In answer to this week's Top 10 Tuesday, here are ten books I really want to reread. I've limited the list to books I have only read one time but really enjoyed.
The same thing happened with me with The Count of Monte Cristo; I read an abridged version in school, and found it very fascinating! But I never got around to reading the original thing. Your list was a great reminder! Happy Re-reading!!
I think I'm intimidated by Umberto Eco - his books look like work, or something, I dunno but I've never had any interest in trying any beyond mild curiosity.
I would say that Eco definitely requires a significant mental commitment. However, The Name of the Rose is incredibly rich in ideas and provides a lot of food for thought. So in my opinion, it's worth a read -- but I haven't tried anything else by Eco yet, and I doubt I will anytime soon!
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