eyes at the way his best friend was acting. He had never seen him in such a state before. He was obviously truly concerned about Junsu’s health like everyone else was. But he felt something else coming out from his hyung’s frustration.


Boyoung strutted across the club and looked around for possible suitors for the night and surprisingly found Joongki at the bar. She walked past the crowd of sweaty people and made her way towards him.

"Martini, please!" she called out to the bar tender.

Joongki took a sip from his beer and glanced at the woman beside him. "Sorry if I'm intruding your home."

Boyoung sneered. "If that was supposed to be an insult, it was a stupid one."

"I'm just telling you the truth. Where's your pole?"

"Ha ha. You're such a joker, Song Joongki," she responded dryly. She lifted an eyebrow and observed his posture and the way he was slowly drinking down his sorrows. She could tell he was upset about something. "What's up with you?" she questioned.

It took him a while to respond. He was a little hesitant to even speak to her.

"Fine, don't answer. I'm just going to wait here until I receive my martini."

Joongki glanced at her and thought that it wouldn't hurt to just spill his thoughts out to her. She was there anyways. It's not like it was going to matter in the future.

"I saw Junsu today," he finally said.

Boyoung turned away from the bartender and looked at him. "Well that's stupid of you," she mumbled, returning her focus back to her martini being made.

"He was in the hospital."

Quickly, she grew concerned and glanced back at Joongki. "What? Why?"

"Now you care."

"Well, Junsu was my best friend for years until recently."

"You weren't much of a best friend half of those years."

She groaned. "Just tell me why he was there."

"He collapsed at the café."


"Hee was sick."

"What an idiot! Why would he still go to work when he’ ill?"

"Because he’s Junsu. He doesn't like letting people down."

Boyoung sighed. "Still stupid."

"When I was at the hospital, I told him that I wanted him back," Joongki stated.

Boyoung couldn't help but guffaw at that. "He’d never want you back after what you did."

"How many times do I have to tell you? It was both our faults. Look at where we are right now. Neither of us is in his life anymore. We're the bad guys."

Boyoung groaned and finally received her martini. "My point exactly. He wouldn't want you back."

"That's what he told me, but there's nothing wrong with trying."

"I feel offended right now. You're talking to me about wanting your ex back. The one you cheated on to be with me. And you said you loved me. Make a damn decision, ass hole!"

Joongki jaw tightened and glared at her for a few seconds. He couldn't believe that this was the girl he had fallen for over Junsu. She was different from the person he dated for six months.

"I don't even know why I bother."

"He’s not going to want you back, Joongki. I'm just going to tell you that as a friend."

"Knowing your latest friendship, I wouldn't want to trust you. Especially for a shop lifter."

She scoffed. "I'm just trying to be honest here. But whatever, don't listen to me. Go make a fool of yourself. Who knows, maybe with Junsu’s kind heart, he'll take you back. But that's a maybe."

"I don't care how long it's going to take me as long as I have him."

Boyoung rolled her eyes and sipped from her glass.


A few days later, Junsu was finally released from the hospital. His fever faded away and his complexion was back to normal. His muscles no longer ached and he could finally work again. He missed working the most. Actually he missed the guys the most. His family especially. It felt like forever since he set foot in the café or at Torofv. Fortunately, his health has stabilized and he could return to his daily routine again.

"I hope this is the last time I ever see you lying in a hospital bed like that," his mother stated as Junsu finally settled himself in the back seat.

"I agree!" Saeyoung cried out from up front. "Do you know how annoying Mr. Chan gets when all the art pieces aren't in their specific locations? You usually do that before I get there. But since you were sick I had to do it all myself." Junsu couldn't help but laugh. "Thank God you're finally able to move your scrawny ass around so you can do all the work."

"Young-ah, the language!" Mrs. Kim cried out.

"Don't worry. I'll handle it."

Mrs. Kim turned the corner to leave the hospital drive way and stopped at the light. "I'm not too sure if I want you to go back to work immediately. I feel like you're still a little ill."

"Eomma, I'm fine now. The doctor said that I healed faster than he expected. And I'm glad. I'm anxious to go back to work."

"I don't know," his mother moaned, pressing on the gas as soon as the light turned green.

Junsu sighed and leaned forward to place a comforting hand on her shoulder. "I promise you that I will take care of myself this time. If I ever get a cough or feel dizzy, I'm going to stay home and drink all the liquids in the fridge excluding the alcohol." Mrs. Kim rolled her eyes and smiled. "And I will make sure that I call in to tell my bosses that I am not well enough to work seven hours a day. So don't worry. I've learned my lesson and I will never do that to you again."

