Could This Be Happening? Part 21

Jun 15, 2008 00:52

Title: Could This Be Happening? Part 21

Author: christykq

Rating: M for language and innuendos mostly, some sex

Characters/Pairings: LoVe, ensemble

Word Count: 5067

Spoilers: Begins with 3.05 and goes through S3.

Disclaimer: I own nothing in the VM universe, it all belongs to the master RT. I also do not earn a profit from any one of the many brand names named in my story and no copyright infringement is intended. Transcripts from Indigo Mantoya at twiztv dot com.

A/N: Character’s thoughts are italic.

Part 21


[During 3.14 Mars, Bars]
[Mid-February 2007: 19 weeks pregnant]
Logan looks at the unfamiliar phone number in the caller ID on his phone. “Hello.”

“Logan Echolls?” A female operator questions.


“Please hold for Veronica Echolls.”

Logan sighs trying to calm his anger before Veronica’s call is connected. He’s driving from Hearst campus to the Sheriff’s department as fast as the law allows.

“Hello?” Veronica says timidly.

“Veronica, I’m on my way to the Sheriff’s station as we speak.” He states firmly. “Wallace called me while I was in Sociology and my phone was turned off. I only just got his message when my class was over. What happened?” His tone is calming slightly but he is still furious at his wife.

“I baked cookies for Josh and he was allergic to peanuts. Once the medics got him under control, he escaped custody.”

“Did you know about his plan?” Logan says through clenched teeth.

“NO! I simply asked him if I could get him anything and he said some reading materials and that peanut butter cookies would be great.” She says innocently and sighs. “See what happens when I try to be nice to people?” She smiles trying to transmit a lighter mood over the phone.

“Uh huh.” Logan’s mood is lifting now that he knows Veronica wasn’t involved with Josh’s plan. “Was Lamb decent to you? He didn’t shove you around or anything did he? Because if he did, we might be sharing a cell when I get through with him.” Logan warns.

“No, other than parading me across campus in handcuffs, he’s been a perfect jackass.” Veronica rolls her eyes.

“Alright, well, I’ll be there in a few minutes. Do you need anything? And don’t even say peanut butter cookies.”

“Just your love. Oh and make sure my dad and Cliff know.”

“Can I arrange for my conjugal visit while I’m at the station today?” Logan smiles.

“I’m counting on it. I’ll see you when you get here.” Veronica hangs up and Logan calls Keith and Cliff as his wife instructed.


Keith and Logan arrive at the Sheriff’s department about the same time. When the two men enter the holding area Veronica is doing chin-ups on the overhead bunk bed frame, her hair is braided close to her scalp and she has a “handmade” tattoo on her left bicep.

“Please tell me you didn’t help an accused murderer escape jail.” Keith folds his arms over his chest.

Veronica jumps up from her seat on the bed and starts shadow boxing. “Yo, Pops, check it out. This girl ain’t gonna be nobody’s bitch. You better recognize.”

Keith tries to hide his chuckle.

“Nice tat.” Logan deadpans.

She smiles proudly. “I’ve had some free time. And, no, I didn’t help Josh escape.” She pauses. “Not intentionally. It turns out he’s allergic to peanuts. His plan was to take advantage of my kindness.”

“That’s got to be the first time that’s worked for anybody.” Keith jokes.

She pulls herself closer to the jail bars and makes a loud kissy sound along with overdramatic puckered lips toward Logan.

He steps to her and kisses her lips with an equally overdramatic kissy sound. He pulls back slightly then goes in again for a real kiss. This kiss is deep and powerful. Logan’s right hand extends through the bars and rests on the back of Veronica’s neck and his other hand lies on her stomach. Her right hand holds his shoulder securely pulling him closer despite the bars and the baby in between them. Keith silently looks anywhere but at his daughter and her husband kissing.

Cliff stands in the corner of the room and clears his throat loudly. Keith, Logan and Veronica look to the corner of the room.

