until. whenever?

Oct 17, 2007 18:25

my internet is dead.  I happened to be able to get a brief connection..must hurry before it dies again...

EDIT: UH.  THIS IS WHAT I DO WHEN I CAN'T GET ON THE INTERNET AND DON'T DO WHAT I'M SUPPOSED TO IN RL. *points, then whistles innocently* But seriously, my Internet is only kicking in when it..feels like it, I guess. @3@


Title: the revelations of being bet on

By: chuchama

Summary: Everyone but the President could see, could tell, just knew that the Vice President was his bitch had a crush on him.  One of these days he’d figure it out.

Rating: Pointlesspointlesspointless…oh and vague NC-17 somewhere in there.

Genre: general gone to momentary smut gone to a sad sad attempt of humor.  oh and maybe fluff?

Pairing: Movie!verse ShiWook

A/N: I tried to resist doing something like this for as long as I could because I owe so many other people so many things.  Actually, it’s only like two people.  …wait….*counts* …okay, maybe more like si--  Seven. Ah wait, eight. …But I will not feel guilty.  You cannot guilt me.  Stop it.  Stop it!

Also, I’m giving this baby to anestel, because I WAS working on his Shinmin.  Then.  Well.  Uh.  My attention got diverted and.  That's the end of my excuse.

(And I’m sorry if you don’t like the pairing; I really don't know/remember if you do or don’t. *hopes you do* T_T)

I just know that this has sort of sex in it and I owe him sex and... You know, apparently what I consider ‘sort of sex’ is ‘actual sex’ in some people’s standards but this, I swear, is really ‘sort of sex’. inmystandardswhichmeansImrightdammit!


Siwon is trying to read a particularly long and badly written memo.  It is giving him a headache because:

1) He has planned on sorting out a solid budget for all the clubs and after school activities with the treasurer in about six minutes and this shoved-in-his-face-at-the-last-minute memo is eating up time in his already scheduled day and he really doesn’t appreciate that.

2) The memo is as good as incoherent, what with all the typos and grammatical structure mistakes present in it.

And 3) Ryeowook.  Is.  Breathing.  On.  Him.  Ugh.

Pushing his reading glasses up the bridge of his nose, Siwon spares an annoyed glance in his second-in-command’s direction, “Can you possibly back up a little?”

At this, Ryeowook’s mouth turns into a little pursed ‘o’ and he does a nervous hair flip. He explains, “I can’t see the paper unless I’m this close.”

Siwon rolls his eyes.  He doesn’t have time for this nonsense; he has to get down to the library to meet the treasurer in four and a half minutes.  “You should get your eyes checked and get a stronger prescription in the near future,” Siwon tells him, “I don’t like you standing this close to me and being in my personal space.”

Ryeowook nods, smiling and, oh god, giggling.  Like a girl.  Sometimes his Vice President is incredibly weird.

“You have a meeting in a few minutes, right?” Ryeowook asks, positively beaming at him, still giggling to himself, “Why don’t you leave this to me, then?”

No matter how nerve-wracking his Vice President can be with his habits of talking about pointless annoying things and shrieking about everything, Siwon remembers that he keeps the guy around because he is very smart.  And what Ryeowook has just come up with is actually a proper idea.

Liking the sound of it, he hands the papers to Ryeowook.  “Thank you for offering.  I’ll see you tomorrow, then.”

Ryeowook nods, almost furiously this time, and accepts the papers.  “Of course!”

As Siwon leaves the room, he hears a squeal of, “Ohmygodhemomentarilythoughtaboutmypersonalhealth!” but can’t quite decipher what the mashed together words and syllables mean.


Siwon pushing Ryeowook against a desk and kissing the living daylights out of him is the combined result of Siwon pondering for about two weeks over how Ryeowook’s post orgasmic expression would look, thanks to a in-the-passing-remark from the troublemaker Donghae, and of Siwon investigating his classmates’ (and a few teachers as well, it turns out) newest hobby; betting on the student body’s experiences as teenagers (meaning they’re waiting for members of the student body to do something scandalous and really, doesn’t anyone in this school have anything better to do?).

Concerning the matter of the betting and who they’re betting on and for what, it turns out that the biggest betting pool is on him, since everyone expects him and Ryeowook to, in the ringleader of the dance club Heechul’s famous words, ‘get it on and have nerd sex’.  The real question that’s raking in the money is when it’ll happen, not if.  And Siwon was (is? should be? probably still should be) insulted to find this out.

But as he pulls away to take a breath, quickly going back for another kiss because it feels very very good and also because Ryeowook is trying to say something and he doesn’t want to hear it, Siwon can’t help but think that Ryeowook isn’t half bad at this kissing thing and maybe he doesn’t care what the other students think.