Mrs. Kim was very touched by those words. It was so good to hear Junsu’s voice after being stuck in a hospital bed for a couple of days. And it was such a relief that her son was able to come back home from the hospital. It was miracle that he came out alive. He knew it was just a high fever that wasn't appropriately cared for, but it reminded her so much of the time her husband was ill. He died of pneumonia because he didn't take care of himself. He was stubborn and refused to admit that he was sick. That's where Junsu got his stubbornness from. So when the doctor's said that Junsu was so close to getting pneumonia, her knees grew weak and her heart dropped. She was scared that she was going to lose her son the same way she lost her husband. It was like she was experiencing the past all over again. But during that time, pneumonia didn't seem like such a big deal. She figured that it would heal faster and he would get better, but it didn't. Now having Junsu survive such an illness was a blessing. She wasn't ready to lose another person she loved. Not yet. Not now.

"I'm glad you're here, honey," her mother whispered.

"I'm glad too," Junsu responded back. He turned to Saeyoung who was avoiding any eye contact with him ever since he climbed into the car. "What about you? Are you glad I'm back, Youngie?"

His little sister shrugged. Saeyoung was actually sad the whole time Junsu was gone. It felt so empty in the mornings when she dressed up for the school. She didn't have him to complain to or mock. And it was weird not seeing him in a wacky outfit that he just happened to pull out of his closet. She missed her brother. Just like her mother, she was scared to lose him. It was one of those very few times she cried for her Junsu.

"Youngie!" Junsu sang as he poked his sister on the shoulder. "You missed me, didn't you?"

"I don't know."

"You did!"

Saeyoung shrugged. "I guess I did."

"AWW!" Juns squealed. He playfully poked her some more until Saeyoung snapped and told him to stop.
"Mom, can you tell him to stop bothering me!"

"Junsu, sit back down. We're dropping your sister off at school. You know how she gets when her friends are around."

"Oh right, I totally forgot. She's one of the cool kids now," Junsu smiled, settling himself back on his seat.
Sseyoung rolled her eyes and leaned against the mirror as she tried to hide her smile. She was so happy Junsu was back again.


"Mocha Frappuccino and Cinnamon scone?" Yoochun asked.

The woman nodded her head. He handed her the order and smiled. Then he told her to enjoy her meal and turned around to meet up with Jaesuk at the counter. Before he could make his way there, Geunsuk stopped him.

"Junsu just got released today," he stated.

"I know."

"Let's do something special for him tonight."

"Like what?"

"A party!"

"Parties? I like parties!" Changmin called out from across the room.

Yoochun ignored him and continued to walk to the counter to place the tray back on the stack.
"I don't know."

"It could be just the four of us and his family. Jaesuk hyung can come too if he wants to join, but I'm not sure he'd enjoy it because of his old age and all."

"Hey!" Jaesuk cried out. "I heard that you little rascal."

Geunsuk chuckled and returned his focus back on Yoochun. "So what do you think?"

"I guess we can do it."

"Great! Let's do it at your house!"

Yoochun settled himself on one of the stools and quickly stared at Geunsuk. "Are you kidding me? That would be a no."

"Your bachelor pad is huge. And it's good enough for a fun get together with all of us."

"I don't think so."

"Come on, Chun. This is for Junsu! Besides, I don't think my apartment is good enough for this gathering. Changmin’s isn't flattering. And I don't even know where the hell Yunho hyung lives. So that's why your house is the only option."

Yoochun groaned and rubbed his chin in frustration. "What about a dinner? That sounds appealing."

"It's not personal that way. It's not like I'm going to invite fifty more people to come. It's just a celebration for Junsu’s return. Don't you think he deserves one?"

Yoochun fiddled with the café cards by the brochure stand when he began to think about Junsu. He hadn't seen him since that day at the hospital. He ignored him the whole time which he began to regret for the past couple of days. But it was because he was trying to understand his feelings. He was still frustrated because of his carelessness. Yet, he had to admit, he really did miss him being around. Maybe being the one who saw how bad he was close up was probably what made him feel so antsy to be around him. He saw him in a different state that he never wanted to see him in again. Or it was because he was afraid that he was actually developing something deep for the boy. He didn't want to admit or believe that it was true. But no matter what, he couldn't stop thinking about Junsu.

"Fine," he finally answered. "Let's have it at my house. At least we're in a comfortable setting."
"Yes!" Geunsuk exclaimed.

Yoochun nodded and glanced at the leftover apron hanging on the hook by the kitchen. Immediately, his mind focused back on the boy who once destroyed his Maserati in the Perriot’s parking lot. Again, he couldn't stop it.