“Clifford, something wrong?” Veronica asks as her hand drops from Logan’s shoulder when he turns to look in Cliff’s direction.

“Besides the PDA, I just remembered I need to return Caged Heat to the video store.” Cliff steps further in to the room. “You folks want to hear the good news or the bad news first?”

“I’m gonna say the good news.” Keith says.

“Josh’s cellmate and key witness to the cookie incident ate the evidence and, icing on the cake, blew a point two-one on the breathalyzer when they booked him. No way Lamb can get a conviction and he knows it.”

Logan and Keith share a glance. Veronica sighs with relief.

“Well, that sounds like great news.” Keith says with a big smile.

Cliff continues. “Um, but he’s gonna hold Veronica as long as he possibly can.”

“AAHHHHH!” Veronica yells and pounds her forehead on the bars.

Keith steps closer to his daughter. “Can I get you anything, Honey?”

Veronica’s forehead remains on the bar enclosure. “Oh, a couple cartons of smokes.”

Keith clenches his jaw not finding her joke very amusing.

“What, Dad? It’s currency on the inside.”

“Any guess where I might find Josh?” Keith questions with a professional tone.

“Mexico?” Veronica shrugs.

“So you think he did it?” Keith continues in P.I. mode.

Veronica shakes her head. “I don’t know. If he didn’t, he sure panicked quickly.”

“That was my thought too.” Keith states.

“Yeah, me too.” Logan butts into the investigators’ conversation, feeling left out.

Veronica grabs his hand through the bars and squeezes it reassuringly. Logan looks at their interlocking hands and turns toward his wife again. His eyes meet hers and they share a moment while Cliff airs his option.

“I’m just saying, my entire workday is spent sorting through my various clients’ lies. This kid? I think he’s on the up-and-up.” Cliff takes his briefcase and leaves the holding area.

“Okay, I’ve got an appointment with Dean O’Dell’s old assistant. I can’t just put his murder case on hold.” Keith says and starts to leave the room, looks at Veronica, pauses and sighs.

“What?” Veronica looks at her father puzzled. Logan continues to look at his wife’s beautiful face.

“Just… I thought this sight would be more traumatic for me, but…” Keith sighs and grins. Logan smiles.

Veronica makes a face at her dad as he leaves the young couple alone.

Logan and Veronica’s hands are still interlocked. He backs away from Veronica slightly and looks her up and down. “Are you really okay?” His voice is full of concern.

“Yeah, just lonely.” She bats her eyelashes at her husband.

“Oh, believe me, if I could break these bars down to get to you, I would.” Logan kisses her forehead softly.

“Can you bring me a pair of your sweats or maybe a pair of yoga pants for me to change into. These pants are too tight. I won’t be able to sleep in them tonight.” Veronica runs her fingers in her uncomfortable waistband.

Logan looks at her baby belly and the tight pants she squeezed into. “Sweetie, you need to take the next step and buy some maternity clothes.” He traces her whole stomach with his hand. “I don’t want you squishing the baby if it’s unnecessary.” He squats down to the baby’s level and kisses Veronica’s stomach. “Is Mommy restricting you, Baby?” He places his ear on her stomach as if the baby will answer his question.

Veronica’s fingers work through Logan’s hair.

“You know, Mommy is in a little bit of trouble right now.” Logan continues his one-sided conversation with his child. “She sometimes gets herself into these sticky situations. I’m counting on you, Baby, to get Mommy to calm down and be more careful. Can you do that for Daddy?”

Veronica rolls her eyes and massages Logan’s head with her fingertips.

“I love you, Baby. And Mommy and Daddy are going to see you soon.” Logan glances up at Veronica’s face quickly. “As soon as Mommy gets out of the clink. We’re going to see you swimming around in Mommy’s belly. Daddy loves you, Baby.” He kisses his wife’s belly again and stands to look into her eyes again.

“Mr. Echolls?” An officer calls from the doorway.

Logan looks over his shoulder. “Yeah.”

“Time’s up, Sir.” The officer says authoritatively.

