No, no pretty script.
Following on from
the angry post of etc I had an interesting experience on Friday Night.
A couple of fillies. Pretty ones too. Just got chatting etc. Turns out neither were single, and they were just being friendly ( which is fine obviously ), but... There was a glimmer of hope there for a mo'.
I know, a healing thing hath happened. My heart is starting to open up again.
So much better than the 'things' I had to put up with in Croydon. Anyway...
As I sat there thinking 'what if' ( I know, belief again! ) I was reminded of what Financial Stuff I have to deal with.
Don't get me wrong, all my Bank Accounts have auto-pilot. As long as the money shows up everything works ( which is why I haven't been overdrawn in over a decade now. I am ex-Bank Staff after all ), but...
If I meet a lass, and we spend a year happy etc, then shacking up might be on the cards ( obviously ).
At that point I get to keep my DLA/ PIP, and that's it, if she has a job that pays more than £10k pa. I get to keep ~£250 at best, plus what little I am able to earn.
Remember, I have busted legs AND a busted head. It's not 'all in the mind' or whatever rationale is now being applied by the local idiots. I do agree that 'a little nudge' can help someone get back into work ( fair play ), but this govt doesn't do 'little nudges'. Even if I found a job that was heavily shielded ( so my head stayed steady ) I would still have the 'legs thang' as well as the fatigue of managing an injured head. It would still be double-bubble.
I'd be looking at part-time at best, and most likely I'd be exhausted all the time.
IDS designed this as a financial thing that ignores medical evidence. My ESA is revoked based on what she earns, NOT based on my medical state. We might be able to keep some Housing Benefit, but not much. Council Tax Benefit will be the same. Squishy-squishy.
A life exhausted and in pain because I found love is...
Well, it's not much to look forward to is it? Remember, with Universal Credit the Tax Credits bit will be smaller ( if I can get that at all ). That's where the cut is hidden, so...
Perma-skint. Perma-knackered. Perma-pain.
The only way to avoid that is not to co-habit.
That's on top of ESA constantly nudging me to get a job ( that I can't do due to how my injuries bounce off of each other in such a bad way ).
So once again I am looking at a 'no future' situation. I'll never be rich ( injury stops play ), have limited dating chances ( injury stops play ), and if I do meet a decent one then I am looking at not being able to co-habit ( injury stops play ).
Why is my injury being used to justify this cruelty? I do suspect Eugenics still.
I'm only 40, and my life is effectively over now. Work, sleep, eat your ration, repeat. My injury is held against me at EVERY opportunity, even though that is discrimination.
I get about £12 a week for social stuff. PER WEEK. It's like being in an Open bloody Prison. My £12 is my day-pass for once a week...
It's not exactly useful.
Still, those ladies were a lot politer and fairer than the Croydon Trash.
Bromley does have it's crack-heads, don't get me wrong, but... They don't control anything in Bromley ( unlike in Croydon ). Bromley IS safer. But this Govt remains, well, same old same old. They're just too extreme in what they do. At my level, well, you can see how I have to live.
It's difficult to be positive under this kind of horse-whipping. The fact they're horse-whipping injured people should be a warning bell obviously.