"Geun-ah, I'll be right back," he stated, climbing off the stool.

"What? Where are you going?"

"I have to go clear up a few things."

Geunsuk looked at him puzzled. "Okay," he answered slowly.

"Make sure everything is okay by the time I return."

"Will do, sir!"

Yoochun nodded and hurried his way out of the café. Once he vanished out of the door, Jaesuk looked over his shoulder and grinned.

"It's blossoming," he mumbled.

"What did you say?" Geunsuk questioned.

Jaesuk glanced away from the window. "Nothing. Get back to work!"


"Junsu! I'm going to Mrs. Kwon’s house to work on the dresses," his mother called out.

"Alright," Junsu shouted from the bathroom. He was getting ready to take a nice, warm bubble bath. After lying in bed at the hospital, dreading every minute of it, and eating nasty food, he deserved a therapeutic bath with sweet lavender and vanilla.

Mrs. Kim grabbed her purse and quickly walked out of the house. She was so late for the appointment that she didn't even lock the door behind her. She just shut it and left, leaving it available for any stranger to walk right inside without having to unlock it.

Junsu poured a bunch of soap into the half-way filled bath tub. The bubbles were slowly making hills and hills on top of the water. It made Junsu so happy and so excited to finally be able to set foot in a comforting bath of his own. Once the bubbles and water finally reached its limit, Junsu turned off the faucet and began stripping down into absolutely nothing. He grabbed a large towel, wrapped it around his lower  half, and tip toed over to where he plugged in his Ipod. He turned it on to his "relaxing" playlist and jumped in happiness at the sound of the beautiful melodic piano instrumentals. Then he tiptoed back to the tub, dropped his towel and stepped inside, ready to enjoy his relaxing bath.

Yoochun parked his Maserati right in front of his house, ready to apologize for his stubborn behavior at the hospital the other day. Junsu didn't say it, but it was obvious that he was annoyed by it. He shouldn't have acted that way especially when Junsu was sick. He needed the comfort. And he didn't give that to him.

He unbuckled his seat belt, climbed out of his Maserati and approached Junsu’s front door. He door belled a few times, hoping to get some kind of answer, but nothing. So then he knocked a few times, but still no response again.

Inside the bathroom, Junsu was already dozing off in the bath. The feel of the water and the soothing sounds of the music relaxed him so much to the point that he was falling into some kind of slumber. He heard a few noises, but he didn't really care. The therapeutic bath was all that he cared about at that moment.

Yoochun furrowed his eyes and observed the driveway. Usually there was a car there, but it wasn't this time. Then he pulled his phone out and dialed Junsu’s number. It rang a few times, but again, no answer. He hung up after he heard the voice mail and shoved his phone back into his pocket. Where could this boy be? He better not have collapsed again!

He groaned and decided to see if the door was opened. He clasped the handle and turned it. When he felt it go all the way around without feeling a blockage, he slowly opened it. He took one step inside and immediately starting smelling some kind of lavender scent. He believed it was how their house smelled on a daily basis. It smelled good.

"Junsu!" he called out.

Right then, Junsu’s eyes shot open at the sound of Yoochun’s voice from outside the door. He wasn't sure if he was hearing things, but he knew it was him.

"Junsu!" he heard Yoochun cry out again, his voice now even closer than before.

That's when Junsu knew that he had to jump out of there to lock the door. He had forgotten to lock it earlier because he didn't think he’d have any visitors. He also didn't think people would walk right in without permission.

"Junsu!" Yoochun hollered. "Where is that boy?" Junsu heard Yoochun mumble.

Quickly, Junsu climbed out of the bath tub and grabbed his towel. In the middle of trying to wrap it around him, the door swung open, revealing a concerned Yoochun. Junsu’s eyes quickly widened at the sight of Yoochun looking at him in shock. Junsu held the towel tightly around him and ran towards the door to shut it. Once he did, he groaned in embarrassment and slid down the door.

"I'm sorry! I didn't mean to-"

"What the hell are you doing in my house anyways!" Junsu cut in, mortified by the fact that Yoochun saw him completely naked. No clothes. No underwear. Not even a leaf covered his private part. He saw everything.

"Your door was unlocked and you didn't answer your phone so I-," Yoochun bit his lip at how completely stunned he was from what just happened. He didn't expect to see him naked. That was the last thing he expected. He felt so ashamed for even peeking. He should've just shut the door at the mere color of his skin, but he just stood there, holding onto the door knob with his eyes glued to Junsu’s unclothed body. Why? Because he was in shock. Another reason why was because he was a guy.

"You should be sorry!" Junsu snapped, holding his towel tightly around him. "I can't believe you!"