Veronica moans.

Logan turns back to the tiny blonde one. “I guess I have to go schedule my conjugal visit now.” He wiggles his eyebrows and moves his hand on the jail bar up and down suggestively.

Veronica grabs his chin with her hands, reaching around the bars, and pulls his lips to hers. “I love you. I love you so much.”

Logan can hear the fear in Veronica’s voice. “Sweetie, it’s alright. I’ll be back as soon as I can. Cliff will stop in. I’ll tell Wallace and Mac to come by too.” He kisses her lightly on the lips. “You’ll be fine. You’re gonna get out of here in a couple hours.”

Veronica looks at Logan, her husband and her rock, with anxiety-filled eyes. He was going to walk out of the room and she was going to be alone in this cold, dirty jail cell. Her hearts starts to beat rapidly and her chest tightens. Oh my God, Veronica settle yourself down. It will only be a few hours. Lamb doesn’t have a conviction. She slows her breathing. It must be this place. These bars locking out my freedom. Every person that’s ever been in jail has probably felt like this; pathetic, vulnerable, helpless.

“Mr. Echolls.” The officer bellows again.

Logan kisses Veronica a long, deep, passionate kiss that makes her weak in the knees. He breaks the kiss and touches his forehead with hers. “I love you. I’ll be back soon with more comfortable clothes.” He lifts their interlocked hands and kisses each of her knuckles and backs away from the jail cell. Their eyes never leave each other’s. As he backs up and his hand drops from hers, he sees the love of his life wipe tears from her eyes. His heart breaks into a million pieces at the sight. He blows her a kiss, turns and leaves the room.

Veronica sits on the bottom bunk and cries.


Logan is picking through his clothes in a middle drawer of his dresser. Think Logan think. What would fit Ronnie? He abandons the dresser and heads for the closet. Sweats? Shorts? No, she’d freeze in shorts. Pajama pants? Oh, board shorts. He holds up an old pair of board shorts that are a little too snug for his liking. Perfect. He laughs. Yeah, perfectly down to her ankles. He throws the board shorts on the bed and continues his search.

“Hmm.” He ponders the pajama pants he has in his hands. They are dark grey with a million Guiness beer logos all over them. He shakes his no. “Nah.”

Logan is deep in his hunt for clothing for Veronica to wear in jail when Dick strolls into the bedroom. “So, the old lady is in lock-up.” Dick says more as a statement than a question.

“Yeah.” Logan is on his tiptoes looking through his folded sweat pants on the top shelf. Frustrated at his lack of Veronica-sized apparel, he drops his hands with a big sigh and leans against the wall looking at Dick, who has made himself comfortable on the Echolls’ bed. “Do you have any sweats that are too small? Maybe something a girl left in your room?”

Dick questions Logan with his eyes. “I knew you always admired me for my keen fashion sense, but girl’s clothes? Does Ronnie know or is this our little secret?”

Logan rolls his eyes. “The clothes are for Veronica, you Douche. Her clothes are getting too tight and we haven’t gone shopping for maternity stuff yet.”

“I guess you’re not gonna be seeing any black lacy panties or garters anytime soon, huh?” Dick contemplates the horror. “Dude, the fuckin’ sucks balls.”

“Yeah, well, right now I would just like to find my wife something that isn’t fucking squeezing the baby so much that it leaves marks on her skin. Can you help or not?” Logan barks.

“It might be your lucky fucking day, Dude.” Dick says over his shoulder as he leaves Logan’s room for his own room, obviously having something in mind.

Logan collects the board shorts and a pair of Veronica’s yoga pants heading for the door via Dick’s room. He steps in his friend’s bedroom to find Dick halfway under his bed.

Logan chuckles. “Do you keep all your clothes under your bed?” He pauses when Dick doesn’t respond. “I’m heading out, did you find anything yet?”

