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Comments 2

laughtersmelody June 19 2013, 05:54:19 UTC
“Normal?! In what universe is having your ancestors grabbed out of the past considered normal?! Not to mention the archangel godfather thing-”

LOL! The Winchester universe. ;)

One eyebrow went up. “Do I have to pull rank, Corporal?”

*own eyebrows go up*

And he hadn’t been. Amanda was his first, last, and only love, and they’d succeeded in waiting for marriage.

It's so nice to hear that! :)

Cas reached into his trench coat pocket and produced an FBI badge as if he did it every day. “Agent Moscone, FBI. I believe the Lawrence police were already informed of our operation.”

LOL! Dean's lessons from the other universe stuck, lol!

“So... maybe they could come to the wedding?”

Mom and Dad gasped, Dean whooped, and Jess planted a huge kiss on Sam.

*is grinning widely*

I look forward to the next part!


ramblin_rosie June 20 2013, 04:26:06 UTC
Thanks! I truly think that even in canon, what Dean really wants but has convinced himself he can't have/doesn't deserve is a lifelong relationship with one woman. In an AU where their home life is stable and Mary doesn't die? Yeah, I think he'd not only have a childhood sweetheart but also marry her sooner or later.
And yay for Sam getting his Jess! :D


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