Mar 15, 2010 00:23
My name is Ginia Solana (79.1491), maybe you've seen me asking questions and nosing around, but I've been taking notes and trying to figure out this place and figured I'd share what I have for some fact checking and maybe the information is useful to others. Any input would be greatly appreciated.
+Everyone receives a personalized message and is brought here by a ride in a black helicopter, regardless of time period. Upon arrival, the helicopter leaves. A cellphone is also received and all phones are identical.
-Has anyone been able to get a word out of the pilot?
-Is there a pattern between arrival times or is it random?
--If there's a set pattern of some sort, would it be possible to ambush the pilot and hijack the helicopter?
---Does anyone know how to fly a helicopter?
-Any and all other cellphones do not work. How about other electronics?
+Leaving is impossible.
-Invisible barriers will knock a person unconscious if they try to pass the perimeter.
--How does the helicopter fly in and out? Barrier doesn't reach into the sky?
-If leaving is impossible, how many people are here? Census needed?
+Brought here by a "fox" named Confessor
-Purpose is to save the world(s?)
--Answer lies within the time travel room
-Any further information on this is appreciated.
+The castle provides everything you need; food, supplies, clothing, etc.
-HOW? Magic?
-Are there limits to what appears or what can appear?
+There is a time travel room. Known time periods are prehistoric, [present], future(?), further future/space-age hotel.
-Theory is each time period is the castle as it would be in that time frame.
--Is it possible to change events in the future by altering the past?
-Future is dangerous, no supplies, desolate. Human refugees living there, many died?
-Can things be brought out of another time period?
+Series of murders caused by a vampire (vampire doctor?)
-Vampire is currently imprisoned?
-The dead come back to life
--Dead body was found by some people, buried, did not come back to life?
+Werewolves exist
+As do killer unicorns
+Something in the moat?
+Kansas this is not.
+High number of law enforcement individuals around.
-Coincidence or part of a greater plan?
As I said, these are the things I've noticed, I'd greatly appreciate any input/corrections/whatever.
By the way, does anyone have a laptop I can use?