Over the past few years, I have noticed that even though my path is one of Druidry and nature worship, I tend to talk mostly about the Deities and the Ancestors; often, I speak less specifically and with less honor to the Spirits of Nature than I do to the other two Kindreds
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Comments 17
I think that I sometimes get that feeling more about my own personal religion than about ADF's general religion: I've seen people who get a lot of "bang" out of the NS portion of our rites.
I hope that more people getting those personal experiences will help flesh us out as an organization with the NS getting more attention, though: I can see (and feel) that we lack some of that.
I also like that we can chat about what we think we're lacking and what we'd like to work on. . . and that it's okay :)
After all the reading I've been doing, I've concluded that the IE Gods are ultimately Gods of order, society, and civilization. While there is the occasional naturalistic God (Usas comes immediately to mind) most of them are Gods of human structure. Even Gods that i learned back in the day were "sun gods" turn out to be Gods of some human endeavor, like Apollo or Artemis.
Between that and my general love of Daniel Quinn (who advocates for animism, amongst other things), I make offerings to the Noble ones as benevolent beings beyond our order. Where Outdwellers are opposed to what we do, the Noble ones were here first and oversee the non-human world.
I do have some Ancient Wise-related questions, but I haven't asked because I'm not sure I'm allowed to know any more than I do. I have been working with them since Raven and Carrion's consecrations at Summerlands a couple years ago.
I just cut a long post that I suddenly felt I needed to email to you. Don't know which you'll get first, but I'm going to gmail now.
Maybe we can do my meditation from lastyears equinox that worked on connecting with natue at a druid moon or litergy? I did write to help some people......who were not there.... to connect with nature more..
After it warms we can also as a grove sit by the stream behind the uu and just observe..
I can see some grove outings coming up.
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