Siwon personally doesn’t think much of their shared kiss, even though many more follow at random (but always private) moments.  They don’t mean anything to him, most certainly shouldn’t mean anything to Ryeowook, and just happen when he is stressed and busy and would like a momentary distraction.

Of course, the day Ryeowook hesitantly grabs his face and meshes their mouths together, Siwon is surprised because normally he’s the one who instigates these moments.  He’s quick to respond though, despite being caught off guard, and soon everything’s heated lips against heated lips, wet tongues darting out, flicking against skin, rubbing against teeth and the insides cheeks and the roofs of mouths.

But Ryeowook is full of surprises this particular day because if Siwon was startled before, nothing compares to how it feels (especially physically) when Ryeowook’s hand shyly brushes over his slowly awakening groin.

Siwon gasps in Ryeowook’s mouth as tentative brushes become soft fingers unbuckling his pants and slipping past the fabric of his underwear, fingertips gently tiptoeing over the tender tender skin, twirling thick, curly pubic hair delicately.  Siwon accidentally lets out small but hot electric pulses, steady, only strong enough to evoke tingling in the body, and like the ebbing of a wave, into Ryeowook as the younger boy cups him and gives a questioning (asking is this okay?  do you like this?) bounce.

Ryeowook shivers and steps even closer, the toes of their shoes touching and the rims of his glasses crackling with the static.  Siwon finds he likes nothing more than the feel of Ryeowook’s thin, limber fingers wrapping tightly around his length, caresses small but hard and bringing forth desire, thumb running over the slit, thumbnail leaving tiny barely pinching crescent imprints over the head.

Siwon lets another ebbed wave of electric flow from him to Ryeowook, as a way of thanking him for the treatment, and Ryeowook shudders against him, a needy whine coming forth and floating from his slightly parted mouth and the sound fills the little space between them.  Siwon has never been fond of Ryeowook’s habit of shrieking to express displeasure before.  But he finds that he really likes how Ryeowook sounds when shrieking in pleasure.

This day in the workroom ends with Siwon bending Ryeowook over the desk and pounding into him as hard as he can, rhythmically sending harsh electrifying currents (not as painful as the ones that have sent his Vice President flying into the wall but not soft enough to only leave his receiver feeling simply warm and tingly like the ones earlier) through the boy, reveling in how loud Ryeowook shrieks and how he manages to get louder with each and every thrust.


It’s not until the second time they have sex, (actually skipping an after-school student body meeting that they both know they’re going to regret missing later, but that’s later and very much not now) in Siwon’s room, on Siwon’s bed, with Siwon’s parents out the house until much much later, that Siwon realizes that he might actually kind of like Ryeowook.  In, you know, that way.

It’s when he has Ryeowook panting, flushed, and on his back, legs spread as far as they can go, accepting all five of Siwon’s fingers up to the knuckles, hips rolling each and every time Siwon sends powerful electricity through him, nearly screaming--pleading--screaming and pleading for Siwon to take him and do whatever he wants, that Siwon realizes that Ryeowook probably likes him in that way.  And that little fact, he thinks, would explain a lot.  Everything.

So, pulling his fingers out, Siwon does as he’s asked of and takes the other boy, slowly pushing himself in to fit in Ryeowook’s reddened, stretched, tender entrance, making sure to shock Ryeowook hard enough to maybe really hurt as he does so and then, after Ryeowook screams loud and long, he roughly thrusts away until they both reach their orgasms.

It’s after they both come, with Ryeowook laying spent on the soiled sheets, blinking blearily up at Siwon contentedly, Siwon, in turn, studying Ryeowook limply sprawled on the bed, that Siwon asks, “So.  You like me, Vice President?”

Ryeowook looks startled out of his post orgasmic expression (which Siwon has finally noticed and taken note of and thinks he could get use to seeing Ryeowook looking like a sun lounging cat, happy and tired but happy to be tired), then confused, then worried.

“…Yee……eees…?” He answers slowly, carefully, breaking the one word up into two very distinct syllables with cautiousness.

Oh.  “Oh.” Siwon says, leaning in to place a kiss on Ryeowook’s forehead.  “Alright.  Alright then.”  He’s quite fine with it, in that case.

And Ryeowook smiles and Siwon gives him a less-stern-than-normal-look and even offers a half smile back in return.  And Siwon knows that all is well and will stay that way until the next high school dramatic situation has an opportunity to spring itself onto little unsuspecting high school kids and teachers alike.  Or until everyone finds out about their relationship and an uproar over who wins the bet and gets the money occurs.

Whichever comes first.


…pffthahahaha, please don’t tell me I was the only one who imagined Siwon’s penis glowing blue with electricity every time he shocked Ryeowook.  I mean.  Come on.  The mental imagery…*cracks up*

fics, !suju

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