I have read about this kind of thing before. It makes me think of the man in the tombs. Those who don't think demon possession happens today . . . yeah . . . . This is also a good example of the kind of immorality and demonic craziness that we are going to see increase in these last days of the last days.
http://www.worldnetdaily.com/news/article.asp?ARTICLE_ID=47150While Halloween party-goers and 'trick or treaters' dress up to look 'mutilated' or 'bizarre,' countless Americans are caught up with real-life mutilation and beyond - outlandish practices stranger and darker than the most imaginative Halloween costumes."
What sorts of practices?
First there's sex. Kupelian exposes how "there seem to be neither boundaries nor taboos anymore when it comes to sex. Anything goes - from heterosexual to homosexual to bi, trans-, poly-, and you-don't-want-to-know sexual experiences." One such sexual experience that pushes the extreme end of the envelope is "bug-chasing." "Very simply," writes Kupelian, "bug-chasers are people for whom getting infected with the AIDS virus is the ultimate sexual experience. You heard it right: The main focus of their lives is to seek out sexual encounters that will infect them with HIV."
· Body piercing has "progressed from traditional earrings for females, to earrings for males, to multiple piercings for both males and females in literally every part of the body - the tongue, nose, eyebrow, lip, cheek, navel, breasts, genitals - again, things you really don't want to know."
· Then there's the national epidemic of self-mutilation, or "cutting" as it is commonly referred to. Countless young Americans, mostly girls, purposely cut their own bodies with razors and knives to obtain relief from emotional conflict.
· Tattooing and piercing are just the tip of the "body modification" iceberg. "Ritual scarification and 3D-art implants are big. So are genital beading, stretching and cutting, transdermal implants, scrotal implants, tooth art, and facial sculpture."
· "How about hanging from your skin by hooks?" asks Kupelian "It's called 'suspension.' In literally any other context, this would be considered gruesome torture. But to many people who frequent suspension parties, it's a spiritual experience."
· Tongue-splitting is also considered by some to be a positive, spiritual experience. According to Body Modification Ezine, a major online "body mod" site: "The tongue is one of the most immense nervous structures in your body. We have incredibly fine control over it and we receive massive feedback from it. When you dramatically alter its structure and free yourself of the physical boundaries your biology imposes, in some people it triggers a larger freeing on a spiritual level."
There's more. Read the article.
Ansering questions before they are asked section:
Do I think tattoos are demonic? Nope. I don’t care if you have a tattoo at all.
Do I think that piercing are demonic. Nope. Not usually. I don’t’ think there is anything at all wrong with a belly ring or nose ring or whatever is you want one. I don’t want one, but so what. I do think when piercing are self-mutilating, that may be demonic, but would have to be something judged on an individual bases. My first reaction would be to not think so.
Cutting is without a doubt demonic. That is “ man in the tombs” stuff. There is no doubt at all that is demonic. Does that mean the person who cuts himself or herself are possesses with devils or is that person just tormented by demons? It could be either. That is something that must be judged individually. Frankly it doesn’t matter. The cure is the same. Jesus sets people free from devils. The cure is the cross no matter what. I would just point such a person to Jesus with full confidence that he can cure whatever is wrong here.
Now I know that there will be people upset with that notion. That’s happens. It is not cruel to point out this kind of thing. We have a cure. Point them to the cross. If I knew someone who is a cutter, I’m not even sure I would mention demons when talking to them. I would rebuke those evil spirits in my prayers, but I would point the individual to Jesus. That’s the cure. Opinions I would like to hear. Those who are all upset with me for whatever, normally it is the “you hateful nasty person” few, talk among yourselves.
Folks, we really don’t take demonic activity as seriously as we should. Demons are very active today especially among those who are not born again. We need to know and understand that if we are going to be of any use to Jesus or them.