Birthday Present~

Sep 27, 2007 19:59

By: this person who sat for three straight hours to get this done because she finally decided what her gift fic was going to be this morning.
 Summary: Thirty one freaking drabbles.  About YooSuMin.  For 
Warnings: Um.  Just.  Don't. ...I don't know.  There's use of vulgar-ish language here and there.  And implied sex scenes here and there.   AND OKAY I TOOK RANDOM WORDS AND WROTE ABOUT THEM SO I DON'T KNOW.
Rating: Teen.
Genre: All sorts.  Crack.  Fluff.  Angst.  Everything?
A/N: I killed so many things in the following drabbles, I know it.


Yoochun found himself slowly being attracted to Changmin after their group debut, attracted to how hard the young boy worked and how talented he was and how utterly cute he was.

At first he thought it was nothing serious, just a hyung’s affection for his dongsaeng, especially after he and Junsu expressed a common interest in making out, particularly with each other, for long periods of time.  But when he walked into the bathroom one day and walked in on Junsu all but molesting the fifteen year old, Changmin pressed against the shower door and clutching tightly onto Junsu’s shirt as their mouths meshed together, Junsu’s hands groping their way down Changmin’s back to slip under his clothes and needy pants escaping from them both, Yoochun realized two things.

The first thing was that it was kind of hot to watch. The second was that he felt very compelled to join them.

“If I wasn’t me, if I was anything less than Xiah, would you still love me?” Junsu asked, holding Changmin’s hand tightly and resting his head on Yoochun’s shoulder.  Changmin squeezed Junsu’s hand and Yoochun placed a kiss on Junsu’s forehead.

“As long as you’re Kim Junsu, does it really matter?” Changmin retorted gently with a small tilt to his head and a soft look in his eyes, “It’s the same as long as I’m Shim Changmin and he’s Park Yoochun.  It doesn’t matter to us.”

Yoochun smiled against Junsu’s skin and nodded, “You’re just Junsu to me, nothing less, never less.  And that’s all there is to it.”


Junsu and Changmin huddled in their room together, letting Yoochun pound away at the locked door.

“He’s so stupid.” Junsu whispered, staring at the floor in front of him and pulling a blanket tighter around him.

“Is it him or us that’s stupid…?” Changmin whispered back, staring resignedly at the door, the frame shuddering from the force being exerted on it.

“Junsu, Changmin, open the door, I can explain--!” Yoochun cried desperately from the other side.

“He’s so stupid.” Junsu whispered and Changmin nodded, closing his eyes and seeing the burned images of Yoochun kissing that girl on the backs of his eyelids.


Hyukjae sent Junsu an annoyed glare as he paused their game for the fourth time in a row to answer his cell phone, which was shrilling and announcing yet another text message.

Do they really have to send you something every two minutes? Hyukjae’s expression asked testily.

Don’t be jealous because I’m your superior. Junsu returned with a smug grin as he flipped open his cell phone.

Is it too much to ask to have you to myself for an hour? Hyukjae sent back, puffing out his cheeks.

Maybe from them it is. Junsu answered with a shrug.


Sometimes Yunho asked him how they managed to peacefully have a three way relationship.  Changmin would usually lean over and nip at Junsu’s mouth (no matter what he was doing at that moment) and reach over to Yoochun and give him a hearty grope (no matter what he was doing at that moment either) before smirking at Yunho and telling him that, “Whatever’s Junsu-hyung’s is mine, whatever’s Yoochun-hyung’s is mine, and whatever’s mine is theirs.”


“Pass the ball Yoochun!  Hurry, you’re moving too slow, Min’ll steal the ball from you if you don’t--!”

“You’re bad at this, hyung.”

“Hey, give back the ball!  Min that’s not fair--!”

“It’s soccer and it’s perfectly legal to take the ball from your opponent if--”

“Super Junsu Tackling Attaaaaack!”

“Ah, Junsu you’re heavy, get off--!”

“This isn’t legal in soccer, it’s not legal, you can’t use--”

“Super Junsu Kissing Attaaaaack!”


Yoochun felt a hand sneak onto his thigh. “Junsu,” he said quietly, only barely moving his lips, “Junsu stop, we’re in the middle of an interview.”

Junsu let out a small giggle and offered a sweet smile as he gently caressed Yoochun’s leg.  Yoochun shuddered and tried to gather his thoughts enough to tell Junsu that this really wasn’t funny, this was too risky and--and then he felt fingers whisper at the small of his back.

“Hyung should relax…” Changmin murmured, his fingers rubbing in a familiar and soft manner.

Yoochun shivered, the combined effects of Junsu’s strokes, Changmin’s feather light massage, and the adrenaline of what a risk it all was successfully shutting him up, and he just concentrated hard on not letting a glazed lusty look pass over his eyes.


Changmin found that, when he wanted to add himself into the relationship between Yoochun and Junsu, Junsu was very willing about it all but Yoochun was a little more hesitant, worried about how it might affect Junsu and their relationship and sex life.

Changmin decided that he’d need to more than prove himself specifically to the older man and, one pair of handcuffs, two thigh boots, and three rounds later, Yoochun was more than ecstatic to let him join them and Junsu was more than ready to get some action himself rather than watch them go at it with each other.


“Jaejoong, sometimes I think you’re a sexual deviant.” Junsu said casually.

“Junsu, sometimes I think you’re a whore.” Jaejoong retorted just as nonchalantly.

“No no,” Junsu sat up and brushed his bangs out of his face, “I just think that Jeremy Bentham and James Mill had a point when they said that all actions should be directed towards achieving the greatest happiness for the greatest number of people.  Doesn’t it only make sense?”

Jaejoong rolled his eyes, “And I just think that sex should be enjoyed anywhere with anything found usable for or during intercourse.  Doesn’t that only make sense?”


Junsu rubbed Yoochun’s back as he leaned over the railing of the sailboat, groaning.  Changmin, returning from the below quarter with a glass of ginger ale, gave Yoochun a worried glance, “Is he feeling any better?” Junsu scrunched up his nose and shook his head, “No.”

Yoochun pushed himself up and off the railing and sent the other two a pitiful look, “I’m weak.  My stomach feels gross.  I can barely stand up straight.  What kind of anniversary trip is this?”

Changmin sighed and shoved the glass into his hands, “Sorry, we didn’t know you’d get seasick or else we would have thought up something else.” Junsu nodded solemnly and gave him a hug, “At least we’re together?”

Yoochun scoffed, “Because you know I love having you guys watch me throw up.” He downed the ginger ale and offered up a smile, “But thanks for the thought of it all.”

!dbsk, fics

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