“Yeah.” Dick says muffled. He slides out from under the bed and rolls onto his back, looking up at Logan towering over him. “I found these.” Dick swings a pair of red lacy panties around his index finger with glee. “I flung these across the room when Kerri was over last week, hoping she would forget them.” He tilts his head in deep thought. “Or was it Shari?” He smells the panties and grins. “Who the fuck cares, they’re mine now.”

Logan clenches his jaw trying not to flip out at his friend. “Great. Thanks for nothing.” He turns to leave.

“Wait!” Dick snaps. “These aren’t for Ronnie…” He twirls the panties on his finger again. “…these are.” He throws a pair of girl’s sweatpants at Logan’s head.

Logan catches the sweats easily and sniffs them with a wrinkled nose. “These weren’t under the bed too, were they? ‘Cause I don’t think my wife would want to wear some skanky girl’s dirty sweatpants.

“No, they’re clean. I think Holly left them here and housekeeping picked them up and washed them. They’ve been in my closet for months.”

“Cool. I’m out.” Logan says as he leaves the Suite.

Dick stumbles to get off the floor quickly and runs after Logan. He jumps into the elevator before the doors close. Logan looks at Dick questioning his actions with his eyes.

Dick shrugs. “What? I’m bored and you never know when I’m gonna need to blackmail Ronnie.”


Keith walks in to the holding cell area and sees Veronica lying on the bottom bunk staring at the bottom of the other bunk above her head, her arms are elevating her head in a pillow-like way.

“Did you bug Hank Landry’s phone?” Keith asks in his stern, P.I. I-mean-business voice.

She swings her legs over the side of the bed, rising to a sitting position on the bed and processes Keith’s words. “Wait, what?”

“He just came storming into the office, saying he found a bug in his cell phone, asking me if I planted it. I didn’t it. Did you?”


Keith stares at his daughter.

“Really, come on, Dad.” She holds her hands out with her palms up. Veronica pauses for a second analyzing Keith’s expression. She draws a circle around her head with her finger. “This is the face of truth.”

“Yeah, that played better in a different context. But, okay, I’m a sucker. I believe you.”

Veronica gets up from the bed slowly stretching her arms as she stands and walks toward the bars.

“Word of advice: you might want to start looking for a new mentor.”

Her jaw drops. “Wait. He suspected me?”

“Vigorously. Though he emphasized that it was my bad influence, that you’re a sharp kid, just a bit misguided.

Veronica looks off to the side thinking. “The movie. He knew why I asked about Kiss Kiss Bang Bang.”

“You want to pick at his alibi, you should have asked him about the Clippers game that night. Men routinely accept the idea that women don’t know sports. That’s just a… mentoring sample, for if you’re interested.”

Veronica tilts her head and narrows her eyes with a slight annoyance for her father. Keith over-exaggerates a cheesy smile and points to himself.

Keith’s face turns serious again. “You didn’t bug him?”

Veronica shakes her head to emphasize her answer. “No.”

“When I was at the Barry’s house earlier, I saw their stack of mail sitting on the counter.” Keith’s eyes meet Veronica’s. “There was a bill from Vinnie Van Lowe.”

Veronica’s eyebrows rise encouraging her father to continue.

“I asked Vinnie about it when I ran into him as I was leaving. He was dropping off some Nigerian fraud guy.” Keith shakes his head and waves his hand to stress it isn’t important. “Anyway, Mrs. Barry hired him about a month ago to find out if her husband was cheating on her. He didn’t get a money shot but he got a photo of Coach Barry getting friendly with an attractive married lady in a parking lot.”

Veronica’s eyebrows rise further.

“He said he’d send me the photo.” Keith states.

“Hmm, I’d like to see that photo too.” Veronica thinks out loud.

“I spoke to Cyrus O’Dell’s assistant this morning.”

“Someone’s been a busy boy.” Veronica snarks.

“She told me Mel Stoltz showed up without an appointment on December tenth. She said she didn’t know who he was until he left but the Dean was visibly agitated by Stoltz’s visit.”

“Isn’t that interesting.” Veronica churns the Keith’s new information in her head.

