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Comments 2

laughtersmelody June 19 2013, 05:06:58 UTC
Oh, fine. Hold on.

And then the idiot actually started playing muzak. Meg beat the back of her borrowed head against the brick wall behind her and started planning creative ways to get back at him.

*falls over laughing* That's *SO* Crowley, lol.

Dean could see where this was headed, and there wasn’t time. “HEY!” he barked in his best command voice.

Oddly enough, angels jumped to about as well as his Marines did.


“Can’t say I blame you. I mean, he was your father. He should have protected you.”

Oh, it's so ironic to hear John say that, considering what could have been. Great echo of the show too!

She was not expecting the weedy blond redneck with sleepy eyes and a long mullet, who greeted her with an appreciative whistle and a “Helloooo, nurse!”

Jess threw holy water in his face.


“No, honey, it’s tofu,” Mary teased and brushed a kiss on his cheek. “Of course you smell bacon.”


Fantastic work as always! :)


ramblin_rosie June 19 2013, 05:22:49 UTC
Thanks! :) I think those are all among my favorite jokes from this chapter. ;) And yes, as ironic as that conversation was in canon, it's even more so in this 'verse.


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