Yoochun took in a deep breath and stared at the door way. "I didn't see anything!" he tried to say. But he knew that was a stupid reply. Junsu saw him look at him. And he saw Junsu look at him. There was absolutely no way they could deny it.

Junsu scoffed. "That's such a lie! You stood there for like five seconds. And you can see a lot in just five seconds!"

"Okay, maybe I did. But you left your door open!"

"It still doesn't give you a right to just barge into someone's house and open the bathroom door!"

"Well - I- Let's-" Yoochun struggled to even get out a decent sentence because he was so nervous and humiliated by the latest event. "Can we just be mature about this and forget it even happened? Besides, it’s not like you have something that I don’t have."

"How could I be mature when I was the one who was naked!" Junsu screamed.

Yoochun scratched the back of his neck and tried to think of a way to resolve this embarrassing problem. "Okay, then - well- Can you just get out of there, please? I came here to talk to you anyways."

"How could I even get out of here after what just happened?" Junsu said through the door, pretending to claw him out. "You looked at me!" he cried.

"I'll just pretend it didn't happen. Okay? There. We solved the problem."

Junsu scoffed and rolled his eyes. Pretending wasn't going to make him forget seeing Yoochun’s eyes planted on his thing. And it was definitely not going to remove the image of his nude body from his mind. He groaned at the thought and reached over to grab his clothes.

"Stay in the living room, so I can get out of here and change."

"Okay, that's fine."

"Good," Junsu answered, leaning in to place his ear against the door. He wanted to hear footsteps walking down the hall. "Tell me when you're there so I can get out."

Yoochun let out a soft chuckle and stepped back to where the living was. Once he made his way there, he sat on one of their couches and glanced at a family portrait on the side table.

"Are you there yet?" he heard her call out.

He leaned in and picked it up to see a better view of it. "Yeah, I'm in the living room."


Yoochun observed the four people in the portrait as he heard the creaking sound of the bathroom door from down the hallway. He was tempted to look up, but he was too busy looking at the photograph. It was different from his family portrait that he had hidden in his car. This one looked really casual and free. Because they were laughing and eating together at the park like a real family. Underneath all four of them was a hand sewn blanket with different patterns all over it. In between them was a basket of treats. It was hard to tell what was inside since it was a dark little pit in the opening that was shown. But he could tell there was good food inside. He recognized Junsu’s mom. She was beautiful with her wavy black hair. She looked a lot younger in the picture. Then he saw the two little kids sitting beside her. One was a toddler with a cute floral dress on. It was obvious that it was Saeyoung. Then there was a cute little boy wearing a jean jumper and a blue shirt with a bowl cut hair. He assumed it was Junsu. Right behind him was a man. He looked pretty tall for someone who was sitting down. His hair was a little gray but mostly black. He looked pretty strong and confident. His arms were quite big and he could tell he really loved his family from the way he had his arm wrapped around Junsu. He looked like a friendly guy who lived a happy life with a beautiful family. He figured that was Junsu’s father - someone Junsu rarely talked about or even mentioned.

Yoochun placed the photo back down and waited patiently for Junsu to return. It didn't take long. He wasn't surprised since he knew Junsu wasn't the kind who was very picky about his wardrobe. But when he entered the living room in nothing but a black tank top and pajama pants, he was shocked. For some odd reason, he thought he looked absolutely stunning. And Junsu didn't look like he was meant to be on that "What Not To Wear" show anymore.

"What?" Junsu questioned, moving his hand up to his hair to brush it back with his hand.

"Um." Yoochun cleared his throat and glanced away for a second. "Nothing."

Junsu was still a little embarrassed, but Yoochun said he was going to pretend like it never happened. So he was going to trust those words. Hopefully. But knowing how honest he could be, Junsu wasn't sure if Yoochun was going to bring it up again or not.

"Why are you here again?"

"Remember when I visited you at the hospital?"

"You visited me?" Junsu asked. "I don't remember."

Yoochun sighed deeply. "I'm sorry if I wasn't acting like I didn't care at all. I was happy that you were okay. I really was. But I was just upset that you would even let yourself get this sick. Why did you even do that to yourself? I never really understood that."

"It's because that's just the kind of person I am. I don't like to disappoint people or let them down."

"But this is your body, Junsu. Your health is more important to me - I mean - more important than giving me support or Mr. Chan or Jaesuk hyung. I am just thankful that you're here to be by my side to help me throughout Prince Café. I don't want you to risk anything to do that. I want to be your friend, Junsu. I want you to still be here to support me. Okay?"