“Cora was a wealth of tidbits. She also said that Dean O’Dell was out of Xanax and she called in his prescription to the pharmacy but she didn’t know if he ever picked up the prescription.” Keith explains.

“Did you call the pharmacy?” Veronica questions eagerly.

Keith smiles proudly. “As a matter-of-fact I did.”


“…And Mindy O’Dell picked up the prescription.”

“Well, well, well.” Veronica walks circles in her cell mentally organizing all of the new facts. “So, according to the toxicology report, Dean had Xanax and alcohol in this system.” Her head shoots up and looks at her father. “That puts Mindy O’Dell with the Dean at some point after the assistant left for the evening.” She looks up at her father to ask another question.

Keith answers her question before she has the chance to ask. “I already talked to Lamb and he’s bringing Mindy in for questioning and they are going to dust everything for prints.” Keith smiles proudly at his investigating.

“Wow. I should sit in jail more often.” Veronica chuckles but Keith doesn’t find any humor in her joke.

Keith smacks his lips in a kissing gesture toward his daughter and exits the cell area. As he’s leaving the Sheriff’s department he passes Logan and Dick walking toward the holding cells.

Logan nods a greeting. “Mr. Mars.”

Keith shakes Logan’s hand. “I told you before, you’ve married my daughter, it’s Keith now.”

Dick steps forward and offers his hand to Logan’s father-in-law. “Keith.”

Keith’s smile fades from his face as he shakes Dick’s offered hand. “It’s Mr. Mars to you, Dick.”

Logan grins wide and Dick bows his head. Keith chuckles stepping past the two friends and clapping Dick’s shoulder with his hand in a friendly way. Logan and Dick proceed down the hall to the holding cell area.

Veronica is walking circles in her cell. She steps a foot in each tile of the linoleum floor with her head down deep in thought.

“I love what you’ve done with the place.” Logan says loudly as he and Dick walk closer to the cell.

Her head pops up at the sound of the love of her life’s voice. “Logan.” She coos and walks up to the bars for a welcome kiss. She notices Dick standing behind Logan and furrows her brow. “…and Dick?” She looks at Logan for an explanation.

Logan leans in and kisses his wife forcefully. He breaks their kiss and touches his forehead to her forehead, staring into Veronica’s eyes. “He was bored.” Logan says softly. “I’ve missed you terribly.” He kisses the tip of her nose and steps back. “I brought you a few clothing options.” He hands Veronica the clothing through the bars looking down at the clothes in hand then back to his wife. “Deputy approved, of course.”

Veronica takes the clothes out of Logan’s hands examining it closely. “I’m surprised Lamb didn’t want to try it on first.”

“He did.” Dick pipes up.

Veronica glances at Dick quickly. “Oh God, I hope your kidding.” She holds up the board shorts then the yoga pants and finally the woman’s sweatpants. “These aren’t mine. Where did you get these?” She turns to her husband waiting for his clarification.

“They’re Molly’s.” Dick says with a smile.

Logan looks at Dick then to Veronica. “Holly’s.” Logan corrects.

“Holly, right. Holly’s.” Dick nods in agreement.

“Do I know Holly?” Veronica questions the two men standing on the other side of the bars.

“She was the really smokin’ hot chick from that frat party.” Dick describes as if it is obvious.

Veronica looks to Logan for an answer. “She was only around for a week or two. You probably don’t know her.”

“Are these clean?” She looks at the sweatpants, turning them to look at the front then the back and the front again.

“Yeah, she left them in my room and housekeeping washed them.” Dick says.

“Hmm.” Veronica weighs her choices in garments. “I would go with the board shorts but it’s kind of cold in here. So I think I’m going with Holly’s sweats.” She smiles at Dick and Logan, throws the clothes on the bunk and walks to the bars. She puts her hand on top of Logan’s, which is resting on the crossbar.

