Birthday Present, second edition~

Sep 27, 2007 20:39

Title: thirty one drabbles of yoosumin on the wall.
By: chuchama
Summary: a present for michan.
 Part 2 of 3~ words 11 through 21.


“You guys want to go shopping with me and BooJae?” Yunho called through the door of the workroom.

At the sound of their leader’s voice, Changmin sucked in a moan and held on tight to Junsu, whose grip on his hips was almost painful.  Yoochun paused in mid thrust and Junsu whimpered at the sensation, pressing himself forward against Changmin and attempting to not move his own hips despite the need building within him.  Changmin felt the doorknob, which had been digging into his back since Junsu first entered him, rattle fruitlessly as Yunho tried to open the door, “Guys?”

“We’re…busy.” Yoochun managed to rasp out, “We’re…we’re trying to compose a new song.”

Yunho sighed, “But…”

Then Jaejoong’s light voice floated in from the hall, “Yunnie, it’s obvious they’re having sex.  Let’s just go.”

As the footsteps made their way down the hallway, Changmin wondered briefly if it was really that obvious.  But thoughts consisting of anything more than one syllable and other than the words faster, harder and more soon exited his mind as Yoochun thrust up into Junsu, causing Junsu to move again in him.


“Yoochun, if you do anything sexually immoral to Changmin or force him to participate in anything he doesn’t want to be a part of, I’ll do something incredibly unpleasant to you.” Kibum deadpanned, expression not changing as he messed with his own bangs in the mirror.

Yoochun paused in his attempt to fix his jacket button, blinked, looked at Kibum, looked at Junsu, and then looked at Changmin.  “…Why aren’t you creepily threatening him…?” He whined, pointing at Junsu.

Junsu grinned and hopped around Yoochun in a circle, earning a scolding look from the make up noona who had just finished with him, “Because I’m not sexually immoral like you~”

Changmin rolled his eyes and fluffed his own hair, “Says the guy who stuck a ballpoint pen up my ass to see if--”

“I’m more worried about Yoochun than Junsu, really,” Kibum interrupted, “And I don’t want to know what you three do with ballpoint pens as long as they’re not mine.”


We should dress up for a new theme every day next month, Yoochun had said one afternoon when he was bored.  Junsu agreed immediately and Changmin told them both to be quiet or else he wouldn’t let them try to both fit in his lap at the same time while he studied anymore.

When Changmin found himself naked except for a few pieces of lettuce covering his nether regions, his whole body painted various shades of green and told by a completely naked and yellow paint covered Junsu that he was a plant and that this day’s theme was the wilderness and nature and releasing inhibitions, he wondered why he went along with these sorts of plans anymore.


Quiet, sexy, romantic Yoochun.  Bubbly, charismatic, adorable Junsu.  Mature, sultry, sardonic-to-the-point-of-cynicism Changmin.  Somehow, they balanced each other out, no matter how different they were.


“We gave each other the flu, didn’t we?” Junsu sniffled out, rolling over Changmin’s sprawled out body to grab a tissue from the box on the dresser.

Changmin let out a grunt as Junsu flopped back down on the bed and blew his nose.  Yoochun sneezed and managed out a weak, “Sorry.” As the spray landed on Changmin’s arm and the youngest boy went into a coughing fit.

“Hyung, I’ll move the tissue box to the middle of the bed so you can reach it without moving,” Changmin said between coughs, “And cover your nose next time, hyung.”

“Take your medicine in an hour, Minnie.” Junsu reminded him.  Yoochun nodded, “And drink more water, Min.”


Junsu and Changmin giggled and plopped themselves down in the middle of the living room floor, dropping their armfuls of paper and markers out onto the carpet.  Then they got to work.

Hours later, Yoochun walked in to see the two scribbling away on paper, chatting and laughing and rolling around and kicking their feet in the air happily.

“What are you doing?” He asked.

“We’re planning our wedding.” Junsu giggled out.

Changmin picked up a piece of paper and showed it to Yoochun, “Yeah, and we mutually decided that you get to wear the wedding dress.”


Junsu vaguely heard a clap of thunder and the rain pattering hard against his window and saw the bright flash of lightening from behind his eyelids.  Burying his face into his pillow, he gave out a sigh and intended to go back to sleep.

Then he felt his covers being lifted and the warmth of a person, no two people, slipping in bed with him.

Shivering against him were Changmin and Yoochun, one muttering about not being scared, just being cold and lonely, and the other sleepily grumbling about being dragged out of bed by a totally scared hyung.  All that was said in return was a miffed and slightly embarrassed no Changmin, I’m not afraid, alright, so just shut up.

And Junsu absentmindedly snuggled with them and fell asleep with a small smile on his face.


They’ve been together for two years now and can only hope it will last longer, into eternity, forever until the day they die and then even further on into the afterlife.  They know there are complications that can arise that include the public, their fans, their jobs, and they only can wait to see how everything will turn out.

There are doubts and fears, but they’ve learned that there are times when they can only live for the moment.  And as Yoochun sits at the piano and begins to play a self composed song made just for this occasion and sings to the other two, the love that blossoms in all of their hearts at this moment is to be treasured and basked in for that single moment.


Yoochun knows he can’t always get his way, even though he likes to see himself as the one with the most authority in their relationship.  When Junsu and Changmin decide they really want something, they outvote, outnumber, and outsmart him in ways he never knew possible.

So he is surprised but then not surprised at the same time when he wakes up in the middle of the night, tied naked to a desk leg with two naked forms predatorily hovering close to his body.


“Yoochun, do you love me?”



“Maybe I am.”

“So do you love me?”

“Ask Changmin.”

“Minnie, do you love me?”

“I’m busy.”


“So I’m busy.  Leave me alone.”

“Yoochunnie…Changmin’s being mean to me!”

“Su, stop pouting or else you’ll distract Min from his studies.”

“But he’s being mean.”

“You’re distracting me from my studies, hyung.”

“And you’re distracting me from my studies too.”

“Chunnie, you aren’t studying.”


“So I love you and you don’t love me back and I think that gives me a right to pout.”

“Look, I love you both, now shut up and let me concentrate.”

“…So Yoochun…?”

“I love you too.  Now shut up so Changmin can concentrate.”


“Hey.  Yeah, no I’m not too busy to talk to you…” Changmin stood and left the room, leaving Yoochun to bristle and send a panicked look at Junsu.

“Who is he ‘not too busy to talk’ to?” Yoochun demanded, “We were spending quality time together!”

Junsu lazily let himself collapse sideways onto the couch, “Yoochun…”

Yoochun flung his arms out, “Aren’t we important?  Who could he be talking so informally to, anyway?”

Junsu sighed, “Yoochun…”

“And--and--and he so just brushed us off!  I’m upset!  Aren’t you upset?  Why are you upset?!”

Junsu reached over and bopped Yoochun on the leg, “It’s his mother, stupid.”

Yoochun slowly deflated and let his arms fall to his side, “…Oh.”

!dbsk, fics

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