Junsu stopped playing with his hair and leaned against the arm rest of the nearest couch. He listened intently at the intensity of Yoochun’s voice. Concern could be heard in the tone of it. Junsu knew it was stupid of him to even look past his illness as if it was something that could be fixed over the weekend. It wasn't just a fever with a slight cough, he was practically draining and exhausted and weak. But he let himself go only to support the people he cared for. Still, he disappointed them anyways. He let them down by not taking care of himself.

"I'm sorry."

"It's fine. Just don't do it again. I don't want to have to carry you across the parking lot like that anymore. Do you have any idea how heavy you are for a little person?"

A shy smile appeared on Junsu’s lips when he noticed how worried Yoochun was. It was nice to see Yoochun act that way towards him. Junsu found it comforting and warm. To add on to that, he felt something flutter in his stomach. It wasn't his sickness, it was something else. Something way too familiar.

"Thank you for that."

Yoochun stopped mumbling to himself and turned to Junsu. "Next time, stay home when you're sick."

"I promise boss!"

Yoochun rubbed his hands along his pants and then stood up. "I guess I better go. You can continue your bath or shower. Whatever you were doing before I barged in."

Junsu closed his eyes in embarrassment. He thought that subject was gone already, but it obviously wasn't. Time didn't pass long enough for it to disappear.

"Don't worry, I'm done."

Yoochun chuckled and stepped out of the living room to walk to the door. Junsu followed. He was about to reach out for the handle when he turned back around. "Oh, Geunsuk’s setting up some kind celebration for your return later. He's really serious about this whole 'Completely Be Nice To Junsu’ thing."

Junsu laughed. "I kind of like it."

He remembered the note he had written for him. After all the guys left that day, Junsu opened the card and read the one paragraph that was written on it. By surprise, his handwriting was actually really pretty for a boy. Geunsuk kept on surprising her. It read:

Hey Junsu! It's me Geunsuk.

When I heard about your sickness, I started to feel guilty for being so bipolar around you for the past few months. I guess it was because I was still wary of my past. I’m not really comfortable with opening myself to new people because I have trust issues. But I want to really try my best to be a completely good friend to you without being moody all the time (though the other guys say I rarely bully you.  I believe otherwise). I like you Junsu. You’re a good person so I think I should try to be a bit more honest and open to you. Haha do you think this letter’s cheesy? Changmin won’t stop bothering me about how greasy I’ve become and that I’m abnormal for doing this. Anyway, get well soon Junsu!


"It will be at my house. I don't know what time he wants it to be, but I'll pick you up if you want me to." Junsu nodded. "Okay." Yoochun mimicked the gesture and turned back around to open the door. "Wait!" Junsu called out. "Do I have to wear something or should I just go as myself?"

Yoochun grinned at that statement and looked over his shoulder. "Just go as yourself. I like you better that way."

Junsu nodded and watched as Yoochun opened the door to step out. Junsu felt a surge of warmth flicker in his chest. No matter what Yoochun did - whether he was mad or annoyed- he grew to like the man more and more every day. It was like he was peeling the layers off of an onion one by one, revealing someone he was slowly beginning to admire.

Before Yoochun could step out, Junsu strode forward and embraced him from behind, startling him in the process. Yoochun wasn't sure what to do at the moment. All he knew was that it was nice.

"Thank you for being here," Junsu whispered, his eyes closed, leaning against Yoochun’s taut back. "You're too good to me."

Yoochun grinned and glanced down at how Junsu’s arms were wrapped around his arms and waist. They could both feel the electricity ignite between them as they remained close. He didn't want Junsu to let go. Not even for a second.

"Anytime," Yoochun whispered.

A/N: OMG! i haven't updated in how many centuries XD There were a lot of things to do and oh gosh... everything is so overwhelming. TT-TT I couldn't do a double update today 'cause my brain is not functioning well due to the stress. Writing feels nice. It frees me from my current worries.

I hope I could start writing on the Yunjae parts soon!!! <333 i think the next chapter or the chapter after the next one will mark the start of the Yunjae doramaaaa~~~ Yunjae the mother of all pairings XD

Anyway, i found out that my neighbor is actually a cassie XD we've known each other for almost two years but we weren't aware of each other's fandom. so yeah! very very happy! And we've decided to share her twitter account for spazzing purposes  'cause i can't really spazz that much on my personal twitter. there are people there who do not know how crazy and perverted i get when i spazz Yoosu and stuff. go follow @Junchansosexy on twitter! :D

I'll try to reply to the previous previous comments within this week :)


fanfiction, pairing: yunjae, genre: romance, pairing: yoosu, plot: coffee prince(roughly), genre: comedy, genre: drama, length: chaptered (ongoing), genre: fluff

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