“Sweet.” Dick proclaims looking around the holding area. His eyes lock on the toilet to the side of the room in full view of the entire holding area. He points at the toilet and laughs. “You have to use that? There?”

Veronica and Logan tear their eyes away from each other and follow Dick’s finger to the toilet.

“Not if I can help it. I’m thinking of bribing Sacks to escort me to the Ladies room down the hall.”

“I’ll talk to him when we leave.” Logan smiles at his wife. “God, you’re beautiful.” His fingertips trace her cheekbones and her jaw line. He moves as close to the bars as he can. She pushes her body up against his squishing her belly tight against the bars. “Can we have our conjugal visit now?” He waggles his eyebrows at her suggestively.

She smiles and squeezes his hand tenderly. “I need someone to keep me warm in this cold cell. Think you can shimmy through the bars, Echolls?”

“Lamb didn’t let you keep the handcuffs did he, Bobcat?” Logan is speaking softly touching his nose to her nose gently.

“Afraid not, Babe.” She mocks disappointment.

“So, what do you do all day in the brink, Ronnie?” Dick’s voice interrupts the couple’s moment. He is still looking around the room in amazement.

“I gave myself a tattoo.” She pulls her sleeve up to show off her, now smeared, artwork.

“Any sexy cellmate lovin’?” Dick shakes his shoulders suggestively.

Veronica glares at Dick. “Um, I think you need a cellmate for that.”

“How are you feeling? Do you need anything else?” Logan asks in a comforting voice.

“There is one thing you could do for me, if you’re heading back to campus.” She bats her eyelashes at her husband. Logan nods. “Get my wireless card back from the deputy and give it to Mac. She said she needs it for a thing tonight.”

“Mr. Echolls? Times up.” A deputy bellows from the doorway.

“Arg. Okay, no tears this time.” Logan looks deeply into Veronica’s eyes. “That broke my heart.” He kisses her forehead with a long, soft kiss. She closes her eyes and savors his touch. “I love you.” He whispers and plants a long, slow, deep kiss on her mouth.

“Alright, enough already. It’s not like she’s goin’ to the gas chamber or anything.” Dick tugs on Logan’s arm.

Logan ends their kiss and winks at Veronica, stepping away from the jail cell.

Dick holds his cell phone up and grins brightly. “Say cheese.” He snaps a picture.

Veronica gives Dick a look that could burn through his skin.

“I’m not afraid of you, there are bars in between us. Bye Ronnie.” Dick chimes as he leaves the room. Logan grins at Dick as he passes to exit then locks eyes with Veronica.

“Oh, you wait Casablancas. I’m gonna taser your ass.” Veronica yells to Dick’s retreating figure.

Veronica waves at Logan when he turns and leaves.


Parker opens the dorm room door to see Logan and Dick standing in the hallway. “Logan… and Dick.” Her voice lowers with Dick’s name.

“Hey, Uh, is Mac around?” Logan asks nicely.

“Yeah, come in.” Parker whisks her arm to the side as an invitation for the guys to enter the dorm room.

Logan and Dick walk in the dorm room where Mac and Bronson are sitting on Mac’s bed. Bronson is listening to the messages on his phone.

“Hey.” Mac greets Logan. She looks around Logan to address Dick. “Sorry about Friday night. I hope you got my message.” Dick gives Mac a confused look. “You know, video games and pizza, Friday night? I left you a message.”

Dick nods in understanding. “Right. Um, yeah, I got your message. That’s okay…” He swallows and bows his head. “…I was out of town anyway.”

“Getting married.” Logan beams with this juicy tidbit of gossip.

“WHAT?!” Mac screams. Parker comes to Mac’s side of the room to be involved in this conversation. Bronson watches the friends interact with his brow squished in a confused way.

“Fuck, Logan. Why did you say that, Dickhead.” Dick punches Logan’s arm solidly.

Logan rubs his arm where Dick’s punch landed. “I can’t keep something that big to myself forever.”

