Well, sort of. Here's the thing.
What was broken in the previous release of WordPress is fixed now. As a result, I'm releasing a number of posts from
Leaves of the Willow, our Grove Blog, over the next few days. The hope is that, by Sunday, we'll be caught up.
This may mean that if you have the Blog watched (and if you don't, I think you should.
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Comments 4
I think that what you described is pretty accurate. I might also mention to him that you've informed the general leadership of ADF about what you're doing, and that they've seen the page. And, should he want to "check your entitlement," he should go to adf.org and contact us through official channels. (I point to the ADF site all the time if people raise a question about me, or if I think they might have a question. On our Grove's "about" page, there's a pointer off to the ADF site to check my clergy credentials, for instance.)
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