Gwaith i Innas Lain: Quenta Ando Rauco 1/4 (SPN/Silmarillion, AU, Gen)

Jan 28, 2014 12:13

Well, here I am again with another epic repost! As you’ll eventually see, it does fit with this month’s theme of “making all things new”-but Our Heroes have miles to go before they get there. As I did with Crusaders, I’ll put up a master post for both stories when I finish. I also have a glossary and character list for this AU on my website ( ( Read more... )

rating: pg-13, fandom: supernatural, author: ramblin_rosie, genre: supernatural adventure

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Comments 2

laughtersmelody January 29 2014, 04:12:20 UTC
This is wonderful so far! I'm not familiar with Silmarillion, and know only a little about LOTR, but as always your writing is terrific, and I was able to gather the information I needed from the story itself. I'm very intrigued, and I love Outside POVs of the Winchesters, so I'm enjoying this one immensely. :D

I look forward to the next part!



ramblin_rosie February 1 2014, 15:34:13 UTC
Thank you! :) I do try to frame my crossovers in such a way that someone who doesn't know one of the fandoms can still enjoy it, so I'm glad it worked here. :)


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