Dick looks at Mac, Bronson and Parker’s inquiring faces. “I took a girl to Vegas, we were drunk, we got married and now we’re getting divorced. End of story.” Dick punches Logan again in the same spot as before for good measure.

Parker analyzes the two men standing in front of her for a second. She wiggles her index finger between Dick and Logan quickly. “So you two are both married men.” She points out with a big grin.

Mac grins and continues the ribbing. “But, you’re…” She points to Logan. “…married to the woman you feel in love with when you were twelve and the mother of your child.” She points to Dick. “Him, not so much.” Everyone laughs except for Dick.

Logan hands Mac the wireless card. “Veronica asked me to bring you this.”

“Performing a favor from a jail cell? The girl has serious friendship skills.” Mac throws the wireless card on her desk.

Bronson closes his phone disgruntled. Everyone’s attention goes to Bronson. “Jason can’t do it either. He’s out of town.”

“Oh, sorry. Bronson, this is Logan and Dick. Logan is married to Veronica, she’s in jail right now and Dick is married to some nameless woman.” Mac introduces.

“Hey, so you’re the PHAT guy?” Logan asks Bronson. Bronson nods.

“He’s not skinny but I wouldn’t say he’s fat. Manners, Dude, geez.” Dick mumbles behind Logan’s shoulder.

Logan rolls his eyes at Dick’s ignorance. “P-H-A-T phat, not obese fat.”

Dick nods in understanding but not really understanding Logan’s definition.

Parker looks Logan up and down and then shares a glance with Mac. Mac nods her head once and smiles.

“Logan, what are you doing tonight?” Parker asks overly sweet.

“I have a paper I have to finish and then I’m going to go pick up Veronica as soon as she’s released.”

“Dick?” Parker chirps.

“Parker?” Dick eyes Parker.

“Can we, like, borrow you?” Parker asks with a big bright, toothy smile.

“Mmm, sounds sexy.” Dick thrusts his hips a few times. “Will we be naked?” Dick wiggles his eyebrows at Parker.

“Um, NO!” Parker says firmly. “But it will be fun.”

“What kind of fun can you have when you’re not naked?” Dick questions.

“Trust us.” Mac says confidently.

“Okay, well then, make sure Dick gets home safely.” Logan pats Dick on the top of the head like a dog and leaves the dorm room.

“Bastard.” Dick punches in Logan’s direction as he leaves but Logan moves away from the punch quickly.


“Weevil?” Veronica asks surprised to see the ex-leader of the PCHers standing in the middle of the Sheriff’s department reception area. “What brings you here?” She signs a few sheets of paper and pushes the papers toward Inga across the desk with a smile.

“I’m paying a parking ticket. You?” Weevil questions.

“You mean you didn’t see Lamb drag me across campus in handcuffs this morning?” Veronica replies calmly. Weevil lifts his eyebrows.

“Oh, yeah, that was a lot of fun. I was just released.” Veronica tilts her head. “Could you give a girl a ride home?”

“I have my bike, V. Brand new, right off the showroom floor.” He smiles at the thought.


“Um, well, I don’t know if you’ve noticed but your pregnant.” Weevil speaks slowly drawing the last two words out for emphasis.

Veronica waves his concerns off with a wild flap of her hand. “No problemo, amigo.”

Weevil shakes his head knowing she will be going home on his bike and punches will probably be thrown before this evening is over.


Veronica hurls her leg over the back of Weevil’s new bike. “Sweet ride. It’s nicer than your old one.”

He hands her her messenger bag. “Thanks. V, you sure about this?” Veronica throws the strap of her messenger bag over her one shoulder and positions the overstuffed bag comfortably in behind her back.

“Yep.” She tightens the strap on her helmet and stares at Weevil waiting for him to get moving. “Come on, chop chop. I’ve got places to go.”

Weevil takes a deep breath to calm his nerves and sits on his bike adjusting his sunglasses.

The motorcycle’s engine roars in action and Veronica tightens her grip on Weevil’s waist.

Part 22

could this be happening?, logan/veronica, vmfic

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